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Everything posted by YargJay9991

  1. 9/10 Because your like me. I'm a serious aircraft manufacturer and only use rockets as plan B.
  2. -42!!! The incorrect answer to the universe!! We can do it!!!!!
  3. A. By using chess pieces made of cheese Q. Does nothing exists?
  4. 9 C'mon guys we can do it! Ok, I should let some one else have a go....
  5. Yes, there are random failure mods out there. But I think he means a Trade mod, where you can purchase supplies etc from other colonies. This would be a massive mod to have to make, and would take a lot of work. But if someone was committed it could be done. I think you would have to set up the "merchants" or colonies your self in order to buy. Would be a good multiplayer mod. However I don't really think it follows the kerbal spirit. It sounds like a new game to me. Squad? When you start to grow....... Happy Flying YargJay9991
  6. Give us two parts. I say keep the old Mk1 pod, and make two versions of the new one as a new cockpit. One with a nose and one without. We haven't had any new cockpits for a while and I think the game needs more. Anyone else think so? Really, how hard could it be. YargJay9991
  7. Welcome to the Forums! Hope you have a great time here. See you 'round! YargJay9991
  8. Um... It's a movie. It's not supposed to make sense! Well it is a little bit but (in case you didn't know) *whispers* BTTF didn't actually happen. Hollywood never hires scientists to fix up every hole and gap in movies. YargJay9991
  9. Wow. Looks very nice... I hate to toot my own horn but here's the one I made a bit ago. I think yours suits the kerbal world better, it's probably a bit more practicle. But mine was a 1:1 IRL scale, so it's a bit smaller than yours I think. Happy Flying YargJay9991
  10. 104 now I think? EDIT: 106! Oh so close...
  11. FOR! No wait... Phour! Argh.... uh .... Phor! no um.... DAHH! I give up ... 3
  12. That's a good idea. But can you imagine the work involved to animate every single tech node? It takes a while..... If Squad could find someone (even in the kerbal community) who is good and quick at doing animation then it would certainly be possible. Happy Flying YargJay9991
  13. Would you buy a aircraft cockpit for your DIY plane with a nose cone (less cash and less shipping to pay and less work) OR buy the cockpit and nose cone seperatly, only to find out that no matter what it says on Ebay, they are not the same size. You also need to attach it yourself, it will cost more, and it may not look as good. Anyone else agree? EDIT: Just remember What Would Nasa Do YargJay9991 (I should be a politician )
  14. That depends. People have made moving things by clipping other parts from seperate crafts and using a weird (and impossible IRL) push/pull mechanism (what I meant to say is K-drive. Stupid brain for making me write more words than I needed to)... A bit like this. Sorry for the BAD quality pic, it was a quick one... I think someone should look into this. I'll have a look and see what happens. Added to list for tomorrow.... Happy Flying YargJay9991
  15. It's basically a stock Rotatron or a massive servo! YAY!!!! What to do next..........
  16. Yep that's right. They don't move things they are attached to. Only parts on other ships. Great for making moving things. Lots of people are doing it these days. Happy Flying YargJay9991
  17. I can try and do one if you like MRS. I'll see if it fits in. Happy Flying YargJay9991 EDIT: 100th post! YAY!!!
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