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Everything posted by Aelfhe1m

  1. Stick in a :HAS and it works with just ISRU. i.e. //Add the planetary ISRU to satisfy the base contracts @Contracts { @Base { @PART_REQUEST:HAS[#Part[ISRU]] { Part = KKAOSS_ISRU_g } @CREW_REQUEST:HAS[#Part[ISRU]] { Part = KKAOSS_ISRU_g } } @Station { @PART_REQUEST:HAS[#Part[ISRU]] { Part = KKAOSS_ISRU_g } @CREW_REQUEST:HAS[#Part[ISRU]] { Part = KKAOSS_ISRU_g } } } Edit: to specify both ISRUs using the following worked in my test :HAS[#Part[ISRU],#Part[MiniISRU]]
  2. You launched the 32 bit version of KSP and then ran out of RAM (OutOfMemoryException near end of log). Adding large mods needs you to run the 64bit version of KSP.
  3. The various folders (OMS, MultiPurposeParts, Kemini etc) are supposed to be in GameData/NehemiahInc. Installing directly to GameData will break the model and texture file paths and prevent the parts from loading.
  4. Try taking a look at Throttle Controlled Avionics' code. It controls engine throttles by adjusting their thrust limiters.
  5. @ShiningNeedle First of all please don't just copy/paste logs into the forum - it causes bloat and performance issues for many users. Post them on a file sharing service like DropBox and post a link in the forum. As to your issue. I can't see how MM would affect this. All MM patching is long since done when you get to the editor. Your log shows no MM related errors, but there are a lot of FAR related ones - major one being missing ModularFlightIntegrator. Also note FAR is not yet released for 1.3 and it is not recommended to try the dev version unless you're confident you know what you're doing and are capable of troubleshooting your install.
  6. @Psychokiller1888 The X => Y toggles all work in the same basic way: X is the current setting and Y is what it will change to when you click the button. The next and prev. buttons below the option will cause Y to cycle through the available options then you can click the X => Y button to set the option you want. (They are separate because once you are in flight it will cost you MK and SP to change them). If you look in the PAW you can also see a line that says something like: "S1 Active Separator: Dirt" that also shows what the current (X) setting is. [Crusher] and [Smelter] are for setting up these parts to improve the efficiency of some of the larger Duna/Tundra parts that benefit from smelters or crushers rather than creating anything themselves. Fertilizer (G) is indeed the "make fertilizer from gypsum" option - others you'll see include (D) for dirt, (S) for substrate, (M) for minerals - you can see the various options listed in the part menus detail pane.
  7. Try removing the :AFTER[Squad] from the first patch. :AFTER[] statements are processed in alphabetic order so so the second patch will not run because the part is created during :AFTER[Squad] but it's trying to modify it during :AFTER[MacLuky]
  8. @Vorg I think SpecializedParts gets abbreviated because it's 16 characters long. All the other MKS and Stock resources are 15 characters or less. If you don't like the Sp abbreviation (which seems to be auto-generated from the name) then you can add an MM patch to change it. For example: @RESOURCE_DEFINITION[SpecializedParts] { %abbreviation = Spec.Parts }
  9. Two ways: @value ^= :$:extrastuff: // uses regular expression syntax @value = #$value$extrastuff e.g. using second method for your example @PART[C3_Kontainer_01] { @MODULE[FSfuelSwitch] { @resourceNames = #$resourceNames$;MetalOre;Metal;RocketParts;ScrapMetal @resourceAmounts = #$resourceAmounts$;2000;2000;2000;2000 @initialResourceAmounts = #$initialResourceAmounts$;0;0;0;0 // Always use 0, start empty @tankCost = #$tankCost$;2602;19210;3490;1258 // Total resource cost when full plus container cost } }
  10. Hover your mouse where the "crew hatch" tooltip appears then left-click. A dialog will appear with EVA and Transfer options. This is a stock function that should work with any crew hatch.
  11. There's no IVA unfortunately but there is a crew hatch at the tower end of the gantry so that you can EVA your Kerbals and have them walk across to board the capsule.
  12. @Vorg OSE uses configuration files to define the "recipes" for making parts. The default configuration is to just require MK but other mods can modify this or add extra requirements. USI MKS for example overwrites the default recipe with one that requires both MK and SP (you can find it in the file GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Patches/OSE.cfg - the first block changes the recipe). Individual parts and resources are also able to define recipes for their construction (the default resource recipes for ablator and solid fuel require ore so making a heat shield would need MK + Ore).
  13. @DDE Your installed copies of DMModuleScienceAnimateGeneric and firespitter are out of date - get the latest versions here and here.
  14. @cinderous The Ranger line has a sifter and a crush-o-matic you need both to convert dirt to fertilizer (plus storage for dirt, gypsum and fertilizer).
  15. With the current model perhaps, but there have been serious studies done into using rotating habitats on low-g surfaces to augment the perceived gravity experienced by inhabitants. Mostly in the form of a slowly rotating bowl rather than a torus though.
  16. With just USI-LS the mini ISRU will convert ore to fertilizer. If you have MKS then you can also make fertilizer from gypsum or minerals (or dirt using via the sifter to get gypsum/minerals). Fertilizer + Mulch => Supplies, so changing mulch into fertilizer would defeat the purpose of having it as an additional requirement.
  17. KCT also creates a queue for facility upgrades (visible in the tech tab of the KCT window). When you request an upgrade to the launch pad it will briefly flicker to level 2 before being caught by KCT and added to its queue. Once work is complete it will upgrade itself to level 2. Until that work is complete it will continue to have the level 1 stats and limitations.
  18. There're always logs (unless you take active steps to disable them):
  19. I've just reached the stage in my current career game where I'm planning to start using EL and I've started writing a balance patch for MKS with KD/EL. I'll post it here when I'm finished. Things I plan to change: Unify dry-mass and cost of empty tanks to be same across all cargo types (currently varies wildly) Balance contents so that KD-T1251FS tank holds same amount of resources as two 1.25m flat Kontainer Tanks. (look about same size in VAB) Use all MKS resource chain cargo types, remove rocket parts, scrap metal and replace metal ore with metallic ore (assumes MKS EL patch for MK based production) Change 3D printer, chemical reactor and furnaces to use USI style resource converters Add USI-LS resources/hab/recyclers to crewed parts where I feel they are appropriate
  20. You should be able to just change the values but it's possible there's a mod patch somewhere that's also setting them to it's choice of values overwriting your changes. Instead I add my own patch like: @KISConfig:FINAL { @EvaPickup { @maxDistance = 10 @grabMaxMass = 3 } } (just copy this into a text file and save it in GameData (or a sub-folder) with a .cfg file extension)
  21. Just noticed the version number in your picture is showing - the current version is This suggests the buildID64.txt file is missing from your KSP folder. I just did a test and if this file is missing then the watermark is always shown irrespective of the setting for "Display version watermark..."
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