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Everything posted by Tynrael

  1. I guess my problem is I don't immediately make the connection between my rocket, the navball, and where I want to go. Take this picture for example, if I want to fly over the hill in the direction of the blue arrow- I have no idea where to position myself on the navball to point that direction. I would lift off and gain some vertical speed and then tilt any direction and then swivel around on the navball until my rocket was finally pointing in that direction.
  2. Thanks Randazzo, I will have to try and see if that helps. I had a problem in the beta where when I used surface mode to center my retrograde marker in the top center of the navball it resulted in me still carrying horizontal speed and so I got used to going back to orbital mode to try and kill the horizontal speed so I didn't scrape/bounce across the surface. I have not tried sticking with surface mode when landing since the 1.0 release.
  3. Bob is my main guy, I truck him all over for the extra science boost and leave him a dedicated probecore to manage the difficult piloting. I would say a large percentage of the time I EVA him to pick up surface samples I will get back to my rocket and start my ascension back to space only to realize that I flail all over with no stability, even though SAS is on and lights up. I have power, I choose to control the ship from the probe core, and get no results. I have tried disabling/re-enabling SAS, changing control to something else and then back to the probecore, as well as saving and loading. The only guaranteed fix I have found for this is to go back to the Space Center and then back to the ship (which is not ideal if my ship is falling). Has anyone else experienced something similar? I am not sure if it is mod related, I have a list in my signature.
  4. This is minor, but it always irks me when I have to timewarp to see what direction my vessel is going. If I am orbiting the camera all over the place, trying to align with a contract satellite mission, etc... I may have to do this more than once to help ensure I am adjusting my normal to result in the needed direction of the contract. It would be convenient for something like an arrow sprite that renders tangential to the orbit pointing in front of the vessel. Or am I alone in thinking this could be useful? (Yes I know I could look at my AP/PE and see which time-to was shorter)
  5. I am curious to see if anyone has a good technique or method to know (immediately) what their reference point is in the map view or third person camera view looking at their ship. What I mean for the map view is, is there an easy way to instantly know if you are looking at it from the top down, as opposed to bottom up? I find myself having to timewarp to see the bodies moving to determine if they are going clockwise or counter clockwise. For the vessel my trouble is when I am attempting to land I occasionally overshoot and get too much speed going another direction, so instead of slowing to a halt horizontally I pick up speed in elsewhere. I can see that my vessel is moving too fast in a certain direct and want to bleed speed off that way, but since the navball markers are combination vectors that may not be currently visible on the navball anyway I can't just aim for them. Visually I know which direction I want to tip my ship but I am not sure how to know how the ships rotation matches my vessels direction based on any given camera angle. I hope that I am making some sense here? I find myself tipping my ship around and adjusting it based on visual queues (of that not being what I wanted at all) to go through a conic movement until I find the position I wanted. A similar issue with RCS, knowing what translation will push my ship in what direction without firing it off to see what does what first. I guess, is there a good way of knowing what "true" north would be for the ship and what it aligns to on the navball? Maybe I should be building my rockets to maintain a standard convention for that. **UPDATE to Answered** OK guys, it sounds like the solution is to use markers to help note the orientation of the ship relative to the Navball. Thank you for the responses! I had just been using the "guess and check" method for years and thought I would ask if there was a better way that never dawned on me.
  6. I have encountered 2 different issues and each one seems to target just a single part, usually a battery or a probe core. In 1 version a service or cargo by causes a part to jump back and forth between 2000+ and sub 10 degrees until it explodes, heating up the parts around it in the process. Once it blows up the other parts cool down, or if the bay is opened temperatures return to normal. In the second case one of my parts will jump from sub 400 to over 2000 instantly, this usually happens to a probe core entering the atmosphere around 65-70,000 meters. Once my ship gets hit with this crippling heat issue it persists through saving, reloading, or changing scenes- but it does not happen all the time and I have not been able to build a craft that when launched will experience the problem in a way that can be repeated. When this does happen to a vessel with radiators on it, they do not help in managing the out of control temperatures. I think (like a few others) that it may be related to the time-warp, I notice this when I move forward and then stop either to setup a maneuver node or to take more deft control of a vessel during re-entry. There are a few posts on this for both the modded and unmodded support sub-forums, FAR appears to also cause an issue similar to this for different reasons.
  7. I see so much fluctuation in memory usage from just restarting KSP even if I make no changes, I can't accurately determine the effect anything really has on how much memory is being used. I've found that the majority of memory usage comes from added textures and I use the file-size of the mod folders as a very rough estimate of what effect it might have. IE, I reduced the size of my GameData folder by about 250MB by adjusting textures and give or take about 50MB I saw my RAM usage decrease by about that much.
  8. In the Main Menu, Kerbin is in the background off in the distance, using EVE adds clouds to it. It appears you are crashing when it is loading these clouds while it transitions to the Main Menu. This reply from sumghai to a recent and similar crash may help explain what is happening and what you might try to fix it.
