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Everything posted by blnk2007

  1. Why did you get rid of the artificial gravity calculator?
  2. In the planet overlay I can see the slope percentage. Is there any place in the small or big map that has slope percentage? It is very useful for selecting a landing site, especially with mechjeb.
  3. I am trying to get two probes to transfer to minmus together with the remote control, however the throttle does not relate in real time. Am I doing something wrong? When I clock transmit throttle the other probe just goes full throttle even though the active vessel is at 0 throttle.
  4. Anyone have pictures of how this is implemented on your spaceplanes? So far I have tried using the heat tiles with FAR and they really screw up my center of lift.
  5. It will work with a spaceplane as long as it has a docking port. It will only do an exact copy of your craft though (No different payloads). The only thing that can change are the crew. If you send up a crew the requested mission has to be the same number.
  6. Most likely. If you don't have RSS there isn't much of a need for Real Heat right now. Delete it and let me know if it worked.
  7. I have nearly the exact same issue. I don't use KW, but I do use VenStockRevamp and Docking Port Alignment Indicator. Here are my logs: RMM Logs
  8. Try this: 1. Make a new save. 2. Exit the game. 3. Move all ships from the old save to the new save. 4. Move your most recent quicksave from the old save to the new save. 5. Start game and go load new save. 6. In space center load the quicksave you just moved. 7. Let me know if you profit.
  9. Would it be a good idea for you to start a github so that others could help you? I really like this mod by the way.
  10. This resource will help get you started: How To Get Support It's pretty easy and really useful. That will show you how to get your logs, then you can post them here in whatever way is easy for you (post-bin, dropbox link, etc.). - - - Updated - - - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83305-1-0-4-RemoteTech-v1-6-7-2015-06-25?p=2053812&viewfull=1#post2053812
  11. I'm sure if you post your logs someone will be able to narrow it down for you. I am guessing that there is something else going on. If it is RemoteTech you will help everyone by letting the mod author see what needs to be fixed.
  12. I had this same problem and it wasn't RemoteTech's fault. If you have outer planets or any mod that uses Kopernicus you will need to get the updated Kopernicus mod. Check to see if you have a Kopernicus folder in your GameData. If you do go here.
  13. Well, I figured out from testing in a separate install that it was a problem with my current install. However, I also tested a new save game in my current install. It shows up in a new save game, so for some reason it isn't working in my existing save game. I'll get you updated logs. - - - Updated - - - Here they are: Logs
  14. Yep, I have the latest FAR. I just put an update to my last post. UPDATE: This is in my Player.log and I have the latest KAS "AY.AYController[FFE5D8A4][696.22]: Wrong KAS library version - disabled."
