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Everything posted by Pinchy

  1. Thanks Nightingale - I will check it out tonight.
  2. Hi - I installed this Mod some time ago. I have the latest Module Manager installed - and have just dl'd the latest Contract configurator (1.6.4) - but I don't think I am getting any base building contracts being offered. I have pretty much unlocked the whole Tech Tree in Career Mode. I have a number of active contracts - I recently completed several and had only 4 active. I then rejected offers of several contracts in the contract offer screen, but never was offered any sort of base building contract. I have one to put a satellite in solar orbit, but I don't think this contract pack offers this. On the toolbar from within the game - I have the button pressed for "base Contracts" and the stock one is disabled - so assume it is configured? Before I installed the mod - I did get and complete a contract to put an orbital base around minmus which I completed, but since installing this mod have been offered nothing else - I notice the problem was reported above by a previous user, but the latest version you released seemed to fix his problem. I have the latest version of the mod installed as well? Any ideas? Am I just not being patient enough - is there a way I can see if the mod is working?
  3. I had a play with the Neagle - and I couldn't get above 30K before running out of fuel - I followed the 8-10 degree ascent and lit up the nukes at 20K and continued on same plane, but ran out of fuel - am I supposed to be using the converter whilst ascending to keep fuel topped up? Maybe I am a bad pilot but I also had to change the landing gear from small to medium to even get off the runway as it veered badly and when I did get it going straight, when I lifted the nose the bottom nuke dragged on the runway and blew. I also added struts to the back as the nukes were very bouncy!! I also destroyed both gigantor solar panels as soon as I was about 20K and on the hard acceleration
  4. Just stumbled across this thread - and like the idea of the MOD - See there is currently a handover happening - so wondering if the current version on Curse (Beta 5.2 - May 1) is good to use - or if should wait for an updated version for KSP1.0.4?
  5. Ok makes sense Geschosskopf - didn't consider putting the klaw on the bottom.
  6. how did you have engine thrust with the klaw on the bottom - assume you didn't have a single engine lander - kind of like a trio of engines and the klaw in the middle so your COM when you picked up the wreck was correct?
  7. I rejected this contract because I couldn't actually work out how I could fulfil it. Can't remember the exact wording but along the lines of recover a wreck from the surface of minmus. The obvious answer to me was to use a Klaw but then this is ridiculous as there is no way I could "dock" with it on the surface and reverse engines and lift it back into Orbit. I potentially thought about using KIS and attaching THUD engines to the side and then decided there was no way to attach a fueltank - so conclusion was that it was impossible and I rejected the mission. Wonder if anyone else has had a similar mission and how they went about completing it?
  8. thanks - looks like I have some options to try when I get home - thanks again for all the input
  9. great ingenuity to think of this as a solution!! I would just have spent a double amount of money to launch another ship with 'correct' wheels!! Is it just me or does anyone else think of your original picture ship as looking something like an office chair
  10. so that looks like a rockomax 200 with 4 docking ports 4 twitch engines wheels and solar panels that looks something that would do the job more than fine to land - but then I would need to put 2 others (maybe ants) on the back to fire me fwds when I land?
  11. Interesting comment re the reaction wheels - on the one I built on Minmus (using KIS) - maybe that's why it was so twitchy before I broke it - because I didn't put any reaction wheels on it.... - - - Updated - - - Thanks Slashy - do you have a better picture - I can't work out where the fuel tank is - do you not need some sort of probe-core to make it controllable - otherwise wouldn't it just effectively be a piece of space junk?
  12. Yes but I could adjust the maximum thrust or just disable SAS? my plan was to attach 4 just by each corner of the rovemate and then if I still didn't have enough thrust then to put another 2 in the middle on the side like a 4 or 6 on a dice - - - Updated - - - That's a great little rover there Snark - liking the design - I haven't unlocked those bigger type wheels in career mode yet - I only have the S2 and M1's at the moment.
  13. Thanks Slashy - I was thinking of RCS rather than Ant so that when I land on minmus I can move around using the RCS thrusters - if I use ANT is that not just one way direction i.e I wouldn't be able to land the rover on its wheels and then move it. I haven't used ANT engines before - so can't confirm my understanding, but I built a rover on minmus using 2 twitch engines that I mounted to the back of the rover with 2 Round8's mounted on top of each other, but I accidentally blew it up and messed up the quick save accidentally hitting F5 rather than F9 - so now I have my ship on minmus as planned but no rover - so my plan was simply to put another orbital type station for another contract in minmus and send down the rover to replace my busted one!! I wouldn't be able to use Twitch engines to bring me down as again my rover would be pointing backwards all the way to the surface?