  9. I apologize if this is covered somewhere, I tried using the search function to locate anything related to it but may not have been hitting the right keywords. If Texture Replacer were overriding several large textures would they be prevented from loading the large ones up front- IE KSP wouldn't use more memory when loading? My interest is knowing whether or not it might be possible to use CFG files to override and help reduce duplicate textures (here is an example of the worst offender, and they do not all have the same name, it makes my eye twitch): This texture exists 9 times (4x for the normal) and is not optimized well, I can reduce it to under 1MB total for the color and normal combined, with 10 (way overkill) mipmaps with no visual difference. If I could link these parts to the same texture with Texture Replacer I would be able to bring the memory footprint here below 1MB from the 13.6MB it currently takes up. This is not a lot, but this is just one of many such textures like this, there are dozens and it would add up to a significant decrease in memory. I currently use the 64-bit version of KSP with no glaring issues, but I would really prefer a streamlined 32-bit version over (what I would consider) a bloated 64-bit version. I did locate an old post (2013) where somebody was attempting a similar method another way, but I would like to be able to have KSP update to newer versions and not have to make a lot of alterations to get it back into shape again.
  10. I haven't ever used these engine types but after seeing some of the interesting looking landers and other craft people have built that do use them... They can probably offer some benefits to crafts for many situations.
  11. So at least 7x 8K cloud textures (possibly more), it looks like you are hitting the memory cap. I would try creating a shortcut to KSP.exe and adding "-force-opengl" at the end of the target field in the shortcuts properties and/or compress those clouds or use smaller resolutions. You can run the PNGs through a quick compressor like Pngyu and see if that along with using OpenGL works out for you.
  12. I haven't ever hired a Kerbal. I rely on the rescue missions but every time I go to the Astronaut Complex and see the cost for more it frightens me. I have occasionally had to cancel a low paying contract to eat the failure cost for a larger contracts up front money just to launch a vessel. If I were new to KSP and trying to do a Career play-through where I accidentally "lost" crew members I can't imagine getting far before having to make drastic changes to difficulty settings just to be able to keep playing. Then again, "I like to play on hard mode" + "I have to cheat" makes it appear there may be no reason to choose that level of difficulty if it is meaningless for the game play. Considering the cost to upgrade the facilities and to build the rockets (especially if you also have to pay to unlock parts) the Kerbal cost seems disproportionately high.
  13. No need to make a new Thread, this one seems to be related to an issue I recently experienced. It seems my problem parts are service bays, batteries, and probe cores. In stock (unmodded 32-bit) I have a problem with un-manned space planes if they include a service bay. If the bay is closed a battery or probe core will heat up and explode, regardless of where it is on the vessel. I have tried putting them on the far side of high mass objects like fuel tanks that are littered with radiators and this doesn't seem to change anything. If I open the cargo bay during most of the re-entry I can make it home alright. This also happened in my modded-career, I came out of a large timewarp into a new SOI, did some maneuvers and jettisoned a stage and everything was fine. I created a new manuever node and in about the 30 seconds it took me to do so a huge section of my ship had parts with red meters. I turned on the thermal overlay and the battery was blinking like a strobe until it blew up and then the newly created 2-part vessel cooled down to normal on its own. The effect is less dramatic with the "ignore max temp" flag but here is a clip showing the link between the service bay and the battery temperature (the battery changes between a temperature of 4 and 2400 again and again while the bay is closed). The only part of my ship that has this temperature fluctuation is this one battery and it is not directly connected to the service bay, it seems very odd. I wanted to revert my save back to a 1.0.2 version but now I've done a few missions it seems that may not be so easy.
  14. I use a lot of mods but was sitting about 2.8-3.2GB usage with OpenGL in 1.0.2. Currently with 1.0.4 I get the 99.9% complete loading bar and then crash due to running out of memory. I also updated several mods to coincide with the new version so it could be a combination of the update as well as mods that are for various versions. KSP could also have been peaking at 3.9GB in 1.0.2 for all I know and then immediately stepping back under 3, there appears to be a threshold at the end of loading where the memory skyrockets before leveling out again.
  15. I see many large and mid-range planes, I am not really into aircraft and this is my first space plane! My entry is aiming for minimalist, I wanted advanced pilot precision by landing on the runway but overshot that, with a craft that does not fly/glide well (only 2 wings!) I think this qualifies? It appears to hit all the requirements- though I will own up to many things right here! Launches from the launch pad, is un-manned, and lands in the water with a parachute. However, it is 4.09 tons and I was unable to get anything lighter into orbit that was able to de-orbit. This is 1.0.4 and the heating/aerodynamic changes are something I am still adjusting to from 1.0.2.