  15. I can't get the Ampyear icon to show up in the applauncher and blizzy toolbar. Anyhow have any insight. KSP 64-bit Linux Logs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3rtgugrp87hdoc0/AACprlx0fCBSIV1tiuLu85HVa?dl=0 - Achievements 1.8.1- ActsEW 1.5 - AdaptiveDockingNode autodetected dll - AdjustableLandingGear v1.2.0 - AdvancedJetEngine 2.2.1 - AGExt 1.33a - AirAugmentedRockets 0.1 - AlternateResourcePanel - AmpYearPowerManager 1:V1.0.1.0 - AnimatedDecouplers-x86 1.1.4 - AstronomersPack-AtmosphericScattering Interstellar.V2 - AstronomersPack-Clouds-Low Interstellar.V2 - AstronomersPack-DistantObjectEnhancement Interstellar.V2 - AstronomersPack-Lightning Interstellar.V2 - AstronomersPack-PlanetShine Interstellar.V2 - AstronomersPack-Sandstorms Interstellar.V2 - AstronomersPack-Snow Interstellar.V2 - AstronomersPack-SurfaceGlow Interstellar.V2 - AtmosphericSoundEnhancement 2.2 - AutoAsparagus v1.0 X AutoSmartParts alpha_0.0.4d - B9AerospaceProceduralParts 0.40 - BahamutoDynamicsPartsPack v1.2.0 - BDAnimationModules v0.6.2 - BetterBuoyancy v1.3 X BoxSat A.02e X CactEye2 BETA_5.2 - CapCom 1.1 - Chatterer 0.9.5 - ChopShop - CivilianPopulation 1: - CoherentContracts 1.02 - CollisionFX 3.2 - ColorCodedCans 1.1.1 - CommunityResourcePack 0.4.3 - CommunityTechTree 2.1 - ConnectedLivingSpace - ContractConfigurator 1.5.1 X ContractConfigurator-AdvancedProgression 4.5 - ContractConfigurator-AnomalySurveyor 1.2.2 - ContractConfigurator-BaseConstuction 0.2.0 - ContractConfigurator-ContractPack-SCANsat v0.5.2.1 - ContractConfigurator-FieldResearch 1.0.6 - ContractConfigurator-GrandTours 1:0.1.7 - ContractConfigurator-KerbalAircraftBuilders 1.1 - ContractConfigurator-KerbinSideJobs 1.4 - ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation 2.2 - ContractConfigurator-RemoteTech 1.1.4 - ContractConfigurator-Tourism 1.1.8 - ContractConfigurator-UnmannedContracts 0.3.10 - ContractFilter 1.4 - ContractsWindowPlus 5.2 - CoolRockets 0.08 - Corvus125mTwoKerbalPod 1.1.1 - CrewPortraits 1.2 - CrewQueue 1:ksp1.0_r2 - CriticalTemperatureGauge 1.0.4-a - CrossFeedEnabler v3.3 - CrowdSourcedScience v3.0 - DistantObject v1.5.7 - DiverseKerbalHeads 1.0 - DMagicOrbitalScience 1.0.7 - DockingPortAlignmentIndicator 6.2 - DockingSounds 1.2 - EditorExtensions 2.12 X ElectricalParts 1.6 - EngineLighting 1.4.0 - EnhancedNavBall X EnhancedThermalData 0.1.1 - EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 7-4 - EpicSuits 1.8 - EVAHandrailsPackContinued 0.2.0 - EVAManager 6 - EVATransfer 2.0 - ExtensiveEngineerReport v0.3 - ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpads 5.2.0 X ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpadsExtendedPartPack 50 X FantomWorksKAXPartPack 0.3.1 - FASALaunchClamps 5.34 - FerramAerospaceResearch 1:v0.15.4_Glauert - FieldExperience 1.0.2 - FilterExtensions 2.3.1 - FilterExtensionsDefaultConfig 2.3.1 - FinalFrontier 0.8.6-1370 - FingerboxesCore 2:1.0.4_r1 - Firespitter v7.1.4 - FirespitterCore v7.1.4 - FirespitterResourcesConfig v7.1.4 X FlagRotate 1.1.1 X FMRS 1.0.00 - FogOfTech 0.1 - ForScienceContinued 