  14. How much does your grasshopper weigh wemb.. BTW loving the name of that 'rover'
  15. I know I can test this tonight when I am home, but have just been thinking about it on way to work. I want to know if using (4 or 6) RCS thrusters and 2 ROUND8 fuel tanks mounted on a very simple rover (rovemate probe/wheels/Batteries/Solar panels/ laser experiment, Antenna and separator) will take me from low minmus orbit to surface - do some science and transmit that back to Kerbin) I don't plan on returning the rover home
  16. Thanks for all the help and advice guys.... I did it!! Rescued the whole team and the experiment.. I'm emotional!! Not only did I get my whole crew back in 1 piece - but a bunch of experience and 2.2Mil for the experiment!!!!! Used what I had left of the Mono Prop in the main ship to bring my Peri back to 71K so was in stable orbit at 71K (peri) and 600K (apo) Sent the Klaw Rescue Mission - it was as basic klaw as I could make; equipped with 8 Airbrakes and 8 drone chutes - Rendezvoused with the stricken ship attached to the back of the stricken ship. Used the remaining fuel in the rescue ship to bring the peri down to 32K. Deployed the Airbrakes and pointed retrograde and she came in nice - lost the photovoltaic and batteries on re-entry but that was it!! deployed the Drone Chutes as soon as they were 'risky' which was about 8K. That slowed me to well under 250M/S with about 4K to spare. Undocked the Klaw and deployed all 16 chutes on the main ship. Still only slowed to 7M/S was worried I was going to have some explosions when I hit the sea!! YES YES YES!!! I can go to bed tonight and sleep easy ajburges - I was trying to do photos but I am not sure what the print screen key is - and I don't have a hosting website to upload them to..... Setting thread to answered - but thanks again guys... it's been a journey
  17. Sharpy - I have already dumped the last engine stage before my last quick save - I only have RCS prop left and 8 RCS thrusters which slow me down oooh about 0.1M/S when coming through the atmosphere
  18. yes Godot - In one of the attempts I set the peri to 29K from deep space - got boomed out the other side twice more after slowing down a lot - then Apo was just over 70K for the "final" orbit and thought this is the one, bounced along nicely with nothing blowing and then still hit the ground too fast. I think the combination of Heat Shield/Zoology Lab/NHKR Science Lab/8 crew/Large RCS Tank + 8 thrusters/batteries/Solar panels/Food/Water/Oxygen/Waste (for TACLS)/Reaction Wheel/Rockomax 2.5-1.25 reducer/creature experiment/ 1.25 reducer/probodyne Octo and a nose cone is too much - - - Updated - - - yes Godot - In one of the attempts I set the peri to 29K from deep space - got boomed out the other side twice more after slowing down a lot - then Apo was just over 70K for the "final" orbit and thought this is the one, bounced along nicely with nothing blowing and then still hit the ground close to 300M/S with no chance to open chutes. I think the combination of Heat Shield/Zoology Lab/NHKR Science Lab/8 crew/Large RCS Tank + 8 thrusters/batteries/Solar panels/Food/Water/Oxygen/Waste (for TACLS)/Reaction Wheel/Rockomax 2.5-1.25 reducer/creature experiment/ 1.25 reducer/probodyne Octo and a nose cone is too much
  19. yeah - another hindsight (lesson learnt eddie/FancyMouse) - I didn't plan long term but this would have been far more sensible As I say I can't revert the mission otherwise I would and do it properly..... I am going to try the rescue klaw as Sharpy says after stabilising orbit and docking with it and bring it back with Drogue chutes and Airbrakes. If all else fails "start a new career"
  20. shouldn't matter if the parachute explodes - as long as you satisfy the requirements in terms of speed and altitude - and having the staging set correctly. As per post ^ - just have the contract window open and as soon as everything is ticked hit the spacebar.
  21. That didn't work Evantis - I tried that and came into atmo (70K) facing radial (so was side on) and pretty quickly blew the Probodyne, Nose cone and creature comforts lab before aerodynamics forced me retrograde and still hadn't slowed enough before I hit the ground....
  22. yeah - was considering that wanderfound - in my sleep last night as I had the mission going over and over in my head....
  23. Yeah Evantis - It is <250M/S - Yes I have been right clicking - I can't even get it as slow to make them "risky" - I am hitting the ground about 280 - 300M/S - - - Updated - - - Hmmm Sharpy - I have been trying at anything around 300M/S and they have been ripped off before doing anything - literally get the message "chute destroyed by aerodynamics and heat" (whatever it says) - as soon as I activate them through staging - - - Updated - - - Yeah Evantis - It is <250M/S - Yes I have been right clicking - I can't even get it as slow to make them "risky" - I am hitting the ground about 280 - 300M/S - I don't need to save the whole craft but ideally I need to save the Creature comforts experiment as a unit - the science is no good - it wants the pod. I have no way to detach it as it is embedded under the Probodyne. - - - Updated - - - Hmmm Sharpy - I have been trying at anything around 300M/S and they have been ripped off before doing anything - literally get the message "chute destroyed by aerodynamics and heat" (whatever it says) - as soon as I activate them through staging - - - Updated - - - CIF3 - No docking port - but the claw seems a good option. I should be able to stabilise the orbit as I think I have enough Mono - - - Updated - - - sorry about the duplicate post - it seems edit is not working properly.
  24. yes the ship has 16 chutes - 8 on each lab. I will have to get it back into a stable orbit then after a few passes after bringing the apo down.
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