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Everything posted by XB-70A

  1. It's going to be hard, as Sony is at the top of the big three companies in musical production. Their grip does not even stop there, a case (funny to my perspective) is in the case of digital cameras, where as always the lovers of some brands shoot at each other because, "Canon is the best. NO! Fujifilm is the best! What?! Everyone knows that Nikon has the best products! Impossible, it's Panasonic! etc." while almost all those brand are almost using Sony's censors and chips only.
  2. That would... smells pretty good, actually. It could cover cats’ strong urine smell in a n efficient way.
  3. Probably the case. I cannot count the number of time I got warned of copyrights claims on my YouTube's uploads, so I deleted the video and re-uploaded the exact same file later without being detected.
  4. -3 - Well, it’s not really like the negatives are doing better lately...
  5. -3 - --- Hey, look at this fabulous page number! Let's celebrate our 400th page of meaningless war All in 258 days, we get an interesting average number of 1.5504 page a day.
  6. -3 - Sigh... where are those reinforcements when they are needed. . . . - - - . . .
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