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Everything posted by lexmkr

  1. Awesome! Thanks for the update!
  2. Is there something in this mod that requires a compatibility update? Version 0.4 works just fine in my 1.1.2 install (or at least seems to, I've never actually made it to any of the trans-keptunian bodies)
  3. @DMagic I haven't reported back yet because, well, I haven't been able to replicate the problem. I'll post the log when / if the problem arises again. But thanks anyway!
  4. @DMagic I used CKAN for installation and updates, so I think CapCom and CW+ were installed/updated correctly. I even tried reverting to a previous version of CapCom that was in ckan's download cache and installing it manually (deleting the 'old' CapCom folder before), but it didn't work either. How can I get a log file? EDIT: should I email you my broken save file? EDIT2: I was just clicking around in the CapCom window, sad because of my 'lost' game, and I got the contracts back. I'm not 100% sure what I did, but it involved clicking on a button that led me to the list of "Kerbin World First Record Keeping" (or whatever) and back. I then saw a "DMAnomalyContract" on the offered contracts list, and when I clicked on it everything went blank again. I tried the technique of clicking on the World First Record Keeping button and got the contracts back. Just to be sure, I tried to open the DMAnomalyContract again and everything went blank again EDIT3: it also has something to do with the sorting mechanism - I usually have to sort by reputation to get the 'offered' tab working
  5. I don't know if this is something caused by updating CapCom, but in my career save both the CapCom window and the Mission Control building are blank. In Mission Control there are no contracts listed under "offered", "active" or "completed" (and it also states I have 99 active contracts while the max is 00 - it should be like 11 or 12 active contracts), and in CapCom I don't even have the buttons "offered", "active" and "completed". Contract Window + shows all my active contracts correctly, but since I can't get new contracts there (I think? I don't use CW+ that often) it's kind of useless regarding the continuity of my career game. I've tried restarting KSP but nothing changed. Creating a new save, however, apparently 'solved' the problem - CapCom and Mission Control work just fine. Could it be that my save got somehow corrupted? And I know this isn't really the place to ask this, but is there any way to 'rescue' my save, so to speak? Thanks!
  6. Haha it's alright. I decided it'd be less of a problem to make a fresh install and use ckan to download (and manage) all the mods I had in my previous install - it seems most of the mods are back now But thanks for the help anyway!
  7. Thanks! Well I entered ckan clean in the command line, changed my KSP directories, rerun ckan and now it has no boxes checked whatsoever...
  8. Which command line are you talking about? Where do I have to write 'ckan clean'?
  9. Hi all! So I've been installing mods manually since Kerbalstuff went down, and it's all fine and well. My question is, and sorry if this is common knowledge: is it possible to get CKAN to recognize which mods I've installed manually? If so, how? Or let me rephrase my question: I've tried installing a mod (don't remember which one) via CKAN which required a dependency (don't remember which one either). I had already installed the dependency, and CKAN detected that and refused to install the new mod. This means that CKAN detected which mods I have installed, right? If so, why is this mod unchecked in the CKAN list? For example, I installed Outer Planets Mod manually, but OPM's box is unchecked in the CKAN list. Is this how it should be?
  10. I couldn't upgrade Kopernicus and its Expansion because I think I already had the most up-to-date version, so I just uninstalled Kopernicus Expansion and the problem's now solved. Thanks for the tip about Kopernicus!
  11. Hi! Sorry if this is an old problem, but for me all the gas giants have the same wrong texture: This is Jool: And this is Sarnus (Urlum and Neidon look almost the same): I'm running KSP in OpenGL mode. I also have Astronomer's Pack, but the problem persists even if I uninstall AP, and the rocky bodies look just fine. Does anyone have a clue what the problem might be? Thanks in advance!
  12. Oh, ok. Could you please recommend me some of those mods?
  13. *****Possible dumb question alert***** Just installed RSS through CKAN, with I believe all the dependencies and stuff. Is the Earth supposed to look so.... dark?
  14. Jupiter??? Was Keelon supposed to be a bit smaller than Jupiter in radius or in mass? And how big is it as per the latest release? I know the answer is probably going to be "well get there and see it for yourself", but my probe isn't scheduled to arrive any earlier than 10 years tehe
  15. I have KerbolPlus installed, but the most I've done was mapping Vix with ScanSat. From what I'm reading here, landing on the new planets and moons is kind of buggy, so I should wait for the next release, right? Is it ok that I've already interacted (so to say) with a mod-added body?
  16. Pardon my ignorance, but where am I supposed to write './ckan.exe upgrade KWRocketry=2.7'?
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