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Everything posted by YargJay9991

  1. Great Scott! They did?!? Well, I didn't know that. Tell me more:sticktongue: YargJay9991
  2. Too true.... The cars in the movie we don't have now. But in the future? Hmm.........Flying cars.......
  3. How about Apollo 13? I haven't exactly seen it, but it did really happen. So shouldn't it be the most realistic? YargJay9991
  4. Is this because of Back to the Future Day? Date and time settings on your computer are another form of time travel...
  5. Happy BTTF Day everybody!!! This is the closest thing we have to hoverboards... Happy Flying YargJay9991
  6. Wow. Looks cool. Certainly a unique design. Well done! Happy Flying YargJay9991
  7. Try Open Broadcaster Software. It's completely free and does a great job with KSP. You just need to fiddle with a few settings to remove flickering and persistent frames. It's mainly for streaming but does a great job (with small size files) at recording and saving to the HD. You may also need a decent computer. Not sure what it's like on the RAM and CPU etc. Happy Flying YargJay9991
  8. My theory is the Kraken... (Sorry for not being very helpful ) YargJay9991
  9. Looks great. Are you gonna put download links and a mod list? That's the sort of thing you need on the SCE. The fuselage looks a little small compared to the wings. I don't know exactly what the real life lancaster looks like off the top of my head so I may be wrong. A bouncing bomb can be made with lots of radial air intakes placed in spherical formation, just to spark some inspiration. Well done. I like the cockpits and gunner areas. What mod do they use? Happy Flying YargJay9991 ​Here to help
  10. False. No bells ringing. The user below me likes to build replica models in KSP
  11. The Vernors have been around since 0.24 and the Place Anywhere ones since 0.15.0 (a LONG time a go...) If you mean the plane. Most likely 1.0.4 or 1.0.3 (the two most recent updates) Hope this helps YargJay9991
  12. Name? Jebediah... (I have no idea how this works...)
  13. Yep, I WANT MY HOVERBOARD!!! (and Mr. Fusion) However, I don't want the fashion from the movie. Anyone else notice that we don't have flat screen TVs in BTTF?
  14. I'm into Rhett and Link and their Good Mythical Morning Show
  15. Great Scott! Today is the date that Doc and Marty fly to the future in Back to the Future Part II! Wednesday 21st October 2015. Now there are some differences to what the movie says we do, have, drive, eat, wear, how we live. So, to celebrate, let's discuss the differences on this thread. HAPPY BTTF DAY!!!! YargJay9991
  16. Huh, that's Back to the Future Day. Wednesday 21st October 2015! (From BTTF 2 btw). Makes sense.......
  17. Have a scan around the Space Craft Exchange, there everywhere nowadays.
  18. This may sound stupid, but where is this No Offset Limit you guys are talking about? I had no idea such a thing existed! Imagine the possibilities:confused:... I'm assuming it's in the Alt+F12 debug/cheats menu? I haven't seen it there. Thanks in advance YargJay9991
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