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Everything posted by XB-70A

  1. (Lancaster AJ-B, flew by Flt Lt Astell hit high tension wires around Marbech. The plane stalled and the Upkeep detonated at impact, leaving no chances to the seven on-board. They were the first to be loss during Chastise.)
  2. I’m only following the Monolith. And it says... 56 (-1)
  3. 59 - It's going to be hard. The Add-Sentinel is here. Edit: @SpaceplaneAddict, watch out, your number is 61 instead of 60.
  4. 61 (-) Anybody here got some Positive Repellent™ ? I'm starting to run low on it.
  5. XB-70A


    Shanghai!.. West Virginia, USA
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