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Everything posted by OddFunction

  1. Nice, I finally got home so I'm testing out a bunch now. Anyone have any word on Science Alert?
  2. Why stop there? Give us a hollow elbow and a hollow T with handrails throughout and let us use them as a ship-wide Kerbal-tube transport network @_@
  3. I was trying to think of ways to use it to recover Kerbals but this sounds like a much more practical use.
  4. All I wanna know is if precise node and chatterer is working
  5. At the risk of sounding stupid why are those any more useful than regular docking ports?
  6. This problem has been posted dozens of times and is not fixable. It is the result of floating point's which are never a precise number.
  7. I like it but then again it's kind of a mindless exercise for me. I can just relax after work and watch someone do something cool.. usually they spend 90% in the VAB but don't we all? The coolest thing I think I've seen from streamers was a re-usable UAV launcher on top of a rover/tank made by Das... that thing was epic. The rest of the time it can be pretty meh though. Also: What's the point of a media embargo when you list out every change in detail and give out pictures? Is there stuff we haven't seen yet?
  8. @5thHorseMan The current format is fine. It takes like 2-3 minutes to read as is, and the bits relating to development often stick out even without emphasis. In my opinion if you are sitting through a one hour podcast for our sake then I think it is a small thing on our part to spend a few minutes reading it. My 2 cents.
  9. I love how the Squadcast transcription has 3 pages of comments but a discussion on the aesthetics on a single antenna reaches five pages LOL Personally I think the thing looks fine. Even if it is ugly, we have like 10 other antennas to choose from. No biggie. Edit: I'm not roverdude but yes they have the latest version on their computers.
  10. Give us Unity 5 first, and the extra content later. I cannot wait for the various improvements made, and I don't really care about the extra content, so release release release
  11. KSP as is? Not worth $40. KSP at its full potential? I'd gladly pay $40 or even $60. And that's all I really got to say about that.
  12. The dev's don't even look at these. If you really want to make sure this problem is documented 1) make sure its not already on the bugtracker 2) post it on the bugtracker http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/ Take it from someone whos posted about a dozen bugreports
  13. Why is KSP eligible for a golden joystick when joysticks are notoriously buggy on this game? Just asking the hard questions. Odd out.
  14. If you can post a step-by-step reproduction of one or more of these issues I am positive you will generate some discussion
  15. So I just do [ships name] v0.# Such as, Munshot v0.1 = not flightworthy Munshot v0.5 = design work + staging done, in need of testing Munshot v0.75 = Craft can get into orbit and can return occupants or experiments safely Munshot v1.0 = Craft is tested, safe, and performs its intended mission If I'm designing anything I start at v0.1 and move up as I go so I always know what the craft is capable of. Some bonus version numbers: Craftname v1.5 = Craft is based upon a v1.0 craft but is being modified for a different purpose Craftname v2.0 = Modified craft is flightworthy/safe/performs intended missions I don't really do anything further than that.
  16. nVidia 680 GTX Bought it when it first came out. Love it to death.
  17. I like Linux but the only reason I use it is for KSP. So I will be formatting my 1TB Linux drive after the 1.1 release. The experience definitely helped me understand Linux a LOT better though, so for that at least I'm grateful.
  18. Does Ckan just open and close? Because I had the same problem and fixed it with this link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/124669-Ckan-Just-Opens-and-Closes-%28 Edit: after doing some more reading, I'm pretty positive that if you make the .sh file and run it, you will be able to run KSP, perhaps w/o even having mono installed (apparantly KSP contains all it needs to run). If the .sh file doesn't work, please report back. I'm sure someone here can help solve the issue.
  19. You don't run it with wine, you run it with Mono. Do you have Mono installed? (I'm almost positive it comes pre-installed) Edit: For me to run KSP in linux, I do the following: 1) Go into your KSP directory 2) Make a new text file 3) copy and paste the following into the text file #!/bin/sh export LC_ALL=C export LD_PRELOAD="libpthread.so.0 libGL.so.1" export __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 exec taskset -c 2-3 ./KSP.x86_64 4) save the text file as ksp.sh (SAVE IN YOUR KSP DIRECTORY!) 5) Right click ksp.sh, go to properties, go to Permissions, check the box that says "Allow program to run as an executable" 6) Save settings, open up ksp.sh, and it will run
  20. Thanks guys Amazing how far I got without even knowing the basics!
  21. Make sure you guys are posting whats required in the sticky: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92229-How-To-Get-Support-%28READ-FIRST%29 Most important of all is KSP version and reproduction steps. If you have a step by step method to reproduce this 'glitch' it allows for much, much faster fixes. Thanks and good luck!
  22. If you care about legality: One install only If you don't: KSP has no DRM. You can literally copy and paste your game folder and drag and drop it on another computer no problem. And as long as you paid for the game at least once it will bother absolutely nobody. Go wild.
  23. No, that's absolutely ridiculous. Once they incorporate a Shakespearian translation, THEN we can talk pirates. But not before.
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