  16. I spent more than 20 hours making this: To be fair I was new to rocketry and it was alpha! I have a few hundred hours more in game since. But yes, those orange tanks go 5 high in single stacks. A central column of them with 6 more around that (not 6x symmetry but 2 different 3x columns). This was before I knew the struts only connected 2 pieces once, so every orange tank on the inside is strutted 3 times to every other neighboring tank, IE 1 orange column has 45 struts. I also thought struts wouldn't break off so many are attached to decouplers. It certainly does look absurd but it GOT TO SPACE WITHOUT EXPLODING (3 times!). With a lot of delta-V left, enough to go anywhere!!! It took about 35 minutes to get to orbit due to how every second in game took multiple seconds in real time. The point is, no matter how crazy- with enough effort you can make it work! Forgive me.
  17. I like the clouds KillAshley, my only criticism would be that (like all other clouds on Kerbin) there is no open space above the space center, ever. You can timewarp for days and your guaranteed to fly through clouds. They are quite large on disk but I played with them a little and in game the memory usage is less than what I was using (maybe due to the ~700 lines less of implementation in the CFGs). I'm going to use them as a primary and add Astronomers auroras and go with that for a while, I will let you know if I see anything strange.
  18. It is definitely the render method, all x64 really does (for me) is allow the extra memory for more mods and better textures. 32-bit DirectX with just my EVE mods nets me more than 60fps(with large fluctuation into 80+) whereas the openGL gets me a very steady 30ishFPS. x32 openGL uses about 1.7-1.9GB of RAM while DirectX uses 3.2-3.4GB. It isn't really a fair comparison to say I like x64 because it performs better, because it is x64 with better textures in DirectX vs x32 with lower quality textures and openGL. Apples and oranges.
  19. I used x64 pre-beta for a few hundred hours without issue, heard it was broken for 0.90 and stuck with the x32. I noticed a lot of the odd quirks, having occasionally difficulty accessing components or brief input unresponsiveness that I had previously attributed to most likely being part of the 64-bit version were just part of the game itself. I played quite a lot x64 in Linux and had no problems with it, but I encountered some hardware issues with Linux itself that kept requiring an OS re-install every time I would try to fix them. I left Linux not because of how Kerbal performed in it, but because of Linux itself. I had setup a reasonable group of mods for a 32-bit install of Kerbal but couldn't get it to run, it used about 2.8-3.2GB of RAM after the game had actually begun for the x64 version. It seems Kerbal loads to 99.9% and then has a large spike for RAM usage before lowering again that crashes the game if it peaks too high. I experience: 60-80FPS with high resolution textures and native AA with x64 or 25-30FPS with medium textures and forced AA on 32-bit (openGL) That said, I recently had an issue where loading a saved game resulted in a mish-mash of my contract status, funds, science, and available crew members that was a combination of where I had left off and a few hours prior... It made me unhappy and I can't say it is x64 related, I hadn't experienced anything like it ever before, but I'm going to see if I can tolerate the low FPS for a while on 32-bit.
  20. While I also attempt to rotate the camera all the time, I find it frustrating to see people who continue to blame the game for things that are clearly operator error. "MechJeb is a little broken" "Its still early access, the game isn't finished yet and its very broken" etc... I find myself yelling "Are you kidding!? Look where your center of mass is, or how fast you are going and how far you tipped over- you had MechJeb push you 20 degrees one way and then instantly 25 in the opposite direction, and its the games fault your craft lost control?! Move this up, add wings here, and don't do X/Y/Z... or revert to launch and make the same exact mistakes again and again"
  21. A huge thanks to everyone who has participated in this thread! I have looked over quite a bit of it and will most likely be referring to it many times. I have been meaning to setup a mining operation but have not made it that far into my latest career. -Tynrael
  22. KillAshley, Thank you for your work on this mod! It has made my current Lets Play significantly more interesting. I had also experienced the ~1400m camera glitch when I updated to 1.5 and wanted to add some things that I had noticed, in hopes that it can be properly squashed. Comparing 1.5 to 1.4.21, this error DOES NOT occur until the 1.5 version of Kopernicus/Config/System.cfg is overwritten/added. Currently I am using all of the 1.5 files with the old System.cfg instead of the new one, it seems to be working fine. (I compared the two and only really see the addition of PQS to all bodies and light adjustments... nothing jumps out) This does appear to simply be a camera issue, but it causes an eye twitch with every launch. I noticed that this happens about the same time there is a starburst puff of smoke that shoots out that does not occur in the stock version of the game. Also if the camera mode is "Locked" or the vessel is being viewed at an angle greater than 45 degrees above, this jump does not occur. If the ship is being viewed from below, the same time this occurs that camera jumps to a side view on its own (none of this mattering with stock KSP of course). I tested multiple scenarios in a clean stock installation with only New Horizons so there are no other mod influences. An additional thing that I will add is that when changing between having the mod and not having the mod, removing the New Horizons, Kopernicus, and ModuleManager files from GameData would result in me having no parts in the VAB, at all. Starting a new game would result in the same thing, I think it may be tied to the persistent file from the save being loaded. Deleting any games that existed during New Horizons allowed me to start fresh without issue. Looking forward to all of the improvements to the celestial bodies! It will take me long enough to advance Career far enough to explore them that they will be in great shape by the time I reach them. -Tynrael
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