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Everything posted by Gameslinx

  1. I know I don't support KSP 1.6 but if you know what you're doing you can manually update it without much difficulty. If you're not sure where to start, just wait for the update.
  2. Search the mod name, then get the newer version. If you don't know how, just wait for the 1.6 release.
  3. Listed on the GitHub when you go to download the mod (Stuff like Kopernicus)
  4. I don't care whether people know how old I am or not, so it isn't really much of a problem
  5. I've just turned 17, by no means a math professor or any good at math whatsoever lol
  6. Development has been paused for a little bit as I am focusing on schoolwork and I have a holiday coming up, so I'm taking a little time off to prepare - nothing major. Development will resume as normal in a week or so!
  7. Could be but I can't model, so the chances of that happening is low.
  8. Scatterer is not required. Scatterer works on 1.3.1, 1.4.2, 1.5.1 and 1.6+ so you should not be experiencing crashes. As long as you get the updated versions of Kopernicus and the mod's other dependencies. Instantiator is not updated but still works.
  9. No. Since it isn't KSC, and it isn't Kerbin. If you know how to make a sunflare texture, yes you can. You need knowledge of Scatterer configs for this.
  10. Officially, yes. However they already work on 1.6.1 if you update the dependencies, which is why I haven't officially updated yet
  11. It will appear to be slightly closer to Rhode - this is because they're tidally locked to each other. The home planet has three moons. The closest moon and the furthest moon are similarly sized, so although the closest moon is quite close to the home planet, the moon farther out should be more than enough for the same effect
  12. This is in KSP. KSP demands no GPU usage whatsoever. I get 50-60% usage in Doom 2016, and that is much, much more demanding than KSP. I'll post some numbers about the night-time performance as well, but it won't be for a few days since i'm not going to be at my PC much, but i'll try to get back to you
  13. Either in the config window that pops up in the main menu (it might not, depending on what visual pack you use) OR the scatterer config.cfg (there might be two, if so, use the one included in the visual pack), set useOceanShaders to false, godrays to false and terrain shadows to false
  14. That sunflare was added in post and it's actually from a Google search, and I think it's very similar to this:https://goo.gl/images/fPUwMx The skybox in that picture is completely black - I'd need an example of an image with a different skybox (unless black is the effect you're going for). I am interested in your show and what it is about, but I can't guarantee that I'd be able to help. However it's worth a look, so I'm happy to PM you
  15. Instead of buying another 1050, sell yours and get a 1070 or 1080. Bear in mind that the 10xx series is discontinued and running out of stock, so you might be better buying a 2060. If you are windows you can open task manager and click on performance to see your gpu usage when in flight. I think it's safer to say (and sorry) that Scatterer is not optimised well enough. Your 1050 should be good enough to run most of today's games at reasonable quality, so I wouldn't say you have to upgrade yet. KSP barely utilises the graphics card - my 1080 sits at 3% when scatterer is not installed, and 70% when it is, running at 4k. That much of a demand is ridiculous, and points to a clear optimisation problem. With that said, it's a mod, nothing professionally made, so we should be happy for what we have and pray for optimisation in the future. Scatterer does not function well on large planets. On my huge Jool-sized terra, i get a similar problem. I think it's because of the sheer size of the planet.
  16. It's the same here. I think the post processing shaders are causing it. Try dropping your resolution and seeing if that helps. But playing below native is never fun...
  17. Can confirm that during development of my upcoming Beyond Home mod, I get significantly reduced FPS on the home world compared to a default stock kerbin. The cause is my GPU ramping up to 70%+ usage which is ridiculous since it's a GTX 1080. However I don't think the underlying issue is scatterer - more how the rebuild kerbin is applied. I noticed that it doesn't lag at night. Try timewarping to night - your FPS should jump right up. An I reading 1080 X 5760 correctly? I assume that's 5760 X 1080, being a triple-monitor or a large sized wide-screen. I think it's to do with the pixel density you're trying to render - is your GPU usage at 100%? You're rendering slightly less than 3840 x 2160 (4k) pixels. I play at 4k and experience a huge impact in my performance and GPU usage with scatterer, rocketing usages to 70+ percent. That said, I think scatterer is too demanding on the GPU at this resolution. This is definitely to do with optimization, but if nothing can be done (and we should wait for the new release at least), you're being bottlenecked by your graphics card.
  18. I never got a chance to update it. It does work in 1.6, you just have to update Kopernicus and Eve and Scatterer and it should work fine
  19. You can make your own configs for Fate and Destiny and Kerbol, yes It's about 1/4 of the size of Kerbin. I figured an asteroid wouldn't really give it much credit.
  20. Nope. FlareReplacer does not allow the use of my own flares. You can use the scatterer sunflares that I provide instead
  21. Technically you can run it with just 8, so yes you can!
  22. It will look similar to Jool in after kerbin but with a thinner atmosphere and improved terrain as the clouds have set completely There will be terrain scatters such as rocks and trees, but only as far as the stock ones go since I can't model to produce any new ones. Yes, but I haven't really done much in terms of visuals yet so I don't have a picture.
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