1.0.4 - FreedomTex 1.5.1 - FuelTanksPlus 0.11.2 - Fusebox 1.50 * HeatResistantSpaceplanePartsHRP 1.1 X HexTruss 0.3.1 - HGR-Props 1.3.0 - Historian 1.1.0 - HotRockets - HotRocketsCommunityConfigs 7.25 - HotSpot 0.4.3 - HullcamVDS 0.40 - HyperEdit 1.4.1 - Impact v1.1.0 - ImprovedChaseCamera v1.5.1 * InfernalRobotics v0.21.2 - InfernalRobotics-Sequencer 0.4 X IntakeBuildAid 0.6 - InterstellarFuelSwitch 1.15 - InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core 1.15 - IR-Model-Rework-Core v01b - IR-Model-Rework-Expansion v01b X JDiminishingRTG 1.3a - KAS 0.5.3 - KDEX v1.04 - KeepFit - KerbalAircraftExpansion v2.5.2 - KerbalAlarmClock v3.4.0.0 - KerbalEngineerRedux - KerbalFlightData R19 - KerbalFlightIndicators R10pre - KerbalGPS - KerbalJointReinforcement v3.1.4 - KerbalKonstructs 0.8.3_EX - KerbalStats 2.0.0 - KerbinSide 1.0.3 - KerboKatzSmallUtilities-Afterburner 1.0.1 - KerboKatzSmallUtilities-AutoBalancingLandingLeg 1.0.0 - KerboKatzSmallUtilities-DisableTempGagues 1.0.0 - KerboKatzSmallUtilities-FillSpotsWithTourists 1.0.0 - KerboKatzSmallUtilities-FPSLimiter 1.1.2 - KerboKatzSmallUtilities-ModifiedExplosionPotential 1.0.1 - KerboKatzUtilities 1.2.10 - Kerbulator 0.34 - KIS 1.2.0 - KlockheedMartian-Gimbal - Kopernicus 1:beta-02 - kOS 0.17.3 - KronalVesselViewer 0.0.4-1.0.4 - KSP-AVC - KSPX 0.2.9b X KWRocketry 2.7 - LandingHeight 1.4 - MarkOneLaboratoryExtensions 0.1.4 - MechJeb2 2.5.3 - MechJebFARExt 1.0.0 - MechJebForAll - MenuStabilizer 1 X MiniAirbrakes 1.1 - MiniAVC autodetected dll - MissionController2 1.21 - Mk2Essentials 5 - Mk2Expansion X Mk3KISCargoContainers 1.0 X Mk3MiniExpansionPack V1.1.5 - MkerbIncScienceInstruments 0.6a - ModularFlightIntegrator 1.1.1 - ModularRocketSystem 1.7.3 - ModuleAnimateEmissive v1.6 - ModuleManager 2.6.6 - ModuleRCSFX v4.1 - NavBallTextureExport 1.3 - NearFutureConstruction 0.5.4 - NearFutureElectrical 0.5.2 - NearFutureElectrical-Core 0.5.2 - NearFutureProps 0.4.3 - NearFuturePropulsion 0.5.3 - NearFuturePropulsionExtras 0.5.3 * NearFutureSolar 0.5.21 - NearFutureSpacecraft 0.4.3 - notes 0.10.1 X NovaPunch 2.09 - OblivionAerospace v0.1.5 - OuterPlanetsMod 1:1.7.1 X PAPIPluginContinued v0.4.4 - PartCommander - PartWizard 1.2.1 - PersistentRotation 0.5.3 - PhoenixIndustriesCargoResupplySystem 1.5.0 - PilotAssistant - PlanetShine - PortableScienceContainer 1.3.0 - PortraitStats 3.0 - PreciseNode 1.1.3 - ProceduralFairings v3.15 - ProceduralFairings-ForEverything v0.0.3 - ProceduralFairings-Textures-KSLO 0 - ProceduralFairings-Textures-KW 0 - ProceduralFairings-Textures-TJCCA 0 - ProceduralParts v1.1.6 - ProceduralParts-Textures-SCCKSCS 0 - Protractor v2.5.1 - QuickBrake v1.01 - QuickExit v1.31 - QuickGoTo v1.20 - QuickScroll v1.31 - QuickSearch v1.13 - RadialEngineMountsPPI v0.40 - RasterPropMonitor v0.21.1 - RasterPropMonitor-Core v0.21.1 - RCSBuildAid 0.7.2 - RCSSounds 4.3 - Re3 autodetected dll - RealChute - RecoverAll 1.2.1 - RemoteTech v1.6.7 - RosterManager - RoutineMissionManager 012 - RoverWheelSounds 1.2 - SafeChute v1.7.1 - SAVE 1.0.1-672 - SCANsat v14.0 - ScienceAlert 1.8.8 - ScienceFunding 1.1.1 - ScienceRevisitedRevisited 1.3.0 - SelectRoot 2015-05-17 - SensibleScreenshot 1.1.1 - SeriousKerbalBusiness 1.6 - Service-Compartments-6S 1.3 - SETI-Contracts 0.9.3 - SETI-Greenhouse 0.9.2 - ShipManifest - SimpleOrbitCalculator v1.4.0 - SmartParts 1.6.6 - SmartStage v2.6.2 - SmokeScreen 2.6.6 - SolverEngines v1.6 - SoundingRockets 0.2.1 - SoundtrackEditor autodetected dll - SpacetuxSA 0.3.6 - SpaceY-Lifters 0.17.5 - StageRecovery 1.5.7 - StationPartsExpansion 0.3.3 - StationScience 1.5 - StockalikeExpendableLaunchVehicles 1.3.1 - StockBugFixModules v1.0.4a.1 - StockClamshellFairings 1.0 - StockPlus v1.0.4a.1 - StripSymmetry v1.6 - surfacelights 1.0 - TacFuelBalancer v2.5.1 - TACLS v0.11.1.20 - TACLS-Config-Stock v0.11.1.20 X TACLSMining 1 - TacSelfDestruct autodetected dll - TakeCommand 1.1.4 - TCShipInfo 0.3 - TextureReplacer 2.4.7 - ThrottleControlledAvionics - TMSTACLSRetexture 2.2.1 - ToadicusTools 15 - Toolbar 1.7.9 X Trajectories v1.3.0a - TransferWindowPlanner v1.3.0.1 - TundraExploration 0.4.1 - TurboNisuReloaded 2015-05-06 - TweakableEverything 1.12 - TweakableEverything-EngineStagingToggle 1.12 - TweakableEverything-FairingStagingToggle 1.12 - TweakScale v2.2.1 - UKS 0.31.4 - UniversalStorage - USI-EXP 0.4.1 - USI-FTT 0.4.1 - USI-SRV 0.3.1 - USITools 0.4.1 X VesselView 0.71 - VNG-Parachute 1.2 - VNG-Parachute-EVALoading 1.0 - VNG-Plugin 0.7.2 - WaterSounds 1.1 - WaypointManager 2.4.0 - WildBlueTools 1.0.4 - xScience 4.7 UPDATE: This is in my Player.log and I have the latest KAS "AY.AYController[FFE5D8A4][696.22]: Wrong KAS library version - disabled."
  16. Hi all, I am having a problem with solar panels not producing electricity even when they have sun exposure. Here are the logs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/409evgwidzcecqu/AACildxbKLJKowGZQf41w9S7a?dl=0 - Achievements 1.8.1- ActsEW 1.5 - AdaptiveDockingNode autodetected dll - AdjustableLandingGear v1.2.0 - AdvancedJetEngine 2.2.1 - AGExt 1.33a - AlternateResourcePanel - AmpYearPowerManager 1:V1.0.1.0 - AnimatedDecouplers-x86 1.1.4 - AstronomersPack-AtmosphericScattering Interstellar.V2 - AstronomersPack-Clouds-Low Interstellar.V2 - AstronomersPack-DistantObjectEnhancement Interstellar.V2 - AstronomersPack-PlanetShine Interstellar.V2 - AstronomersPack-Sandstorms Interstellar.V2 - AstronomersPack-Snow Interstellar.V2 - AstronomersPack-SurfaceGlow Interstellar.V2 - AtmosphericSoundEnhancement 2.2 - AutoAsparagus v1.0 X AutoSmartParts alpha_0.0.4d - B9AerospaceProceduralParts 0.40 - BahamutoDynamicsPartsPack v1.2.0 - BDAnimationModules v0.6.2 - BetterBuoyancy v1.3 X BoxSat A.02e X CactEye2 BETA_5.2 - CapCom 1.1 - Chatterer 0.9.5 - ChopShop - CivilianPopulation 1: - CoherentContracts 1.02 - CollisionFX 3.2 - ColorCodedCans 1.1.1 - CommunityResourcePack 0.4.3 - CommunityTechTree 2.1 - ConnectedLivingSpace - ContractConfigurator 1.5.1 X ContractConfigurator-AdvancedProgression 4.5 - ContractConfigurator-AnomalySurveyor 1.2.2 - ContractConfigurator-BaseConstuction 0.1.3 - ContractConfigurator-ContractPack-SCANsat v0.5.2.1 - ContractConfigurator-FieldResearch 1.0.6 - ContractConfigurator-GrandTours 