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Everything posted by OddFunction

  1. If you're enough of a regular to know to give me that spiel then you must be enough of a regular to know that this glitch is not going to be fixed even if I gave him all my information down to memory timings. There's a reason I didn't waste my time doing so; the glitch has been in the game for literally years. If anybody has a workaround that's what I'm after.
  2. Yes I'm using launch clamps. I've tried just about everything. Any suggestions? http://imgur.com/a/dgV52
  3. Thank you!! You can get them on CKAN or here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/files/PartOverhauls.zip They were announced at the bottom of this post:
  4. How do I make Porkjets Parts overhaul over-write the stock ones so I don't have two sets side by side?
  5. Is it normal for some stock tanks to have no 'remove all tanks' button? I can edit other tanks, but not the stock one (except jet fuseladge).
  6. I see. In the meantime Vessel Mover shall suffice.
  7. 5.8 - Couldn't load in 5.8.1 - Works great so far Will update with any bugs. Thank you for your effort!
  8. Is that awesome Buoy included in the current version on CKAN as of 10-15?
  9. Not an update request Just wondering, if the dev version works good for people? I downloaded it and am about to check it out, just wondering if anyone ran into any glaring bugs? It sounds like you just have to avoid scaling crew-parts... is that it?
  10. That's fantastic. Modular fuel tanks is a must have; love it!
  11. I have no proof this works other than my own experience. Find your KSP executable. Right click. Properties. Compatibility. Check the 'Run as Administrator' box. Once I did this, I had virtually no crashes in the SPH or VAB.
  12. I got the best idea ever. Make a "satellite" with like 12 winches on the nose of it and enough seating for however many engineers you need. Then when you get to were you need to construct, just winch all your kerbals to the ship and park the ship close. 10/10
  13. Speed Increase of RamDisc versus HDD and SSD https://www.raymond.cc/blog/12-ram-disk-software-benchmarked-for-fastest-read-and-write-speed/ example program: https://www.softperfect.com/products/ramdisk/ Would this benefit KSP in any way? Perhaps with the stutter?
  14. Wheels are garbage right now. In the meantime, try this fix: /rant
  15. If you have screenshots or videos I could help a LOT more, but in general, STRUTS are your answer! If you have KIS/KAS, you can use EVA attachment to run struts all over your craft, connecting wobbly parts to the base so that they don't move as much. If you don't have KIS/KAS, you'll have to rebuild the craft in the VAB, being careful to use lots of struts (but not excessive amounts!) to secure the craft. It's hard to describe exactly how to do it... but in general, you just run them from the endpoint of whatever is wobbly and connect it with the center of mass. Let me know if that helps at all. EDIT: Realized this is in the Unmodded section so of course you don't have KIS/KAS duhhh...
  16. I just had a crash using 3.4.8 when trying to add parts. Here's the log file. http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=g1c95f796215756d1999828305c404e879159a881a
  17. Hello, I am trying to disable Aerodynamic failures. I know that there exists an option in the FAR menu to turn it off via 'debug/cheat', but the problem is it always, always reverts to the "on" state when I reload the game. I checked the configs but couldn't find anything. So, is there a permanent way to turn off Aero failures? Thank you! Edit: After reinstalling KSP + my mods, the problem went away. Aerodynamic failure now stays "off" properly.
  18. It sounds like your not running 64 bit. If you go to your KSP install folder, find KSP_x64.exe and run it, does it still crash?
  19. http://imgur.com/TZg5gPo https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/issues/1731 Anyone have any idea how I can fix this?
  20. It is a custom folder, so I do not think so. However for the sake of testing I will move it to my other hard drive. Is stage recovery safe to add mid-save?
  21. Seems my versions are up to date, at least according to the manual downloads on the individual threads for both mods. I went ahead and crossposted to Kerbal Konstructs. Thank you for the response, and thank you for stage recovery. It's an awesome mod
  22. -Version KSP 1.1.2 -64 Bit -Windows 7 Ultimate edition -C:\Program Files\Steam Games on SSD Directory\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program -KSP.log is attached below -Current version of Kerbal Constructs: Kerbal Konstructs (KerbalKonstructs -Current version of second problem mod: StageRecovery (StageRecovery 1.6.4) -C:\Program Files\Steam Games on SSD Directory\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KerbalKonstructs -List of other mods attached below -Screenshot attached below Description: Hello! I am having a problem with the mod 'StageRecovery'. I went to the StageRecovery thread and posted this report: The author of stage recovery instructed me to first update my mods, and then to crosspost to your thread. He claims that it is a problem between 'StageRecovery' and 'KerbalKonstructs'. The specific problem is that as the rocket re-enters the atmosphere, the parts that you discard (that would be recovered with StageRecovery) explode, but not just once. They explode several times a second, with each explosion generating a report, which means that if you fall through the atmosphere for awhile you can get 11,000+ reports. I had to download an 'AutoLeftClicker' program to click the X on all 11,000 boxes hahaha. Otherwise I have no idea how someone would fix that. Here is a link to my KSP.log... Note that this link will expire 26 days after this post. http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=gf7d6680bd4014e27999826584fd306b2693fbfe33 Here is a modlist: Here is a screenshot: Final note: Please do let me know if you need more information, or anything else. I would be happy to provide it if possible. Thank you for your modding efforts!
  23. It's pretty fascinating to see peoples opinions on the matter though. Quite a lot of... confidence out there, it seems.
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