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Everything posted by XB-70A

  1. He also was the co-creator of Tanguy & Laverdure with Charlier. My favorite story in the collection, when stolen Harriers are used by a criminal organization to shot down airliners and try to drop a tactical nuclear bomb over Paris. However, he only draw the first eight albums, Pirates du Ciel being his last. Still, his drawing was incredible.
  2. Oooh... my weekly result when I was working on boats. Wherever you are on a boat, and whatever its size and generation, a boat is NEVER designed so you will not slip, trip, or open your skin Seriously, it's almost like any naval engineer to whom one would speak about human factors would answer, "The human what?". Also, "Oh, this main deck seems perfectly clear and practical to walk on... I should put a few cleats here and there."
  3. Just sit down and appreciate those 13 channels on the TV to chose from.
  4. I stopped counting how many times I ended on a "butcher's table" in my life. Mostly for "essential" surgeries, but also because I did stupid things. Just like @5thHorseman, I "enjoyed" some experiences around my private parts. Four times, along six years (first three surgeons butchers weren't really capable). Anyway, my left arm is now the only portion of my body which has not been cut... Strangely, my worst pain experience isn't related to surgery, but the "burst" of one of my sinuses. I was 14 years old at the time, and had just started to pay me some flying lessons (it was still legal at the time). That day, I could feel that my sinuses were "full", I was having trouble breathing with my nostrils. Anyway, I did not tell my instructor about, and we left for a short navigation of about 100 minutes. The climb and the cruise went smoothly, then came the descent. All I can remember is the feeling of a little bubble in my left nostril slowly rising up the canal, until it just "pop". It almost made me pass out, and I can't describe the pain it causes. Fortunately, I was not alone that day, because I don't know if I could have landed by myself. It is quite difficult to explain. I've experienced the cleaning of my wounds with a water jet and without anesthetic (because in our little Caribbean hospital the stock was low and "reserved to severe cases"), but none of these procedures ever reached the level of pain of that sinus burst. Anyway, I recently (6 months ago) had the right to another intervention... injections under my skull's epidermis. Once again, without local anesthesia. Strangely the pain was much more intense than I expected. I think my body is tired of being cut, and has become more and more sensitive over time.
  5. Successful launch of a CZ-2C(3) earlier, carrying Yaogan 30-06-01, 02, and 03.
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