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Everything posted by Pinchy

  1. Hi - Since I have downloaded the latest version of this amazing pack; and installed on KSP1.2.2. I have discovered a feature that I am sure was not happening before. Its not gamebreaking or anything but asthetically a bit strange. When I splash down in the sea, my capsule does not float and bob around as I am sure it did previously. It now is just static and as the waves move, the craft disappears and then hovers above the sea and effectively just does not move with the sea? I am sure I didn't notice this before, so just wondering what could be the cause of this? Thanks
  2. ah ok - so effectively KK in its real KK format as in using and selecting open bases is not possible within GPP
  3. https://www.dropbox.com/s/d4r15vt70dzyll7/screenshot1.jpg?dl=0 See screenshot - so rooks glory is selected as the launchsite. KK is open in the top left hand side and have all options selected. When I select Rocket Pads and Runways from KK - the only one that shows is KSC main https://www.dropbox.com/s/oj3nslirrjod56l/screenshot3.png?dl=0 See screenshot - when I select KK from the SPH and look for any other "open" bases it only shows KSC main and not Rooks glory or any of the other selectable launchsites from the Tracking Station
  4. Nope - not installed KerbinSide - will post some screenshots
  5. Sorry maybe I wasn't clear - I have installed no additional mods that are not in the recommended mods pack - but I have several launchsites (bases). These are clearly part of GPP, as the one that I always switch to is on the equitorial orbit (can't think of the name of it from the top of my head) instead of using KSC main. Maybe it's KSCSwitcher that I am getting confused over the functionality of. However the issue still exists that KK does not let me see any of the other bases/launchsites on the map other than KSC main? Thanks Tim Again - apologies I am not being clear. The bases are visible on the tracking station map as "launchsites" - however they are not visible when using KK and showing open/closed/occlude (it only shows KSC Main - and when I go into KK and look for any of the other bases - it only shows KSC Main with a Green Light - there are none other named bases (Red or Green)
  6. Hi - I have a question. I have posted in the GPP (Galileo Planet Pack) thread as well - but not had a response. I have downloaded/installed KK and KSC++ that comes bundled with GPP. I am not able to open any of the other bases. I can only effectively use the main KSC base as the only "open" base. Not sure if this is something I am not doing correctly, but I am confused. If I launch a plane from KSC main and open up the KK window and select ATC and NGS - it says that the nearest open base is 400KM away. I then fly towards it, but it effectively bugs out and when I get about 50KM away - it sends me back towards KSC main. I can launch from any of the other bases (even if they are not "open") - it does the same thing and points me towards KSC main. The only selectable open runway/base is KSC main - and I am not sure how I can select any of the other bases as "open" Please tell me what I am doing wrong - or what I need to do to have all of the other basesas showing open - so I can effectively have runway markers for all of the bases rather than just KSC main.
  7. Hi. So I have downloaded the new update and all of the recommended patches. Everything works fine, and I love it - started new career. This question is not directly related to this expansion pack, but as Kerbal Konstructs and KSC++ are recommended additions then I figure I may get the answer I want. I have read up on Kerbal Konstructs but all information is pretty dated. I have the various other bases that show up in my game. When I go to tracking station I can select the base that I want to use, and because I like being on equitorial orbit, then I always have used Rooks Glory (I think its called from memory). However when I select KK from the toolbar, none of the other bases show as open, and I cannot figure out how to open them, or what I need to do. All I can select is the main KSC base as the primary base, which means that I only get that small runway icon showing as visible when I select show open bases, so its guess work when it comes to try and land on any other bases? I am sure I am not doing something right, and its not a bug, but I cannot figure out how I can "open" any of the other bases? Thanks
  8. So I sent my first two exploratory interplanetery probes to Icarus and to Thalia. Icarus was a fail as I didn't have enough Delta V to perform my insertion burn so ended up doing a flyby and waved bye-bye as my probe disappeared into deep space... Next was Thalia.... I never knew it was RADIOACTIVE!!!! boo boo boo.. A nice insertion burn and a circularised orbit until... HEAT HEAT and more HEAT and then POP...... Reload quick save and try again... Same result..... Checked wiki... Hmmm there seems to be some sort of "vast environmental hazard" DOH!!! Next reload turned into a flyby and an intercept with Eta... Landed and Biome hopped collecting all of the science.... Next up Tellumo...... I love this discovery adventure. Thankyou @Galileo and @JadeOfMaar and all you other clever peeps who have put together this awesome pack. Your work is appreciated....
