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Everything posted by Teilnehmer

  1. Version 1.9.3 Exception on Editor to Flight scene change fixed. After a scene change from Editor to Flight, the editor OnGui method keeps being invoked for some reason while the EditorLogic.fetch object is set to null. I’ve added a null check. It should be OK now.
  2. Multi-stage vessel with Δv = 4117 m/s. TWR (surface) never drops below 9.47. αΔ = 38988
  3. I’ve done some calculations. For single-stage vessels, the best αΔ (= TWR ∙ Δv) value is achieved when the total mass of engines equals a certain fraction of the total vessel mass, namely, mengines = mwet ∙ (et − e^(W(et) − 1) / (t − 1)), where  W is the Lambert function,  t is the tank ratio, i.e. the ratio between the dry tank mass and the wet tank mass. For t = 1/9 (most LfO and Lf tanks), mengines = 0.40055 mwet The value of αΔ is directly proportional to engine’s thrust and Isp and inversely proportional to engine’s mass. It does not depend on the engine count. The optimal engine would be the Twin-Boar if it wasn’t combined with such a large fuel tank. The actual optimal engine appeared to be the Mammoth with the optimal fuel amount of 20 t per engine. So, @CairoJack’s second entry seems actually to be the best among single-stage solutions! Not sure yet about multi-stage ones. BTW, one should use the TWR (surface) value instead of the local TWR as the latter depends on the altitude and thus is inconvenient for comparison.
  4. Great challenge! My suggestion is to introduce weight classes, e.g.: Below 1 ton Below 3 tons Below 10 tons Below 30 tons Below 100 tons Below 300 tons Unlimited
  5. The problem MedwedianPresident sets is too complicated even letting alone the trajectory errors. I’d suggest the following reformulation of the challenge rules: burns are permitted; the tour with the least total Δv wins. So we could approach the problem gradually. Every next participant would try to make their total Δv less, and eventually, we would come near the lower bound.
  6. Кстати, а в океан сплэшдаунать ступени какие проблемы вызывает? Нужна более прочная и тяжёлая конструкция?
  7. Это Realism Overhaul + RSS? Из 11 ускорителей только один возвращаемый?
  8. Насколько это реально — посадить ступень в заданную точку (на баржу) с парашютом при наличии ветра?
  9. Речь идёт только об именах Кербонавтов, генерируемых игрой автоматически. Фильтр пытается исключить имена с труднопроизносимыми буквосочетаниями, а также нежелательные созвучия, в том числе, с обсценными словами.
  10. Сшитые конические сечения — это реально используемый термин? Не могу нагуглить. Я бы передал patched conics как кусочно-коническая аппроксимация. Но тоже только одна гуглоссылка. А как на самом деле patched conics по-русски?
  11. Насчёт орфографии. Газпром, электродвигательные, а также гипотетическое слово электроэкономия должны писаться слитно. Аббревиатура ОАО пишется перед названием, а не после него.
  12. Version Staging mode / docking mode / orbital map button issue fixed.
  13. Internally, trim values are floating-point numbers of the interval [−1; +1]. I considered this not very convenient, so both here and in AutoActions, as a unit I used the minimal step the user can change the values with keyboard — 0.002. So the trim values are represented by integer numbers −500 … +500. Do you think, it’s OK? Or should I have left as is? The wheel steer trim has positive values when turning left and negative ones when turning right, opposite to how the yaw trim works. Both here and in AutoActions, I decided to invert the wheel steer trim values to match the yaw trim. Do you think, it’s also OK? Or should I have left as is?
  14. Version 1.9.1 Changes: Japanese and Chinese localization added by @cakepie Spanish localization added by @fitiales Thanks, guys!
  15. The AutoActions mod now allows setting vessel’s initial trim values.
  16. Version 1.9 Changes: Added per-vessel initial trim settings (pitch, yaw, roll, wheel motor, wheel steer). The new feature needs localization. If you want to see the trim values in flight, try the Trim Indicator mod.
  17. Version I’ve added wheel motor trim to the right of the pitch gauge and wheel steer trim below the yaw gauge. Since it doesn’t look nice, I made it off by default. If you want wheel trim, open the ‘TrimIndicator.settings’ file in the mod folder and change the ShowWheelTrim setting there to True.
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