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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. I have TweakScale installed for RO/RSS through CKAN. I don't adjust any of the configs though. Maybe the difference from the ground to what the drill thinks is the ground is very different. Not sure where logs are.
  2. well for the electricity bug, i think it was because I had the apollo/lunar science instruments from KAS mod (I think?). when I take them off the vehicle, the bug stopped. they generate and use electricity at the same time, according to the description. it was also weird because sometimes the laser ablator and hydrogen sampler would work on the 2nd or 3rd try on a simple vehicle with the KAS instruments, but not with a complicated vehicle. and some other times a complicated vehicle with both those 2 instrumnts and KAS instruments might work if i add 6 or 8 station-sized solar panels. but anyway i think it has something to do with the stock bug for electricity, made worse by the KAS instruments. for the surface analyzer drill, i place it like in the photo in the first page. i tried it with various heights but didnt' work. i can still run resource analysis and system check but can't do the drill part. the surface analyzer drill did work for me with 32 bit ksp windows and interstellar mod. it doesn't work for me in 32 bit ksp windows and RO/RSS or 64 bit ksp linux with RO/RSS. i have a screenshot of trying it out on 32bit RO/RSS windows. basic probe core with a procedural fuel tank full of electricity. it's about 4m tall.
  3. anyone getting these 2 bugs. 1st is the surface analyzer keeps saying something like drill cannot impact surface at this distance, no matter where i put the instrument. it worked on 32 bit windows KSP with interstellar extended. right now i'm using 64bit realism overhaul with real solar system in ubuntu. and then the instruments that draw energy for a few seconds, laser ablator and the hydrogen sample thing, they kept saying not enough electrical charge even though batteries are full and i have some solar panels. sometimes my reaction wheels say the same thing. maybe it's a bug in the game itself.
  4. Well I just spent some time testing different stock engines with different radiators. Every stock engine will explode, although the skipper does it in 2 minutes when the others take maybe 8-10. None of the KSPIE radiators do very much, only increase a few K. The only ones that help are the deployable stock radiators. Their temperatures increase and 1 medium radiator extend the time it takes for engines to blow up by maybe 10-20%, but their waste heat bars still don't move. Was able to get engines to run indefinitely with infinite fuel and enough stock radiators. Also tried more mixing and matching radiators with the my USI station and it's kind of similar result. I made a stock station and it didn't need any radiators at all. So I'm assuming you are right, that the group of mods are messing with the heat system. Or I installed them in a way that made them conflict. I will see if Heat Management makes a difference. It might be the USI parts that are the main problem for me since they just overheat so fast even though they are inert parts like a storage container. I'll go search through their thread. Update: I tried bringing some USI Kolonisation parts into orbit 1 at a time on stock rockets and found that the OKS Hub connector 6way part slowly increases in temperature and heats up everything else at the same time. So I don't think this is an Interstellar bug, will ask in USI Kolonisation thread.
  5. I need some help with the heat management. I have Interstellar Extended and Deadly Reentry, FAR, procedural parts, USI, KIS, infernal robotics, and several smaller mods. I read the wiki and had no need for radiators with any small vehicles made of mainly small stock parts. Went to the moons and collected all the science, no radiators needed. Then I launched a large station station made of a lot of USI parts, with Rhino engines and no radiators. Engines dont overheat but the USI parts explode within a few hours after leaving atmosphere. I put on different kinds of radiators but didn't fix the problem. I gave up on the station then tried to build a medium sized ship to launch interplanetary probes with Skipper engines. The engines keep exploding within a couple minutes, with different kinds of radiators on the procedural fuel tank. Strangely, Mainsail engines didnt need radiators and didn't overheat. Something that seems off is that waste heat is mentioned in the wiki, and I see the green bar in some parts. But it's always 0. The K and MW values on radiators rarely change and if they do it's so very little. It also seems like the temp on adjacent parts conduct heat extremely slowly, so maybe very little of the heat is reaching the radiators. Anyone have ideas on what's wrong? I'm thinking maybe I installed the mods incorrectly or have a bugged copy of KSP. Update: I think it's USI Kolonisation, one of the parts makes everythiing else overheat at the same time. Not sure why or if I can reproduce it yet.
  6. Do the mods that turn themselves off in 64-bit work on 64-bit Linux? Or do you have to use that 64-bit mod fixer thing?
  7. Yeah Active Texture Management didn't seem to help very much. I saw an improvement of RAM but once I started switching between vehicles and planets, the RAM usage went up fast. OpenGL seemed to help a lot, though. I have to play some more on low graphics to see if it's stable for a very long time. I maxed out the RSS textures and the graphics and game crashed, but not as quickly as before. I'll try OpenGL with medium graphics tomorrow and see what happens, and try to figure out which parts go with which files. Another weird thing is that I noticed that a lot of parts like the MK1 cockpit and command pod start off glowing and with a olive green temperature bar at the runway or launchpad. Not sure if that's supposed to happen.
  8. I have occasional crashes when transitioning screens, usually after returning to space center from orbit or ground, and exiting the VAB. I'm using almost all of the RO recommended mods and maybe half the RO suggested mods, and just about 3 mods not on the RO list like kolonisation, habitation, and a science mod. I've seen a couple posts about this in a thread search and their main suggestions were to reduce graphics quality, use the smallest resolution RSS textures, and to set onDemandLoadOnMissing to false in the RSSKopernicus text file. I've tried all of these and they don't seem to reduce the frequency of crashes. The error logs usually have some kind of message like 0 MB memory remaining. Anyone have other suggestions? I'm thinking of going to 64 bit client but I read that many of the realism mods will automatically turn off because they are incompatible. Edit: NVM I forgot about the suggestions on the very first page. I am going to try to force OpenGL and also Active Texture Management and see if that helps.
  9. hello, thanks for mod dev for all these realism mods. i've started playing it a few days ago and it makes the game so much more challenging. 1 question i have is, is the science archive supposed to still say "Kerbin"? there's no button for earth. earth sciences are shown by default with no planet is selected. i guess it's not a big deal if the record is still there, but wondering if i installed something incorrectly.
  10. This just happened to me. I have 1.0.2, 64 bit on windows 7, steam, no mods. I accepted a solar orbit satellite contract. I saw the orbit guide in the tracking center. I built the satellite/rocket and put it on the launch pad, and when i zoomed out to map, the guide was gone. Tried to restart game, move in and out of tracking station, restart the launch. My persistent and quicksave are after it happened, and previous game save was before last mission and i don't want to do that one over again, so i have to contract the solar satellite mission and take a loss in funds.
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