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Everything posted by Gameslinx

  1. Hey @Thomas P., whenever I load up my planet mod, I get this error where my brain comes up with this: [7.12.17-LOG] On the 12th day of Christmas, Thomas sent to me: { - 12 bug reports - 11 strange textures - 10 gigs of ram - 9 MM patches - 8 broken logs - 7 mod suggestions - 6 PQS mods - - Fiiiive bug fixeeees - 4 common bugs - 3 push errors - 2 double doubles™ } And not one plaaanet wooorked foooor meeeeeee!
  2. Turn your terrain and texture quality up in the settings on the main menu.
  3. I don't appreciate being tagged in this thread.
  4. You could try, but I'm not sure since I haven't tried them both together. I can add compatibility with it if you like
  5. I'm quite sure Scatterer doesn't support multiple light sources shining onto the atmosphere, EG separate stars? If i'm wrong, please send me a screenshot. I'd love to be able to implement this in one of my other planet packs. Thank you
  6. Yeah. There's 0 use in adding external visuals (such as AVP) to After Kerbin, since none of the stock planets are in the game anymore. That's why I made my own
  7. I'm not a fan of being tagged in these threads
  8. Things planned for the upcoming update: 1. Update Gameslinx' Planet Overhaul 2. Update Before Kerbin 3. Begin updating After Kerbin (This mod) _____________________________________________- 1. Correct mass and radius for Reaper to bring it closer to more realistic standards 2. Bug corrections, such as the heating and light intensity of Archangel 3. Attempts at optimizations for Mac/Linux systems and older systems 4. Graphical changes in EVE and Scatterer in preparation for their respective updates 5. You can suggest some changes yourselves if you feel inclined to. I won't be adding more planets, though, but some QOL things that I've overlooked would be nice to hear at some point.
  9. Cheers, very much appreciated. ________________________________________ In other news, the 1.3.1 update has been pushed back a few weeks because I have mock exams starting in 1 week. They last for 2 weeks. It's 3 weeks until I can begin work on my mods again, so the 1.3.1 update will likely be a few weeks off at best. Sorry for the wait, but life calls.
  10. Meaning... he IS correct, since he knows what he's talking about.
  11. What? Bug? No that's how the Kerbals colonised atlas OBVIOUSLY (Yes it's a bug but I can't do anything about it, why not try it?)
  12. Over time, it has slowed the rotation of the inner planets because the mass is "closer" to them than before. Only Solitude is tidally locked
  13. No I'm not being sarcastic. Not to advertise, but check out some of my stuff if you want proof. Sam is taking on quite a bit, but I'm sure he will he able to accomplish everything he wants
  14. Naaaah! I've been working 99% alone on my planet mods. You can do it just fine!
  15. I don't understand? Can I have a screenshot of your gamedata folder? Thanks. You could join the discord (linked in the main thread) for more help. EDIT: Follow @Galileo's advice above, unless it's specific to this mod.
  16. Don't try running the mod on other versions if you don't know what you're doing. I'll be not providing help if you don't play on the correct version the mod was built for, sorry. An update is on the way which will address errors overlooked before.
  17. *removes accretion disk* "I want them back!" *adds accretion disk* "Why is my log file 12GB?!"
  18. Just to clarify, I would appreciate it if you did a tad more research into the matter. As a matter of fact, I am acutely aware of why I removed the disks from my mod. They didn't vanish for no reason. As it is clear you're not entirely certain you know what you were talking about, with all due respect, my accretion disks and his use exactly the same plugin. As a matter of fact, if you look at that exact plugin thread, he posts a link to this mod. I wouldn't ever purposely release a mod with critical errors such as the very reason I dropped support for Instantiator. Hypocritically saying, I don't appreciate your condescending tone when addressing me by my actions regarding my own mod. I've said my reasons for removing the disks a few pages back and I'll not give you the benefit of the doubt. I have repeated myself countess times within this thread and on my release notes here AND on space dock, AND in my change logs. I've said many times I'll be trying to bring back these very accretion disks you clearly know and love, but in reality, ---> I'm not a magician. I can't pull things out of thin air. <--- Further proving my point, you said "this [mod] adds gargantua from ___". Yes. I know. SCROLL DOWN. I've replied numerous times to the thread - please do research! I'm not removing the disks to annoy you guys. If that's what you think I'm doing as a modder, I politely ask you to rethink pressing this matter into my face. Simply asking "Can I ask why you removed the accretion disks? Thanks." Or "Do you think the accretion disks will make a return later on?" Would have avoided this entire debate.
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