  9. Thanks for fixing the tourist stuck bug @RoverDude- I assume its not retrospective and I will still need to edit the persistence file to change the status of my stuck dudes?
  10. This is exactly the question I have posed above - so definetely needs some sort of investigation as "I am not alone" it seems.....
  11. Hmmm - ok - thanks will check what version I have @Terwin - I only installed it about 10 days ago.... thanks for the HU
  12. Thanks Bounty - I checked this - and aware I can do a manual fix - but was just awaiting to see if this was a bug/feature or known issue. Just also for completeness to that page - I am not running either of those mods mentioned there.
  13. Hi - I am using this mod with the GPP pack, and also with Colonists Mod. I had 2 "normal" kerbonauts - who ran out of supplies and habitat comforts whilst orbiting Gael. I docked with them with a supply ship and kept getting spammed to say they were homesick and refusing to work and defaulted to their "tourist" state. I transferred them to the new supply ship and bought them home along with Bob who was also a tourist. When they returned to Gael they are still showing as tourists and not reverting to their previous state of engineer and scientist. Bob reverted to his previous scientist state on the way home. I have sent them back out on another mission as tourists - but they still remain as tourists. They have now been stationed at Gael for several days and still remain as tourists. I have tried to find the answer by scanning this thread as to whether this is the way that it is supposed to work for normal kerbs that once a tourist always a tourist, but can't find my answer - or if it is indeed a bug, or a clash with perhaps the colonists mod where I am spawning farmers/colonists/biologists etc - and maybe the LS mod doesn't work with Colonists mod. In the config I have them set as default option as "grouchy" Thanks in anticipation.
  14. Aside from the loss of poor Bill (hopefully not) - I find it hilarious at the thought of him attaching a strut to his own helmet!! Hilarious and for such a ridiculous mistake He should be demoted to 0 star and high stupidity Brilliant!!
  15. Thanks Nightingale - I almost feel like a coder now - config changed and the contract is now green in configurator
  16. Updated to latest version of CC and MM and 0.22 of Base Construction but still have same error after reloading contracts: CONTRACT_GROUP [baseMaintenance] CONTRACT_TYPE [baseCrewRotation] REQUIREMENT [CompleteContract] [ERROR] ContractConfigurator.CompleteContractRequirement: ContractType: 'CrewRotation' must either be a Contract sub-class or ContractConfigurator contract type Copy of latest Output.Log below https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx3-stuGaWnPaE05YU9hdDFSSGs/view?usp=sharing
  17. is this it? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx3-stuGaWnPQlktRUw3MXhqQlE/view?usp=sharing - - - Updated - - - Sorry this is output.log I have sent - its rather big as my game crashes about every 30 mins due to out of memory (standard) - not sure you can see what you need here - let me know if you want me to do something else
  18. ok - Which log file do you need - and where will I find it? - - - Updated - - - Do you need output_log
  19. CONTRACT_GROUP [baseMaintenance] CONTRACT_TYPE [baseCrewRotation] REQUIREMENT [CompleteContract] [ERROR] ContractConfigurator.CompleteContractRequirement: ContractType: 'CrewRotation' must either be a Contract sub-class or ContractConfigurator contract type The good news is this is now the only red item I have. I have latest version of both MM and CC
  20. Thanks - Downloaded and reloaded contracts in contract configurator but still red with the same error?
  21. Hi Sarbian - do we have an update for when the next MM update for the bug I reported will be released following your unfortunate PC meltdown?
  22. I don't use CKAN exclusively so that doesn't matter to me
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