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  1. Hi, the file "StationScience.cfg" seems to control wich PARTS (not experiments) are evaluated for contracts. Since the current Version of your mod has the "default" parts disabled with the lines TechHidden = true category = none in i.e. "..\GameData\StationScience\Parts\StnSciExperiment1.cfg" But THIS part is needed for the contracts: StationScience.cfg // To disable contracts for a given experiment or planet, remove that // entry from these lists experimentChallenge { StnSciExperiment1 = 1 StnSciExperiment2 = 2 StnSciExperiment3 = 2.5 StnSciExperiment4 = 3 StnSciExperiment5 = 2.5 StnSciExperiment6 = 3.5 } So the arcanum may bring the experiments - but since the PARTS have other names, THEY are not tied to the contracts at all
  2. yeah, that was part of debugging - no complain. i wanted to show you, that the contracts are tied to the old parts, that you deactivated...
  3. if additional info on my problem (retrokuarqs contract not reacting to updates on experiment) is needed, im happy 2 help. im just not sure how. intentionally, i also thought there might be a naming issue, - but im not sure edit: my ship used: name = costlyExperimentRetrogradeKuarqs edit2: after having the files in /parts deleted, my contracts vanished. when i delete the files in /ArcanumIndustries/Parts/ , my ship/station vanishes. so this might be the culprit? edit3: if arcanum-parts are the way to go, shouldn't THEY be listed in StationScience.cfg?: // To disable contracts for a given experiment or planet, remove that // entry from these lists experimentChallenge { StnSciExperiment1 = 1 StnSciExperiment2 = 2 StnSciExperiment3 = 2.5 StnSciExperiment4 = 3 StnSciExperiment5 = 2.5 StnSciExperiment6 = 3.5 } edit4: removed the arcanum-experiments and re-enabled the old ones: TechHidden = false category = Science so i got back the old distinguishable models AND i could finish the contract (after launching a new experiment to space). everything's fine for me that way!
  4. well, for me, i AM on of THIS mod, but in KSP 1.12.1 here, retrograde kuarqs around Kerbin doesnt even get a check when results finalised. I'd like to give you a save, but since the station is quite modded, you wont be able to reproduce it but might a logfile help?
  5. do u mean "zero miniavc", or is "zerominiavc" another mod to disable miniavc or sth? sadly i couldnt find any tips / recommendations from ypur side in the first post, which is why i have to collect all my infos on my own after coming back to ksp after > 15 month Thanks for your time anyway!
  6. yop, works fine with ksp 1.9.1 - but good idea to go for the full version
  7. u might want to update the links for the download as well? https://github.com/themaster402/AstronomersVisualPack/releases/tag/v1.11 https://github.com/themaster402/AstronomersVisualPack/releases/tag/v4.04
  8. Hi, does noone else get this?I have the exact same on my 1.9.1 install... Edit: Nevermind, was an old SETI-Plugin using old AVC dll
  9. color grading in post-processing fix: remove tufx or change its settings
  10. your links in the header are "wrong" ersion - Released 2020-03-04 Compatible with KSP 1.8 - 1.9.x [ ]
  11. kopernicus parser can be found on github, when navigating to "external" https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/tree/master/src/external compatibilityChecker is a module in /constants directory
  12. lol hehe - you should stop asking. for compiling: just get all dependencies (modular flight integrator), open the sln, change version in compatibilityChecker , relink references to ksp-files and rebuild [LOG 19:46:12.463] Load(Assembly): Kopernicus/Plugins/Kopernicus [LOG 19:46:12.463] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Spiele\Kerbal Space Program\1.9.1\GameData\Kopernicus\Plugins\Kopernicus.dll [LOG 19:46:12.471] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'Kopernicus' V1.0.0 [LOG 19:46:12.471] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssemblyDependency 'Kopernicus.Parser' V1.0.0 [LOG 19:46:12.471] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssemblyDependency 'ModularFlightIntegrator' V1.0.0 [LOG 19:46:12.471] Load(Assembly): Kopernicus/Plugins/Kopernicus.Parser [LOG 19:46:12.471] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Spiele\Kerbal Space Program\1.9.1\GameData\Kopernicus\Plugins\Kopernicus.Parser.dll [LOG 19:46:12.472] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'Kopernicus.Parser' V1.0.0
  13. well, ksp uses > 20gb ram on my machine, but not at this time of the startup. Context switching is not the cause - it happens on each boot. the 10ms gap showed me, that it might NOT be happenig in one loop, but 2 independent one - but just a guess as well. But if its only me experiencing this, dont bother about it! I thought i was just the only one the stumpled over it
  14. MODULE { name = USIAnimation deployAnimationName = Deploy secondaryAnimationName = Rotate inflatable = true CrewCapacity = 24 inflatable = true }
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