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Everything posted by Gameslinx

  1. I've revisited Minmus a little bit. I've preserved its flats but changed up its mountains a bit. Yes, it is quite different to the stock minmus, but I like it
  2. I've been experimenting with my own terrain textures. I feel as if the planets really need some better surface detail - and here it is!
  3. Well here's the new Mun: Minmus is difficult to do, since it has to look very smooth. I may need to do quite some changes to it for it to look effective...
  4. Added 7 new craters to Olei and made its colour map more dark and gritty
  5. Yeah, i've finished with Niebos and Nievis, i'm now fixing bugs on Telos
  6. There are some issues with the current version of Niebos that I don't like. Its terrain needs an update, since it's been around since last year and I don't like the appearance of it
  7. That was the plan - a prograde burn from that latitude when launching at the correct time of day would align you with Gullis' plane
  8. It appears to be everyone's favourite moon I'll give it a go, it doesn't seem hard to figure out - do you know what Latitude it's at?
  9. That information can be found in the tracking station. Planetary information is displayed there.
  10. Likely either a raise or depression in the terrain which looks weird as i haven't adjusted the sites at all, except KSC. I'm aiming for some time this weekend/monday, but due to my exams it could be later than that.
  11. Ah. I'll need to somehow make areas for all those launch sites...
  12. Yep. Fixed already Not sure if that's even possible in the stock game...?
  13. Niebos' atmosphere now contains oxygen again for the new update I had to completely redo Niebos' scatterer atmosphere because it was way too bright, had issues transitioning to its scaled version and the clouds were a horrible blood red colour at night, which has now been toned down a fair bit. The general colour of the atmosphere has been preserved, but it's been darkened from orbit along with its config points adjusted
  14. Doing some major changes to Niebos because there is a LOT that I hate about it
  15. I can't fix this. I've done everything. The contract system just isn't very good so you'll have to ignore it
  16. Yeah. Don't lower the quality settings, as it doesn't save any CPU usage. (Or, if it does, it's barely anything). Lowering the texture quality lowers the quality of the heightmap too, which results in the planet's terrain changing.
  17. Sounds like a bug. Niebos is breathable, and has been for a few versions. I remember making it breathable. I'll fix that
  18. This will NOT save you any performance except RAM. To get higher FPS, you will need to remove any visual mods. Gaia (home), Niebos, Dreidos, Sonus, Telos The deltaV map is already in 8k. Are you clicking on the image preview to expand the size of it? It's definitely readable and if anything it's too high a quality. Takes me 48 seconds with just GPO installed, but it depends on your system performance. More mods = longer loading time.
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