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Everything posted by XB-70A

  1. Easily got beaten by a better villain.
  2. Followed by Repetition --- Last valid was @qzgy 23 (-1) 22 - Also, I really have to leave, it's 00:18 for me and I'm about to pass away
  3. 38 - @qzgy You were fine, it's me who messed up. At the time I realized the mistake it was too late to edit it (according to the rules).
  4. Correct Correct Incorrect --- Last correct was @Wildcat111 41 (-1) 40 -
  5. Jackhammer is your friend (Not responsible for pain in the back and ears) --- Mmmh, Kobe is about 250 km from Hiroshima. Even with the RDS-220, the most powerful thermonuclear weapon ever designed (100 mt of estimated TNT equivalence), the air blast could not have reached Kobe.
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