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Everything posted by Shiolle

  1. No, to isolate this problem I had a clean copy of KSP wit only Kopernicus and base GPP installed, without alternative config or any other mods. These are the contents of my GameData folder:
  2. I'm sorry if this question was asked before, I only looked twenty pages back into the topic. I have the following problem with the sun: As you can see, the sun has no flares and it is a bit gloomy compared to stock KSP. This is KSP 1.2.2 with Kopernicus 1.2.2-4, 1.2.2-3 or 1.2.2-2 and GPP version 1.1 and no other mods installed. I tried various versions of Kopernicus because I saw that both GPP and Kopernikus recently reported fixes to sun luminosity. KSP without mods and KSP with only Kopernicus installed work fine. Have you by any chance encountered such issues?
  3. It seems there is a problem when downloading the current version through ckan. The archive fails to download. I can reproduce it when I download it through IE or Edge, but not in Chrome. I believe it happens because of the spaces you've added to the file name in the latest versions. When I try to open the download URL in IE, it substitutes spaces with underscores, and spacedock of course treats it as a wrong URL. Since ckan is a .net application, it does the same.
  4. Thank you very much. I've tested this solution and so far it works well with career.
  5. Is it possible to disallow scaling parts above their default scale, so that parts could be made smaller, but not larger? I'm asking because in career this mod is basically cheating, allowing you to build huge rockets before you get to them in the research tree. Yet it is now required by some mods I'd like to use, i.e. KSP interstellar? I've seen a similar questions asked a couple of times, but I wasn't able to find an answer.
  6. There is also a problem with kOS caused by either Interstellar Fuel Switch or Cross Feed Enabler. Using these mods makes kOS calculate fuel in stage as always equal to the amount of fuel in the vessel, which means that if a stage is empty it will still consider there to be a fuel in it.
  7. I have a problem with Deuterium-Tritium Cryostat: both fuels are boiling off even though I have uninterrupted power supply for them. Here is how it looks like: Description in the VAB says it shouldn't boil off when powered. The power comes from KIWI reactor attached to electrical generator. Am I missing something here? I use KSP Interstellar maintenance 0.136 release with KSP 0.9.
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