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Everything posted by SuicidalInsanity

  1. @Kirondoll: Sure, why not? On a general note I'm pretty close to finalizing my mk2 stuff in preparation for KSP 1.1, once that's done I can switch my focus to getting more progress on mk3 stuff again. I'm still not totally sure about the balance of the scramjet and air augmented rockets though; I may end up dropping a M2X 1.7 early access dev version for KSP 1.05 in the next couple of days if people want to help test them.
  2. Took a look at the service bay. Previously there were some issues with symmetry mode when trying to place things in it in the SPH/VAB. That issue is now fixed, and the service bay now also has some improved utility: Configurable internals, for tweaking the service bay to fit mission specs. I also rounded out the resource parts. Along with the previously shown drill and ISRU refinery, I've added an ore tank and generator: Should make ISRU mining spaceplanes a bit easier..
  3. I was thinking something along the lines of what Nertea did for the Near Future parts, but you have a point about parts pack size, and just where the divisions would fall; looks like I'll stick with a single pack.
  4. I did some torus centrifuge artificial gravity experiments today: (Bilman experiencing about 8 m/s worth of artificial gravity) I used open mk2 cargobays to build a hollow torus, spun it up, and then EVA'd Bilman into the ring. While the initial gravity test was a success, it resulted in Bilman permanently ragdolling. I had hoped I could have walked him around the ring, but on further thought, I have a suspicion the habit of EVA'd kerbals to orient to the camera would have prevented this even if he hadn't ragdolled. Oh well.
  5. @ss8913: I'll look into it, but for convenience, my sanity, and because I still can't get the ISRU drill working the next update won't roll out until KSP 1.1 drops, On a more general note, looking at just how much the part list for this mod has grown, and keeping in mind the effects of part bloat for people with older computers, I'm considering splitting this mod into a few smaller packs; I'm thinking something like a core pack with general Mk2 parts, and then having something like a deep space pack and an advanced flight pack for the more specialized parts. Is this something that people would like to see, or prefer to keep things as they are?
  6. Embedding an Imgur album is quite easy. When posting, there is an ' i ' button, black background, at the far right of the tool menu options. Click it, and a box with a text prompt will appear. Input the imgur album tag, then click OK, and the album should now be added to your post.
  7. 1260 ton rocket powered SSTO tanker, 150 tons of fuel to 100km orbit
  8. That is an entirely subjective question that can only be answered with: 'Is the part/plugin I have an idea for something I want to see in-game, and is the time i would spend achieving this something I would see as well spent?', but generally, that answer is going to be yes. While at first glance the difficulty curve demanded by the mod tools - Unity, plus whatever graphics/modeling you chose to use - may make the attempt seem not worth the trouble, these tools are not that difficult or demanding; they require a basic level of knowledge, yes, but nothing like a college degree. Anyone who wants to will be able to learn how to use these tools. For Unity, there are several tutorials on the forums about setting up and exporting a part, and the vast majority of parts will all follow the same procedure and part setup. If you can get the tutorial fuel tank exported into KSP, you have the knowledge to export almost anything. For Blender, while it forces the user to remember keyboard shortcuts, there are many many tutorials, both on the forum and online in general, for people whos skill level is anywhere from absolute beginner to more advanced, that will be able to walk a user through the process of creating a model. To learn to use these tools will take a little time, yes, but its worth the trouble in the long run. KSP would not be the game it is today without people like you and me setting to to create mods that add a vast amount of extra options and functionality to an already awesome game.
  9. With the magic of MM patches something similar could be done - want 'hard mode'? Add the reactor spool MM patch. I've done some preliminary experimenting, and I'm fairly sure that the desired behavior - Core heat mechanic with decreased thrust while the reactor is cold - can be done with ModuleResourceConverter (for core heat production and generating a placeholder ThermalEnergy resource), ModuleEngineFX (uses the ThermalEnergy resource and LF for thrust, with the HeatProduction value set to something like -400) and ModuelCoreHeat (ModuleresourceConverter supplies a steady source of heat while active, ModuleEngineFX's HeatProduction reduces that heat while firing the engine)
  10. @A35K: Takeoff weight was 1260 tons, give or take a few hundred kilos. I think it ended up carrying something like 150 tons of fuel to LKO.
  11. Made this for the K-prize challenge a while back, but it certainly qualifies as above average in size:
  12. Presumably doing it in a entirely unnecessarily and over complex very Kerbal manner, like landing a 200 ton lander or doing it only with SRBs or something. As an Idea, here's a mun landing I did for the size-0 challenge, but should probably apply here as well: Landing on the Mun using only 0.625m engines or smaller:
  13. A while ago someone requested a mk2 scramjet; I revisited the prototype i made and managed to get it working today: Flame-out at 38000m, final velocity 3121m/s, Apoapsis 4.2 million meters - that's 2/3s the distance to the Mun. I think I'm going to have to nerf it considerably. Should work great for RSS, though.
  14. Close - that fix will restore the IVA, but not its textures. The full fix is: Somewhere between the 1.04 version and the 1.05 version the the IVA's internal.cfg got reverted somehow, resulting in the IVA not being recognized.
