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Everything posted by David104

  1. Hey! Cheers for the reply! Gonna pay attention to the resource thing. But would be hard to try to avoid them..haha..:) Nevermind the guide, just tried it. The link leads to a doggy website...
  2. Hey all! I´m sure there is one or more threads to this but I didnt find that questions yet. So sorry for eventual double posting... Computer: AMD A10@4x1,9Ghz, 8GB Ram, AMD Radeon R7, No SSD Mods: Kerbal Engineer, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Dynamic Texture Loader, Plantery bases, Habitatpack,Tweakable everything, docking cam, Gravity turn, KIS/KAS I get fps drops quite fast. So usually from 100 parts on it becomes really laggy. Its still playable but kind of annoying. As I understood its because of the physics of parts that are just calculated on one core, even if you have multiple cores. The thing I dont understand is that sometimes its less laggy with, lets say, 96 parts than it is with a vessel of 60 parts. Both in LKO. Why is that? Is there anyway to improve the performance? Or will it be 1.1 to the rescue? As well, I get the impression, that when playing more than 1 hour or so, the performance is decreasing over time. I also found this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/57269-performance-fix-ksp-tweak-guide/ Is that still up to date? Would be kamazing if you could help! David
  3. 60 parts and lagging?? Please save us 1.1!! (I dont count numbers as words. )
  4. I agree, its the easiest and best solution. But you should really use one of these ground pilons (forgot the exact name) to connect them. It happens often to me that, when the crafts are linked directly, they start moving. Slowly at first but eventually go completly nuts (like lifting off the surface and just smash into the ground. ). The pilons fix the problem..
  5. The only mod I would add to the stock game would be KIS/KAS as it really gives you a lot more things to do while on EVA. Especially when building bases or stations.
  6. Well, how do you get data to actually produce science? Thats mainly the problem with my orbital stations. They look nice and are cool but at some point I always run out of data and usually dont have enough delta v to dock there when I come home from some other planet with a excrements load of science. I´m still building them because its fun.
  7. Heyho! I was playing around a lot with ssto´s yesterday and had a simular design of my spaceplane and the same problem. How I got it to work was deorbit with an 20-30 degree angle over the horizon and putting my Periapsis at almost 0m. It sounds strange, as I would think you just gonna explode as you entering the thicker atmosphere to fast, but that actually solved the problem.. Even did the same thing with an Mk1 cockpit which has a lower tolerance for heat (I think up to 1500K) and it worked as well..
  8. Dont know if this is in any way helpful or its the most normal thing and it just took me ages to figure that out. .I was playing around with SSTO´s yesterday for couple of hours and figured out that, during reentry, it helps a lot to angle your craft up around 20-30°. Before I always was blowing up when entering the lower atmosphere due to overheating. Like this I didnt need airbrakes....but maybe if coming from an interplanetary journey its different..
  9. Heyho! I have a bug which is popping up more and more frequently. It doesnt happen all the time but at least once everytime I play. When I load a ship from the tracking station I get this: http://postimg.org/image/mfy4y3aib/ If I would click now on Space Center my ship would be gone forever, killing all kerbals..:/ So I have to go back to windows and close ksp without saving. Does anybody know a solution to this? Mods: Kerbal Engineer Kerbal Alarm Clock KIS/KAS Thank you for any help!
  10. Think Foxster is right...you really dont need the big fairing. I think you can also get rid of the heatshield as the atmosphere on duna is reaaaalllyyy thin and normally not harmful. You could also look for a lower place to land and make your entry less steep..
  11. Doesnt "space around kerbin" mean that you have entered the SOI but you´re NOT in orbit? If you have a satellite in orbit around kerbin and you send scientific data that would not fullfil the contract.
  12. Heyho! I only have the spinning problem when I have a craft which CoM is not right in the middle. If you dont have SAS control, it wont be controlable then because there is nothing to stabalize it.. Also what I also have from time to time, especially with docking ports, is that I forget to turn off symetry mode, so basically it attaches e.g. 2 docking ports on only one slot. Maybe that causes the CoM to shift... Do you have enough electricity on it or solar panels?
  13. Most of the advantages have already been said I guess. I recently build a vessel which was a rocket as a transfer stage for Jool and a small SSTO as payload. Went to Lathye with it...that way I didnt had to carry that much fuel for a landing and return to orbit to dock for the journey home. Unfortunately misscalculated the required delta-v for breaking at Kerbin by a lot. So its still orbiting the sun...gonna rescue it some time I guess.
  14. Heyho! So I tried everything but couldnt get the vessel with the big wheels to work. The reason for the slowness is that the craft actually is floating a bit over the ground. Dont know why it does that. When I looked at the status of the craft in map view it said suborbital.... I just used smaller wheels (a lot of them) and its working like charme. I think the floating is also the cause for the movement when connecting a pipe to it. Also, for the craft with the smaller wheels I had to put landing legs on there in order to "connect" it to the ground. Without them, the vessel would spin out of control again. Hope that the problem gets fixed with future updates. Cheerio!
  15. Cheers guys! I already looked at the battery charge while "moving". Its draining but not too heavily. I think I have 6 of the bigger square battery packs on it. The idea with the traction sounds promising and logical. I´ll try it tonight and let you know! Just another thought on the pipe problem. Do you think it could help to connect the base with the tank through a ground pilon? Never used these... Thanks for your help again! You gotta love the ksp community.
  16. Brakes are enabled and there is plenty of charge. Gonna try the SAS. Any idea why it drives so slowly? Thank you!
  17. Hey there! I have a weird problem. I built a base on Minmus which is mining ore and converts it to fuel. I connected a big red tank to it using a pipe (KIS/KAS) without any problems. After that I built a vessel (basicly a red tank which can depart and dock to a orbital station) on wheels (the really big stock ones). The first problem is that this vessel although it has wheels and worked perfectly on Kerbin is moving soooooo slowly on Minmus. It just doesnt really excellerate. It needs like 5 sec to get 0,1 m/s of velocity. The second problem is that once I also connect it to my base using a pipe it starts to move. First really slowly but the movement becomes harder and harder, until the whole base is shaking and eventually lifts off the ground and explodes. It looks pretty cool but still not the porpuse of the whole thing. I had this problem as well on the moon. When I connect a second pipe to a base it slowly slowly starts to move and in the end gets destroyed. When it happended on the moon, I didnt actually see it. Just when I switched to the base it was a cementery of parts laying around. Does anybody have the same problem or knows whats causing it? Cheers! David
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