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Everything posted by VincentMcConnell

  1. When every continent has been named on Kerbin, can you release a map with every continent labeled?
  2. Yeah, they look small when it\'s just a picture of the arch. That\'s because there\'s no reference to see how big it really is, but when you land on it, you are totally astonished at the size. I measure the height at about 158 meters from the ground to the top of the Arch. For reference, that\'s quite a bit taller than the launch tower at Kerbal Space Center.
  3. It is my Munar Lander. I performed a targeted landing and touched down on the arch.
  4. About to read it. Judging by the title, it seems like Apollo 18 meets KSP lol.
  5. I\'ve done delta glider orbits, Lunar orbit missions and free returns. I had tutorials on youtube to help me on some of them, though. I have not landed on the Moon yet.
  6. It\'s not a very hard game. I got the Delta Glider into orbit manually on the first day I started really learning how to play.
  7. Yes, I have played AMSO. Orbiter is cool, but I lose interest after a few missions. KSP is better. I like the sand box cartoony feel.
  8. I didn\'t get the quote from AMSO... I just got it because I have a practically encyclopedic knowledge of the Apollo missions lol
  9. Yes. I can do Orbital maneuvers. Any theories you would like me to test? Also, the alchohol experiment would be perfect if I wasn\'t 16 haha
  10. Our kerbals can\'t chew gum... yet... That would be a cool experiment, but unfortunately for it, I was looking for something I could actually do.
  11. I\'m going to launch a Merkury Capsule into orbit right now and ride three orbits with no timewarp at 75KM. I will need a lot of experiments to keep me busy while there. In the name of discovery, does anyone want me to do anything for research purposes so we can learn more about Kerbin space?
  12. It\'s GoDammit\'s Kerpollo pack. Unfortunately no longer on the forums.
  13. I cleared my persistence file pretty soon before this if I remember correctly. I was the only thing there.
  14. Roger understand, you\'re number one on the runway. lol@BuzzAldrin
  15. Scott\'s awesome Grand Tour video inspired me to make this extremely basic rocket and send it to Minmus. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/76061308/I%20own%20you%2C%20Minmus..rar All the photos are there.
  16. This was good, but did it really need all of those 'K\'s'? I loved the ending.
  17. xmas, why did you call it Kearth? That\'s such a 'bottle' thing to do... It\'s KERBIN and don\'t say 'Kesus'. That\'s just stupid. But other than the annoying overuse of K\'s that most people on the forums HATE, that is a good story. So good job!
  18. Airsofting. Building replicas of rockets (Getting a dremel so I can make a Titan II replica) Designing rockets. A BUNCH of space related stuff. And of course, KSP, lol.
  19. Captain Skunky, I think you should change the rules. All images should be in spoilers. It makes the other ones not load when they\'re not in spoilers...
  20. Let\'s build an information database on this giant thing. I just landed on it. Not because it was cool, but actually for scientific purposes. I landed on it, took some screenshots (which are uploaded) and then flew back down to the surface directly underneath myself. The Mun Arch (at least where I logged altitude) is 157 meters tall. It seems to be Kerman made, although it\'s possible that at some point the Mun had weather. There\'s no way to know what it is composed of until EVA sample collections come out, so we will have to try and throw as much data into this as possible. I already ejected all debris on my ship, so I was wondering if someone could do this... Eject some debris at one end, fly to the other end and then measure the width of the Mun arch at its base. Go on a research flight to learn anything about it and post in the thread. The data will be kept here. ALL INFORMATION WE COLLECT WILL BE LOGGED BELOW: Munar Arch A strange arch that stands about 160 meters in height and can be found on the northern edge of a nearside crater. Height: 157 meters (as measured) Width: ?? Inside Width: 113 m Geological Composition:?? Surface: SOLID
  21. Landed on top of the Arch LOL. I also brought along surface level cameras. This flight was extremely research based. I deployed a Kerbal dummy, took the first surface level photography of the Mun (for research to plan the best approach to future EVAs), landed on top of the Mun Arch and observed many of my other craft soaring over head.
  22. I like how this somehow got confused for a game thread. LOL. I guess that\'s how it will stay.
  23. Apollo 11 - Walking on the Moon (HD!) Police Song set to some great images and video of the first manned lunar landing. In July of 1969, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins set off for a mission which had only been close-to-attempted. On the 20th, the Eagle landed on the Sea of Tranquility and out popped two brave explorers. It bothers me that the audio of the 'Eagle Has Landed' was chopped to exclude the engine shutdown technicalities in the video I downloaded, but there\'s nothing I can do about that.
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