  15. Technically only a challenge stage 4 attempt - mobile Kerballed vessel in orbit with non-fuel payload - Size-0 to the Mun and back. Went with an N-1-ish design to fit all the engines on, all stock. Somewhat overbuilt; had enough extra fuel I probably could have delivered the lander to Duna or Dres instead
  16. There are a number of mods that might work, choosing one is mainly a question of aesthetics. -Firespitter: Adds a number of WWII flavor wing segments ideal for building prop planes and the like; mainly intended to be used by themselves -OPT: adds large scale wing parts, some with integrated control surfaces; intended for very large spaceplanes -Mk3 Expansion: Expands the Big-S Wing parts line to something approaching the options available with the standard wing boards -B9 Procedural Wings: Procedural wing/control surface mod, allows custom wing shapes, probably the most flexible in terms of providing precisely the wing needed I'm sure there are other wing part mods out there, the above mods are merely the ones I immediately know of.
  17. A mk2 ISRU (and associated resource parts) is one of the things in the works for the next Mk2 Expansion update; however, I will make no promises on when this update will be released. In the interim, if you're unconcerned about aesthetics, you could always use MM to create a placeholder ISRU part. The below example is something I quickly threw together, it's less efficient than the big ISRU, but isn't limited in what it can produce like the small one. +PART[mk2FuselageShortLFO] { @name = Mk2_ISRU @TechRequired = advScienceTech @entryCost = 27000 @cost = 7000 @title = Convert-O-Tron Mk2 @manufacturer = Kerbodyne @description = A smaller version of Kerbodyne's mobile processing plant, this module can take raw materials containing even trace amounts of oxygen and hydrogen, and crack them into useful fuel products. When operated by a skilled engineer, you will be able to operate with better efficiency. This model, while lacking the power of its bigger brother, is still capable of full ore conversion options, unlike the smaller 125 model.These modules operate best at their ideal operating temperatures, and features auto-shutdown in the event of excessive overheating. Radiators can be used to help manage excessive heat. @mass = 2.5 !RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] { } !RESOURCE[Oxidizer] { } MODULE { name = ModuleOverheatDisplay } MODULE { name = ModuleResourceConverter ConverterName = Lf+Ox StartActionName = Start ISRU [Lf+Ox] StopActionName = Stop ISRU [Lf+Ox] AutoShutdown = true TemperatureModifier { key = 0 75000 key = 750 37500 key = 1000 7500 key = 1250 1250 key = 2000 625 key = 4000 0 } GeneratesHeat = true DefaultShutoffTemp = .8 ThermalEfficiency { key = 0 0 0 0 key = 500 0.5 0 0 key = 1000 1.0 0 0 key = 1250 0.25 0 0 key = 3000 0 0 0 } UseSpecialistBonus = true SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2 SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05 Specialty = Engineer EfficiencyBonus = 1 INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Ore Ratio = 1.0 FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW } INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 30 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = LiquidFuel Ratio = 0.45 DumpExcess = false FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Oxidizer Ratio = 0.55 DumpExcess = false FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW } } MODULE { name = ModuleResourceConverter ConverterName = Monoprop StartActionName = Start ISRU [Monoprop] StopActionName = Stop ISRU [Monoprop] AutoShutdown = true TemperatureModifier { key = 0 75000 key = 750 37500 key = 1000 75000 key = 1250 1250 key = 2000 625 key = 4000 0 } GeneratesHeat = true DefaultShutoffTemp = .8 ThermalEfficiency { key = 0 0 0 0 key = 500 0.25 0 0 key = 1000 1.0 0 0 key = 1250 0.25 0 0 key = 3000 0 0 0 } UseSpecialistBonus = true SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2 SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05 Specialty = Engineer EfficiencyBonus = 1 INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Ore Ratio = 1.0 } INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 30 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = MonoPropellant Ratio = 0.66 DumpExcess = false } } MODULE { name = ModuleResourceConverter ConverterName = LiquidFuel StartActionName = Start ISRU [LqdFuel] StopActionName = Stop ISRU [LqdFuel] AutoShutdown = true TemperatureModifier { key = 0 75000 key = 750 37500 key = 1000 75000 key = 1250 1250 key = 2000 1250 key = 4000 0 } GeneratesHeat = true DefaultShutoffTemp = .8 ThermalEfficiency { key = 0 0 0 0 key = 500 0.25 0 0 key = 1000 1.0 0 0 key = 1250 0.25 0 0 key = 3000 0 0 0 } UseSpecialistBonus = true SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2 SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05 Specialty = Engineer EfficiencyBonus = 1 INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Ore Ratio = 0.9 FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW } INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 30 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = LiquidFuel Ratio = 0.9 DumpExcess = false FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW } } MODULE { name = ModuleResourceConverter ConverterName = Oxidizer StartActionName = Start ISRU [Ox] StopActionName = Stop ISRU [Ox] AutoShutdown = true TemperatureModifier { key = 0 75000 key = 750 37500 key = 1000 75000 key = 1250 1250 key = 2000 625 key = 4000 0 } GeneratesHeat = true DefaultShutoffTemp = .8 ThermalEfficiency { key = 0 0 0 0 key = 500 0.25 0 0 key = 1000 1.0 0 0 key = 1250 0.25 0 0 key = 3000 0 0 0 } UseSpecialistBonus = true SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2 SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05 Specialty = Engineer EfficiencyBonus = 1 INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Ore Ratio = 1.1 FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW } INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 30 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Oxidizer Ratio = 1.1 DumpExcess = false FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW } } MODULE { name = ModuleAnimationGroup deployAnimationName = activeAnimationName = moduleType = Converter autoDeploy = true } MODULE { name = ModuleCoreHeat CoreTempGoal = 1000 //Internal temp goal - we don't transfer till we hit this point CoreToPartRatio = 0.1 //Scale back cooling if the part is this % of core temp CoreTempGoalAdjustment = 0 //Dynamic goal adjustment CoreEnergyMultiplier = 0.1 //What percentage of our core energy do we transfer to the part HeatRadiantMultiplier = 0.05 //If the core is hotter, how much heat radiates? CoolingRadiantMultiplier = 0 //If the core is colder, how much radiates? HeatTransferMultiplier = 0 //If the part is hotter, how much heat transfers in? CoolantTransferMultiplier = 0.01 //If the part is colder, how much of our energy can we transfer? radiatorCoolingFactor = 1 //How much energy we pull from core with an active radiator? >= 1 radiatorHeatingFactor = 0.01 //How much energy we push to the active radiator MaxCalculationWarp = 1000 //Based on how dramatic the changes are, this is the max rate of change CoreShutdownTemp = 4000 //At what core temperature do we shut down all generators on this part? MaxCoolant = 500 //Maximum amount of radiator capacity we can consume - 50 = 1 small } }
  18. @andreasblom; The high vis cockpit? I'm guessing you're referring to the HV Mk2-1 cockpit? It already has one; all the cockpits that come with the mod have their own custom IVAs. If one isn't appearing in game, I would make sure that everything in the Mk2Expansion/Spaces directory got installed correctly
  19. @AJTheMighty; -Some sort of suitable electric engine for Mk3 will happen at some point; though it would likely end up using Xenon or LH2; an ultra-high efficiency engine that runs on a dense fuel seems slightly too 'One Engine To Rule Them All' for my taste. -Mk3 solar options will also happen at some point. -Mk3 fighter cockpit is at best a 'maybe' at this point; I'd like to get other stuff out of the way before I start adding more cockpits. Every cockpit added means an additional custom IVA, and I've made little enough progress on the cockpit IVAs I have to do already. -Heavy habitat crew tank. See above. -I'm guessing this is some sort of Inline mk2 cockpit? -Mk3 Docking ports are modeled, but in need of texturing/rigging As a general rule of thumb, if something is in the Mk2 expansion mod, chances are I'll make a mk3 equivalent. That said, progress has been slow on Mk3 stuff mainly because I've been working on M2X and KBPP stuff of late
  20. @Kagame: On one hand, a bizjet crewtank would be useful (for part count if nothing else), on the other hand, more custom IVAs. I'll consider it. @Lrauka: Sounds like the game isn't seeing the IVA. First thing I would do is doublecheck that you have Mk2Expansion/Spaces/AnglerPit/Internal.cfg & internal.mu; those are the config and model file for the SC-TD IVA; without those, no IVA, and no portrait.
  21. @Rodger; Huh. Can confirm that reverse doesn't work. I'll fix the issue next update. @iospace; Idling Firespitter engines will generate a tiny amount of thrust, presumably because regardless of engine thrust, it's still a spinning propeller. @Generalstarwars333;If the turboprop doesn't animate or play sound, it seems like Firespitter isn't installed.
  22. Yes. Any specific launch instructions that might cause weirdness if not followed?
  23. I've made a test copy of KSP 1.05 running the mods you listed, and reproduced the craft you posted a screenshot of, as well as run some additional tests of the reactor in various configs and locations, and I can't get the bug to trigger. I also tested craft that used M2X 1.6.06 reactors and then updated to M2X 1.6.11 to make sure the addition of new modules on the reactors ported properly to see if that could have been the cause; still no bug. I have no idea what could be causing it at this point, and apart from deleting the Mk2 Expansion and reinstalling it to see if that changes anything, I don't know what to suggest.
  24. @iospace; The reactor has an engineer efficiency bonus like the ISRUs and drills, but doesn't require one to be onboard. Does the Alt-F12 debug log say anything when trying to activate the reactor? Also, could I have a full mod list? @Akira_R; Aerospike uses the following textures: Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageShort/mk2FuselageShort Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMainsail/model002 Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMainsail/model004
  25. @Generalstarwars333;Lack of firespitter would only break the turboprop. Since most of the parts are unchanged from the previous version, for all of them to suddenly disappear suggests an improper install. I would double check/do a reinstall of the mod to confirm that the parts are appearing in the GameData/Mk2Expansion directory. @iospace; Are there reproducible steps to getting the reactor to not work, or is it random? The reactor uses the same code as the stock ISRU - are you seeing similar behavior from that? Edit: Do you have NFE installed?
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