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Everything posted by peteletroll

  1. I'm getting a little confused with .NET version, Mono version, monodevelop version... I'm pretty good with Linux and programming, but I have no experience with the .NET/C# world. I was able a couple years ago to write a very small mod to show FPS. Now I want to try writing something more serious: I use Debian. monodevelop from www.monodevelop.com allows me to compile a dll, but the dll can't be loaded by KSP (I'm trying to write a PartModule). It's probably the wrong .NET version... Much of the information I've been able to google looks outdated or incomplete. Is there any linux-er here who can give me a few pointers?
  2. It would be great to have a "docking angle" tweakable on docking ports, so that a couple of docked ports could act as a movable hinge. No new parts, but a lot of new possibilities!
  3. Hey, I've found a bug... I've built a small contraption to replicate the bug: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ks4ng66ccyu22t0/KER-Bug.craft?dl=0 I know it's a weird structure, but I used it in a heavy-duty Jool mining ship... The delta v shown by KER is 0, but the fuel flow overlay is OK, and the engine works.
  4. @5thHorseman, I tried so hard, but couldn't find the setting...
  5. First thing I'll try when I get home. You are a fine gentleman, sir.
  6. I keep Kerbin system space pretty clean. But I like leaving stuff on the ground, sorta "I was here" tag. And I leave a lot of garbage all over the Kerbol system for the same reason.
  7. When you double click in map view and unset your target
  8. A quick and cheap way is orbiting Mun, orbiting and landing on Minmus, exit Kerbin SOI and back to Kerbin. Skipping the Mun landing saves a lot of ∆v. EDIT: This way you get level 3 kerbals with no need to wait for a transfer window.
  9. Landed probes on all bodies. Landed (and returned) Kerbals on all bodies except Eve and Moho.
  10. And add the full date, please. Sometimes I need to be notified that IT'S MONDAY ALREADY.
  11. Debian GNU/Linux testing, gnome desktop.
  12. The aerospike does have a bottom node since the 1.0.5 remodeling.
  13. @Green Baron, I'm using the KER prerelease on Linux without any problem. I have a black KER button in the VAB only when the VAB is empty (as usual).
  14. Found one on Eve! Gotta send Kerbals there soon to "investigate". That's what I'll tell them, I mean
  15. Looks like the CSM performed the docking: https://history.nasa.gov/ap11fj/19day6-rendezvs-dock.htm
  16. It looks like vectoring thrust is not accounted for in delta-v report. I'm using latest @cybutek version, but recent @Padishar patches behave the same way. http://imgur.com/a/FcnJV Many thanks for your awesome mod!
  17. Yes, a few rocket engines parameters were changed.
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