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Everything posted by Teilnehmer

  1. Yes, ion rockets launching from Kerbin are impossible due to TWR. A plane does not need its TWR to be > 1, so that’s a challenge. The ion engine performance degrades drastically with the growth of atmospheric pressure. (See the graph.) If it’s “a mouse fart†in vacuum, then it’s 1/40 of a mouse fart at 1 atm on the Kerbin surface. So it’s going to be incredibly hard even if it’s possible. Ion rockets and planes work on Duna though. Ion rovers should work on Kerbin with a lousy performance though. What does it mean?
  2. What’s wrong with mp4 container? If Windows forces some low quality video codecs, it's quite another matter. Mp4 container format has nothing to do with that. If you’re going to upload the video to Youtube, it will be recoded with a lossy codec with chroma subsampling and low bitrate anyway. Or do you know a way to preserve a video crisp even on Youtube?
  3. Oh, this type of clipping works surprisingly well. My drillplane can fly without spontaneous disassembling now. Many thanks, Claw!
  4. Could you please upload your craft file? I tried to put the drill into a service bay many times but never succeeded.
  5. Removes Kerbals only. The trucks and elevators are still there Is there a way to remove all unnecessary animation?
  6. That was a bug in 1.0.2. The ore sometimes disappeared very quickly when ore tanks were full. I don’t know if the bug was fixed in 1.0.3/1.0.4.
  7. What kind of time counts: MET time or video time? If I spend a month in flight but timewrapped this month into 1 minute, my time is 1 month or 1 minute?
  8. I overestimated the difficulty. In fact, it’s pretty easy. My attempt (one way to the Mun, used map view):
  9. [offtop] Wouldn’t it be better to disallow debug menu, editing config, and other cheating methods by default in the forum rules. Only if the author explicitly writes they are allowed, they are allowed. [/offtop]
  10. I haven’t watched it. Does Nasa-TV show map view during the flight?
  11. So is returning to Kerbin required for hard mode or not? ______________________________________________ The challenge is great and hard! It’s pretty easy to land on Mun. I went manned. My rocket wasn’t big at all. There was no problem with turning it without RCS or even dedicated reaction wheels. The torque of the MK1 lander can inline reaction wheel in vacuum and winglets at the bottom of the rocket in atmosphere are more than enough. I also didn’t use fuel cells. The insuperable obstacle for me is the requirement to land near an easter egg or monument. Precise landing is very hard without throttling! I suppose the only way for me is to try landing a hundred times and accidentally hit the point. What is the maximum acceptable distance to an easter egg?
  12. It’s not a bug. This just shows that the KSP stock physics is OK. See this thread. The effect does not affect same-diameter parts. So, the reason is different.
  13. Sparks and Teriers are good for short-range planes (Sparks are a bit better in Duna’s atmosphere). Nerves are good for heavy long-range planes. Dawns  for light long-range planes. - - - Updated - - - BTW, has anyone created planes for Eve in 1.0.x? I suppose Aerospikes should be used there.
  14. Hi, Meithan! What do you think about including the fuel-cell mode for Dawns taking into account the mass of fuel cells and LF/O?
  15. Is ‘ambisinister’ a kind of joke? If not, how can one distinguish between ambidextrous and ambisinister people?
  16. Claw’s bug-fixing addon fixes that. You can lock certain tanks by pressing a tiny button to the right of the fuel level gauge in the right click menu. Works both in editor and in flight.
  17. Cool. Please add yourself to the leaderboard.
  18. Almost done (55 ap / 5 pe) with a 2.47 t craft (2 fuel cells, 5 engines at launch, 4 after staging). I hope I’ll manage to make an orbit with a better ascend profile/
  19. Isn’t Sputnik just a test payload for R-7 military project?
  20. My tanks (two PB-X150’s and a Round-8) are full at launch as can be seen in the resources panel. I could save a few kilos though as a tiny bit of fuel left unused in orbit. My vessel has no probe core (the Kerbal is faced up already), but it’s only 40 kg. - - - Updated - - - I hoped I could use full thrust at launch only. When the charge falls to almost zero, one can decrease the thrust a bit and still have sufficient TWR with less fuel left and higher centrifugal force. Though, I failed anyway. I should try staging. Some engines can be dropped when the speed is high enough. Are multiple attempts from the same user allowed in the challenge?
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