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Everything posted by Gameslinx

  1. It'll be released when it's released. Beyond Home is based off the timeline that Before Kerbin, Stock and After Kerbin all follow. It is a continuation that takes place after After Kerbin.
  2. Sure, go ahead. I'm happy for anyone to use screenshots and videos from the mod
  3. I've decided that I very much like the idea of two binary stars at the heart of the new system. This won't need any extra mods like sigma dimensions - it's built into Kopernicus. The physics will work almost the same as just having one star, except you'll orbit a barycentre rather than the star directly. With that said, you will be able to orbit one of the stars if you get close enough, but you'll probably overheat before then.
  4. Galileo now has the rights to OPM and thus, CTTP (which was originally a part of OPM). CTTP is therefore under the new licence provided by Galileo - it is also the most up to date version of CTTP, and so the licence by CaptRobau is obsolete. It's completely up to you if you want to be petty about this, Davian, but please respect the author/maintainer's wishes and utilise CTTP properly. If you're going to be petty about this, then so am I
  5. I might name it Tribute, as it's the last planet the Kerbal inhabited before their voyage into the new system. It won't have Solitude's terrain but it will have some elements of it dotted around. It'll look more like Demise, without the pink. An ashy lava world!
  6. A prototype, in progress map and view of Laythe (now called Tau). Its water level has fallen significantly since Stock, but risen since After Kerbin. Volcanoes are also visible on it's surface as well as vast mountain ranges.
  7. As soon as people stop asking for completion dates! (around christmas is my guess)
  8. Kerbin will be completely gone (aside from possibly being a small asteroid). Duna is now the closest planet to Kerbol
  9. There will be lore. That's what this entire mod is There is no confirmation on the binary system yet. There are only 2 habitable worlds in the new system if we exclude the semi colonized moon; the home planet and a planet around the gas giant. Laythe is still habitable around Kerbol as it is heated by tidal forces. Planets are named myself and have no reference to anything else except Kohm, Vasto and Scindo which are named after items in the game Warframe.
  10. This is Tylo, now named Talon
  11. ... Yes you do need to make a new config file. Do not edit the system file in Kopernicus. Rings show in the tracking station and the main menu still.
  12. texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Niebos_ring.png That is not where the ring texture is. Also if you're trying to add Niebos' ring around Kerbin you should use this code: @Body[Kerbin] { %Rings { %Ring { angle = 25 //0 makes the ring completely flat. outerRadius = 20000 innerRadius = 2000 texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Niebos_ring.png //Change this to wherever the ring texture is color = 1,1,1,1 lockRotation = true unlit = false useNewShader = true penumbraMultipler = 8.0 } }
  13. Does this work for student debt too?
  14. Cheers. I'm currently ill at the moment so work on anything has stopped lol
  15. We're getting there. My focus is elsewhere at the moment but expect an update soon
  16. Went over the texture for this planet and also updated the skybox to a more realistic version! We now also have a nice icy moon around the gas giant Let me know what you guys think of this planet. It's a tad odd, but hey
  17. A dense, high pressure atmosphere world.
  18. Acid seas sounds like a nice addition to the thick atmosphere and high gravity, actually Hmm... Where did I put my HCl...
  19. A truly alien world. An uninhabitable, dangerous, toxic world.
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