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Everything posted by Gameslinx

  1. Well... you're wrong then? Because Kopernicus isn't even updated for 1.4.5 and so the mod cannot work.
  2. Olu'um is treated by the contracts system as a planet despite being classed as a star in its config. I don't think there's a way to fix this, simply deny or ignore the mission.
  3. Thank you I originally aimed for it to be a gas giant, but a small star (despite being unrealistic) certainly looks a lot better to me
  4. No other lore unless you find the message in the audio logs in the mod files And your camera is above KSC like that because you might have Kerbal konstructs installed
  5. I put a lot of easter eggs in my configs, and a lot of easter eggs in the mod itself Also you're spelling meridian backwards by capitalising letters, so yes I get it
  6. No way. That's way too generous. 0.2 biomes with a 0 science multiplier sounds a lot more fitting.
  7. Since you have other planet mods installed and they are not working, your KSP install is extremely unstable. I don't have this problem myself. I think it's to do with your install alone If anyone else does, ping me. I don't think I'm going to separate assets from my mods and release them as their own mods. Besides, @JadeOfMaar did most of the work on the sunflare and he has his own awesome collection of them "Sunflares of Maar"
  8. Is it unique to GPO? Or does this happen for other planet mods, too?
  9. Hmm when I next pick up KSP again i'll remember to check this out as someone else has mentioned it before.
  10. a black sphere with the jool template black colour map clear normal map 3km radius no unique features whatsoever because they stand out too much and i dont like them my dream planet
  11. You've done nothing wrong. I think I made a mistake with ksp-avc in the release
  12. In that case, I probably won't be supporting the launchpads for a bit. No money for squad, no way.
  13. That happens and doesn't result in a crash. From memory, I'm not sure what causes it, but it is harmless. Send your KSP.log over and I'll take a look.
  14. I didn't forget. The Meridian message is there for a reason They would be the stock launch sites. I haven't added any or adjusted any. I don't even know how to use them (does it require the expansion?)
  15. Download scatterer including its sunflares, then copy the sunflare textures from GPO/scatterer/config/sunflares/UrsaMinor/[chosen star] to your scatterer/config/sunflares/Sun, overwriting all files. Then replace the config with the one from gpo.
  16. You can, but you don't have permission to include them in any projects or for publishing
  17. I've not done anything for multiple launch sites in GPO 1.4.3
  18. Haven't seen it... If it requires the DLC, though, I aint supporting it. Squad don't deserve any more money from me, the way I see it. If it doesn't, i'll give it a try when i'm free. If it does, i'll make it work with KK.
  19. Can I just say that "Gemeni" is actually spelt "Gemini".
  20. They got rid of the person who was responsible for making them. I don't think that Squad want to create more planets. I wish Squad actually put some effort into the planets, but hey.
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