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    Curious George

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  1. Sooo, THIS happens when simulating a flight from the SPH... I don't even know where to start lol And this happened when actually launching from the SPH/Runway. Mun was not like that during previous flights from the VAB,
  2. In addition, I've been playing with the OffsetFactor line in the cfg, it seems that any semicolon or comma after the first number invalidates the entire line and KSC spawns in the default position, which at 2.5X is just hanging halfway over the water. Is there no way to vertically offset the KSC? I'm six +0.1 increments and this seems to be as good as I can get.
  3. My KSC keeps being placed partly over the water. Changing the offset value seems to do nothing, "1; " "2; " "4; " "1;2" all gives the same results. (no actual '' in the cfg) I thought perhaps Kerbal Konstructs was affecting things but having removed it there's been no change. **Removing the semi-colon allowed for position adjustment! However, default of 1 results in KSC being halfway inland towards the mountains on a significant enough of a slope that, KSC being level, is fine on the west end but levitating several hundred feet on the east.
  4. I have the same issue. There's a ring shadow that stays with the active craft. Most (annoyingly) noticeable when flying planes.
  5. Glad to see a good rescale mod! It seems to work fine with Blackracks EvE, scatterer and such, however the KSC is hanging half into the water. Any way to fix this? edit: Seems I've spoken too soon. Upon firing up the game for the second time with this mod installed Mun and Minmus orbits are highly eccentric and both have a periaps inside of Kerbin. Mun does not get much higher than Kerbins surface while Minmus extends out to merely 6,000 km. It looks like their sizes were scaled correctly. Other planets and moons appear fine.
  6. Absolutely LOVE this, thank you! Has become a must have for me. Looking forward to Better SRB support
  7. Can anyone tell me how to increase the distance at which Scatterer begins to take effect? I'm playing with GPP at 10x scale and about half way to the nearest moon from Gael (Kerbin) the game will hang for a moment and Scatterer stops showing. The inverse happens when returning from Gaels moons. The exact distance escapes me right now but I did try and find a correlation in the configs and didn't see any. TIA~!
  8. No worries! Just glad to have a rescale honestly! Something else I've noticed, Scatterer is still strongly applying haze to the craft up to 150km. I dug around in the configs and couldn't find anything obvious that would correlate. Also when looking near the horizon it appears that the surface grids do not extend far enough. Depending on the view angle you can get some pretty decent gaps. This also fades when scatterers in atmosphere affects stop @ 150km https://imgur.com/a/rZkBFue
  9. Found it all, thanks! However...10x seems to put the entire space center below ground. You can pan the camera down until it clips into the terrain and see it. Looks to be just slightly deeper than the VAB is tall. It's also doing the same thing that using the old rescale files did by breaking buttons, can't access tracking station, VAB, SPH, can enter but unable to exit tech tree and astronaut complex. I thought maybe it was KK but still doing it. Removing the rescale fixes the facilities/buttons. Fresh install with GPP/Rescale first does not break the facilities so that must be some other mod conflict, however the KSC is still below ground. You can still launch as the rocket is placed a few meters above ground, but even in flight the KSC is not visible.
  10. Stupid question, where do I get GPP Rescale? I can't seem to find any version of rescale compatible with any newer than 1.3 I also cannot find part rebalancer, either on ckan or forums/google I tried dropping the old rescale (10x) in without Sigma and got no rescale while breaking several buttons i,e, cannot enter the tracking station and cannot leave the tech tree
  11. This is the Mun's surface at 10.618 rescale. Not only does it look bad down there but getting there was painful. Framerates drop to near unplayable levels (single digits or less) once terrain loads even with ground scatter off. I'm currently working through the smaller rescales but I can say that it does no happen @ 2.5x. Playing on 1.11.2 @ 7.6 rescale framerates in low orbit (20km) are in the 20s, upper 30's, low 40s when landed. @ 5.4 rescale is slightly better at similar altitudes, it's definitely improving at lower gains. affects on framerates are minimal @ 3.5x https://imgur.com/B0mwjzM
  12. I am not seeing these values in the config file for Kerbin. It looks like this: @Kopernicus:FOR[RealisticAtmospheres] { @Body[Kerbin] { @Properties { timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 70000 70000 70000 120000 240000 480000 600000 @ScienceValues { flyingAltitudeThreshold = 18000 } } @Atmosphere { enabled = True oxygen = True maxAltitude = 70000 // Constants adiabaticIndex = 1.4 atmosphereMolarMass = 0.0289644 // dry air // Atmosphere Pressure staticPressureASL = 101.325 pressureCurve {
  13. How does this mod interact with rescales? i.e. I'm playing with a 10x stock system and outer planets
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