1:0.1.7 - ContractConfigurator-KerbalAircraftBuilders 1.1 - ContractConfigurator-KerbinSideJobs 1.4 - ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation 2.2 - ContractConfigurator-RemoteTech 1.1.4 - ContractConfigurator-Tourism 1.1.6 - ContractConfigurator-UnmannedContracts 0.3.10 - ContractFilter 1.4 - ContractsWindowPlus 5.2 - CoolRockets 0.08 - Corvus125mTwoKerbalPod 1.1.1 - CrewPortraits 1.2 - CrewQueue 1:ksp1.0_r2 - CriticalTemperatureGauge 1.0.4-a - CrossFeedEnabler v3.3 - CrowdSourcedScience v3.0 - DistantObject v1.5.7 - DiverseKerbalHeads 1.0 - DMagicOrbitalScience 1.0.7 - DockingPortAlignmentIndicator 6.2 - DockingSounds 1.2 - EditorExtensions 2.12 X ElectricalParts 1.6 - EngineLighting 1.4.0 - EnhancedNavBall X EnhancedThermalData 0.1.1 - EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 7-4 - EpicSuits 1.8 - EVAHandrailsPackContinued 0.2.0 - EVAManager 6 - EVATransfer 2.0 - ExtensiveEngineerReport v0.3 - ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpads 5.2.0 X ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpadsExtendedPartPack 50 X FantomWorksKAXPartPack 0.3.1 - FASALaunchClamps 5.34 - FerramAerospaceResearch 1:v0.15.3.1 - FieldExperience 1.0.1 - FilterExtensions 2.3.0 - FilterExtensionsDefaultConfig 2.3.0 - FinalFrontier 0.8.6-1370 - FingerboxesCore 2:1.0.4_r1 - Firespitter v7.1.4 - FirespitterCore v7.1.4 - FirespitterResourcesConfig v7.1.4 X FlagRotate 1.1.1 X FMRS 1.0.00 - FogOfTech 0.1 - ForScienceContinued 1.0.4 - FreedomTex 1.5.1 - FuelTanksPlus 0.11.2 - Fusebox 1.50 * HeatResistantSpaceplanePartsHRP 1.1 X HexTruss 0.3.1 - HGR-Props 1.3.0 - Historian 1.1.0 - HotRockets - HotRocketsCommunityConfigs 7.25 - HotSpot 0.4.3 - HullcamVDS 0.40 - HyperEdit 1.4.1 - Impact v1.1.0 - ImprovedChaseCamera v1.5.1 * InfernalRobotics v0.21.2 - InfernalRobotics-Sequencer 0.4 X IntakeBuildAid 0.6 - InterstellarFuelSwitch 1.15 - InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core 1.15 - IR-Model-Rework-Core v01b - IR-Model-Rework-Expansion v01b X JDiminishingRTG 1.3a X K2CommandPod 1.3.2 - KAS 0.5.2 - KDEX v1.04 - KeepFit - KerbalAircraftExpansion v2.5.2 - KerbalAlarmClock v3.4.0.0 - KerbalEngineerRedux - KerbalFlightData R19 - KerbalFlightIndicators R10pre - KerbalGPS - KerbalJointReinforcement v3.1.4 - KerbalKonstructs 0.8.2 - KerbalStats 2.0.0 - KerbinSide 1.0.3 - KerboKatzSmallUtilities-Afterburner 1.0.1 - KerboKatzSmallUtilities-AutoBalancingLandingLeg 1.0.0 - KerboKatzSmallUtilities-DisableTempGagues 1.0.0 - KerboKatzSmallUtilities-FillSpotsWithTourists 1.0.0 - KerboKatzSmallUtilities-FPSLimiter 1.1.2 - KerboKatzSmallUtilities-ModifiedExplosionPotential 1.0.1 - KerboKatzUtilities 1.2.10 - Kerbulator 0.34 - KIS 1.1.5 - KlockheedMartian-Gimbal - Kopernicus 1:beta-02 - kOS 0.17.3 - KronalVesselViewer 0.0.4-1.0.4 - KSP-AVC - KSPX 0.2.9b X KWRocketry 2.7 - LandingHeight 1.4 - LightsOut 0.1.4 - MarkOneLaboratoryExtensions 0.1.4 - MechJeb2 2.5.3 - MechJebFARExt 1.0.0 - MechJebForAll - MenuStabilizer 1 X MiniAirbrakes 1.1 - MiniAVC autodetected dll - MissionController2 1.21 - Mk2Essentials 5 - Mk2Expansion X Mk3KISCargoContainers 1.0 X