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Everything posted by Gameslinx

  1. As is tradition - KSC is on a mountain. New Gaia is almost complete. I have also added the aurora from Before Kerbin to Fume
  2. I'm thinking of holding off this update until I update to 1.4. There is quite a lot planned and I don't want to rush it. Hint: Kerbal Konstructs
  3. They don't - it's just a scatterer rendering bugs where the rings will always render on top of the atmosphere, giving it that effect
  4. Don't use 1.4.1, it doesn't work. If I could update the mod, I would have done it by now. You'll have to wait for Kopernicus 1.4.1
  5. This has now been fixed as it was an issue for CKAN users to not receive the sunflares as scatterer is split into two parts on Ckan (for some ungodly reason).
  6. City lights are not on Gaia because I chose to not make them Optimisation? I use a smaller area and a larger cloud size so that less items are rendered.
  7. Alright. I'm just wondering, because I haven't used kerbalism before, and I can't be sure whether I will. I expect bug reports with kerbalism-GPO support should be referred/directed to here?
  8. Which textures did you create? If you decide to make this mod with your own assets in the future, I would like to know what I could expect!
  9. No need to be annoyed if he does not answer, my dude. Whatever the reason it is for him to leave or simply not reply, you have to respect his licence. I'm sure you would feel annoyed if someone took your hard work and claimed it as their own. Pro tip: instead of waiting for a reply you will never get, make the mod yourself. Releasing ksprc for 1.4.1 is useless if you don't actually know how to maintain it or even create your own textures.
  10. Yup, i'm getting the problem too. This must have been present for months and nobody has brought it up - thank you Shall fix for the next update
  11. I'll investigate. Got a longitude value or is it everywhere? Gaia may be getting redone for 1.4's update, so it may be worth waiting until then for me to fix it
  12. There may be a GPO update before Kopernicus 1.4.1 is released. There also may not be one.
  13. Fixes to: CKAN instantiator not working (due to the example config in its download being unrecognised by the DLL) Scatterer sunflares not working on CKAN download Unable to track sun at Telos Coming soon.
  14. In the KS3P folder in GameData there will be a config.cfg file. Open it with notepad or notepad++, scroll down to the "flight scene" node and lower the intensity and radius for bloom. I'll be doing this myself in a near update, as i think it is also excessive
  15. You can turn down the in-flight bloom in the KS3P config if you do not like it.
  16. Don't know about licences? Don't release a mod! Consider reading up on licences before releasing a mod. Just because you don't know the rules doesn't mean that you are exempt from them. Hope this helps.
  17. If you did this on github and submitted a pull request I could have merged it into the main branch by now already! Thanks for the heads up, I've been working my way through capitalisation myself over the last week. Development has been a bit slower due to life issues but I'm glad to hear the issue is now just down to my clumsy naming scheme!
  18. I'll post an update this weekend. Thanks for telling me
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