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Everything posted by Gameslinx

  1. Quite strange. I've not seen this before. To me, it looks as if something is wrong on your end. It looks more like a driver problem to me, so try updating them. Usually this doesn't work, so: Could I have a screenshot of your GameData folder along with a copy of your KSP. Log file? Thanks.
  2. Terrestrials (worlds with oxygen) - Niebos - Dreidos (Ish) - Sonus - Telos (Ish) Telos has a very turquoise hue, and its main feature is a strip of land encompassing the planet Sonus is meant to look similar to Gaia, the only true earth like world. (It's meant to look the same) Niebos is quite turquoisy, and has rings - as does Dreidos (but Dreidos is sandy so let's leave it out of this). I agree that I could make Niebos and Telos more different, but it will take some experimenting to separate them further! (Telos is tidally locked, so...) As for the other feedback, thank you! I tend to edge towards a semi-realistic but also a fantasy looking planet pack with this mod. I'm glad it appeals! Final note: Tomorrow/Sunday's update should correct some of these bugs (accretion disk turning the wrong way when viewed from above, lava temperature curve ramping too steeply, some bugs mentioned above)
  3. Cheers for that, they all sound like promising bugs. Fixing for tomorrow's release
  4. You can try removing Gaia.cfg... but I don't really support people who try to mess with the mod. There will be no help from me, so make sure you know what you're doing!
  5. DELTA V MAP. Credit to Cortharis for the data collection and initial representation of the information within this poster. Here's a printable version for you all:
  6. Aye! GPO recently updated if you don't know Many visual improvement which might go well with the story, might I say!
  7. My man using GPO. *clicks follow* Hope that hand gets better my dude!
  8. ummmmm...? No intiendo. Still got to do the steps I said above
  9. Use Kopernicus with the correct configuration syntax. Requires module manager to alter stock planets.
  10. Working on some easter eggs at the moment. Hopefully there is an element of a secondary story line to the mod to encourage exploration and discovery of things on different planets.
  11. That is because of scatterer loading on the planets (more load the closer you get to Olu'um) and the EVE layers (more load the closer you get to Olu'um). The main issue here is that you do not have a graphics card so your computer is severely limited and it is relying on your CPU to do everything, which is why you're lagging
  12. Hey all! Just released a quick update because KSC was elevating above the surface again. I never caught it because I always headed into the tracking station, and it wasn't visible from the main KSC view! I'm afraid you'd need to download the entire mod for this fix, or replace Gaia.cfg with this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qfmjfb471f6hrna/Gaia.cfg?dl=0
  13. Yes, but remember to remove the old ones before the new ones (don't just drag and drop the new ones on top of the old)
  14. Entire changelog for GPO Version 3.0. This changelog is the largest one yet. COMPLETELY REDONE: - Scorch - Butai - Sonus - Niebos terrain - Dreidos terrain - Volux - Tetra - Olu'um - Flake terrain - Fume terrain THE FOLLOWING MISCELLANEOUS CHANGES: - Volux hurricane size increased - Volux hurricane retexture - Bug fixes on ALL planets - Scatterer fade bug on Niebos and Dreidos fixed - Reduced aliasing for terrain textures on all planets - Size adjustment for Volux and Tetra - Atmosphere pressure reduced for Fume - Removed 3 EVE layers on Fume for performance - Added EVE-Scatterer integration on Fume - ADDED THE ACCRETION DISKS BACK TO OLU'UM AND VULCAN - Colour changes for Butai and Dreidos - Fixed ocean on Oleumt - Reduced chance to explode on Olemut SOI entry (let me know if this still occurs) - Reduced terrain pixellation drastically on nearly all planets and moons - Added sunflares to Sun and Olu'um, credit to JadeOfMaar - Skybox complete retexture - General terrain improvements and quality enhancements across the board - Increased variety of PQSMods used on planets - Corrected sharp terminator on Volux - Brightened Olu'um's texture - Added lava ocean to Scorch - OTHER BUG FIXES WHICH I HAVE LIKELY FORGOTTEN HAVE BEEN APPLIED Enjoy the update. GPO is now 1 year old. Please note the licence noted on the Spacedock and Forum pages. Using my textures for your own purposes without my permission is in breach of my licence. If you have just seen this message, please wait 5 minutes for the mod to complete updating.
  15. Intel HD graphics is an integrated chip set. Without a dedicated GPU you will lag like crazy. You need a dedicated graphics card, because Intel's builtin graphics are terrible!
  16. I need your system specs (processor, gpu, ram...) And yes, it is probably the clouds.
  17. Screenshot of your game data folder please!
  18. Thank you! I'll let you know when I'm closer to fixing this, but it is a long shot unfortunately...
  19. You use Mac/Linux. This is a recurring problem that every Mac/Linux user has. To fix, go into your graphics settings and just press apply after changing something You will need to do this every time you start the game, but it is a workaround.
  20. No, except for Dreidos. It is getting oxygen and a slight radius and gravity increase, as well as increased atmospheric pressure by about 50%.
  21. So far there are major terrain changes on: Volux, Butai, Dreidos, Niebos and Telos. There may be more before the update, though.
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