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Everything posted by OddFunction

  1. Congratulations for blowing my mind for the second time tonight. Is there like, a JPG with all these shortcuts on it? Because if not, I'm making one.
  2. So when flying a spaceship and when in map view, pressing TAB will change your focus to the next planet. Furthermore, pressing Shift-Tab will go back one focus selection. I've always had trouble 'focusing' on the correct object. And then I learn this TAB trick after a couple-hundred hours of playing. Anybody else not know this?
  3. I think it means the entire game will be in that language. No translating necessary. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  4. 1) you have to have direct control of the vessel at that moment 2) you have to have SOME velocity in some direction or you won't able to make a manuever node.
  5. Broke it. Trying to fix it in orbit. Wondering what level of engineer is required to fix Gigantor solar panel, or if a level 0 is fine. Thanks in advance.
  6. The faces are in there because at several places the log put a Colon and a captial D, or ) next to eachother so when pasted here the forum formats it as a smiley face. Totally normal
  7. I lack the articulation to adequately explain myself. It's not specifically this thread, but more all the related threads since the announcement. I've seen the following confirmed as fact by various users at some point or another: -Unity 5 will significantly raise FPS -Unity 5 will have negligible effects on FPS -Unity 5 will have physix distributed across multiple cores -Unity 5 will not have physix distributed across multiple cores -Unity 5 will have a single craft distributed across multiple cores -Unity 5 will not have a single craft distributed across multiple cores -Unity 5 will be 64 bit -Unity 5 will not be 64bit So you're right, my post seems a bit out of left field in this thread specifically, but perhaps not when considering the wider conversation. My bad
  8. I gotta say, I am loving how convinced everyone is of their speculation when a) Most of us have never programmed so much as a coin counting program Of those programmers, even fewer work directly with Unity and c) Squad themselves refuse to release benchmarks and/or specifics Yet everyone already knows exactly how its going to go? Anybody wanna do a group-buy in of lottery tickets?
  9. This is the best peice of news of all, IMO. The rest is just icing. Do we have no idea of a release date then? I'm guessing 1-2 months.
  10. But I mean, that's only a theory too. An anecdote and a theory... but nothing solid all the same. Truly... what is so hard to believe here? Would we rather think that A) Squad hires an entirely separate company so that they can spend months babysitting them and holding their hand through a Unity 5 port, costing them both delays in the PC version and incurring the wrath of their fans or Squad hires somebody else that *GASP* understands how to use Unity 5, you know, the gaming engine used by thousands if not millions of developers across the world? And maybe since they know how to use the engine in question they can work largely autonomously, as stated by Squad several times? We need better conspiracy theories my friends. We really really do.
  11. LOL I love your optimism but its not as simple as the bolded. Multithreading with one to three cores would be just as good as with eight in all honesty. And as far as the performance increases associated with Unity 5, nothing is confirmed... so for all you people out there (and this is not directed specifically at you, keeper!) that say the performance increase will be negligible... please, please stop saying that without citing a source. Because the only source I've read is that there are gains to be had, only they are not discussing how much!
  12. Good for them. Hopefully they use the profits to continue to improve all versions of KSP for the foreseeable future. And remember guys. Xbox ONE + Ps4 releases does not equate to less love for the PC version. That point has been beaten to death about a million times already
  13. The only one(s) who care about the forums are the users Sad but true...
  14. http://www.thenerdpocalypse.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/treno_10.jpg ALL ABOARD
  15. To the first part of your question, yes 1.1 will be Unity 5. We may even get a 1.0.x that will be Unity 5, with 1.1 then adding additional content (like antennarange). The second part of your question, they couldn't debug errors on the 64bit version of KSP with Unity 4. That changes in Unity 5, and by all indications it appears they will be able to not only debug 64bit KSP but will eventually release a stable version of it.
  16. I seriously cannot wait. It's like waiting for Christmas. I love KSP so much. But launching large rockets and having the huge frame drops associated with it SUCKS. Unity 5 performance increase will be as much a psychological benefit as an immediate practical one. Secondly, 64 bit on WINDOWS???? You mean I don't have to boot into my Linux partition anymore just so I can have 64bit? You mean I don't have to use OpenGL and sacrifice the graphical quality of my game? It's almost too good to be true. The game seems to finally be getting out of beta! You. You know what you are talking about.
  17. Please do correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there is any reason to believe that U5 will fix 'most' of the bugs. It may fix things such as low performance/memory limitations, but as far as I know they are pretty much just porting the code over... bugs and all. Almost definately. #1 expected change with the Unity 5 upgrade is performance, indeed And this is the truth. I'm almost positive that's why we had a looong wait for 1.0.3 + 1.0.4. And why we've not recieved any additional patches. I'm guessing it will go in this order: U5 -> 1.1 Content -> Bugfixing -> Bugfixing -> Multiplayer WHO KNOWS THOUGH
  18. This is just 100% shot in the dark but, does changing to a 720p resolution do anything for you at all? Or do you just load into the game and immediately see the glitched-frozen-tracking center?
  19. I asked this question once. It was for orbiting satellites, and if just accepting "turn in X data from orbit" over and over was cheating. There was some good points made on both sides, and it changed both my style of play and my ideas on the matter. It wasn't a "pathetic attempt at self justification". It wasn't anything other than me genuinely wondering if the game was meant to be played that way. And to be perfectly honest I have no idea why anybody would be annoyed or opposed to see these threads pop up from time to time... I mean lets get REALLY honest... how many 100% original threads do you see submitted on a day-to-day basis? I'd bet not many.
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