Mk3MiniExpansionPack V1.1.5 - MkerbIncScienceInstruments 0.6a - ModularFlightIntegrator 1.1.1 - ModularRocketSystem 1.7.3 - ModuleAnimateEmissive v1.6 - ModuleManager 2.6.6 - ModuleRCSFX v4.1 - NavBallTextureExport 1.3 - NearFutureConstruction 0.5.4 - NearFutureElectrical-Core 0.5.2 - NearFutureProps 0.4.3 - NearFuturePropulsion 0.5.3 * NearFutureSolar 0.5.21 - NearFutureSpacecraft 0.4.3 - notes 0.10.1 X NovaPunch 2.09 - OuterPlanetsMod 1:1.7.1 X PAPIPluginContinued v0.4.4 - PartCommander - PartWizard 1.2.1 - PersistentRotation 0.5.3 - PilotAssistant 1.11.3 - PlanetShine - PortableScienceContainer 1.3.0 - PortraitStats 3.0 - PreciseNode 1.1.3 - ProceduralFairings v3.15 - ProceduralFairings-ForEverything v0.0.3 - ProceduralFairings-Textures-KSLO 0 - ProceduralFairings-Textures-KW 0 - ProceduralFairings-Textures-TJCCA 0 - ProceduralParts v1.1.6 - ProceduralParts-Textures-SCCKSCS 0 - Protractor v2.5.1 - QuickBrake v1.01 - QuickExit v1.31 - QuickGoTo v1.20 - QuickScroll v1.31 - QuickSearch v1.13 - RadialEngineMountsPPI v0.40 - RasterPropMonitor v0.21.0 - RasterPropMonitor-Core v0.21.0 - RCSBuildAid 0.7.2 - RCSSounds 4.3 - Re3 autodetected dll - RealChute - RealHeat v1.0 - RecoverAll 1.2.1 - RemoteTech v1.6.7 - RosterManager - RoutineMissionManager 012 - RoverWheelSounds 1.2 - SafeChute v1.7.1 - SAVE 1.0.1-672 - SCANsat v14.0 - ScienceAlert 1.8.8 - ScienceFunding 1.1.1 - ScienceRevisitedRevisited 1.3.0 - SelectRoot 2015-05-17 - SensibleScreenshot 1.1.1 - SeriousKerbalBusiness 1.6 - Service-Compartments-6S 1.3 - SETI-Contracts 0.9.3 - SETI-Greenhouse 0.9.2 - ShipManifest - SimpleOrbitCalculator v1.4.0 - SmartParts 1.6.6 - SmartStage v2.6.2 - SmokeScreen 2.6.5 - SolverEngines v1.6 - SoundingRockets 0.2.1 - SoundtrackEditor autodetected dll - SpacetuxSA 0.3.6 - SpaceY-Lifters 0.17.5 - StageRecovery 1.5.6 - StationPartsExpansion 0.3.3 - StationScience 1.5 - StockalikeExpendableLaunchVehicles 1.3.1 - StockBugFixModules v1.0.4a.1 - StockClamshellFairings 1.0 - StockPlus v1.0.4a.1 - StripSymmetry v1.6 - surfacelights 1.0 - TacFuelBalancer v2.5.1 - TACLS v0.11.1.20 - TACLS-Config-Stock v0.11.1.20 X TACLSMining 1 - TacSelfDestruct autodetected dll - TakeCommand 1.1.4 - TextureReplacer 2.4.7 - ThrottleControlledAvionics - TMSTACLSRetexture 2.2.1 - ToadicusTools 15 - Toolbar 1.7.9 X Trajectories v1.3.0a - TransferWindowPlanner v1.3.0.1 - TundraExploration 0.4.1 - TurboNisuReloaded 2015-05-06 - TweakableEverything 1.12 - TweakableEverything-EngineStagingToggle 1.12 - TweakableEverything-FairingStagingToggle 1.12 - TweakScale v2.2.1 - UKS 0.31.4 - UniversalStorage - USI-EXP 0.4.1 - USI-FTT 0.4.1 - USI-SRV 0.3.1 - USITools 0.4.1 X VesselView 0.71 - VNG-Parachute 1.2 - VNG-Parachute-EVALoading 1.0 - VNG-Plugin 0.7.2 - WaterSounds 1.1 - WaypointManager 2.4.0 - WildBlueTools 1.0.4 - xScience 4.7 Please help!
  17. If you have upgraded KSP to 1.0.4 this mod IS outdated and shouldn't be allowed to be installed on CKAN. When the author fixes the heat issues and releases an update for 1.0.4 compatibility, then it should be updated in CKAN automatically.
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