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Everything posted by Evanitis

  1. The problem is time on my end, not availability. And I had great fun with early-access games before, but I generally prefer to wait for the full release. Though what I'm most interested in is that how it compares to Planetbase - that was also EA the last time I checked it, but now it has a full release. It looks really similar. It mainly received criticism about it's colonist AI and a general lack of stuff to do once a base is established. Sol 0 looks less pretty - but that's appealing for me, as it suggests they plan to captivate players by interesting mechanics and such instead of visuals. Though I guess I'll pick both once I find much time on my end - unless by that time critics will agree if one of these titles is superior beyond doubt.
  2. Ahh, it's the second time in this thread when I feel silly for I didn't mention that I'm looking for modern stuff. I read all the classics. Guess I'll edit this into the op.
  3. That looks nice... and reviews doesn't bash it for the usual early-access mistakes. All I need to decide now is grabbing it, or grabbing it once it's more developed.
  4. Can't decide if you are that knowledgable or that optimistic.
  5. After some testing, I found that VesselMover is all I need. I'm pretty satisfied with the stock ways (most notably Juno engines or ore tanks). Can't say those solutions are practical or realistic, but fun and sufficient. My favorite KSP fact these days: air intakes work underwater.
  6. Just started it yesterday. Definately not bad judging from 2 episodes. That got me wishing for 'hard sci-fi' books in the first place. Thanks for the recommendations everyone, filled my kindle - that will last for a while. Hope that Baxter guy is good - he's definately a graphomaniac. Off topic: I hate how KSP ruined my sci-fi perception. Back than I was like 'whoa, cool ship'. Now I go 'that's not how you approach a planet sillies'. I'm pretty sure everyone here can relate. I only mention it now because it's particularly painful in The Expanse series: sometimes they nicely intercept and match velocities and stuff, other times they point the nose towards the Moon and burn like there's no tomorrow.
  7. Did you see that full stock helicopter made in KSP? You totally -must- google it if you didn't.
  8. I forgot that mentioning Space Odyssey doesn't automatically means that I read everything from him. But I did.
  9. Yeah, I got that - though it was my impression. I might have revealed myslef as a not-too-knowledgable guy when it comes to planes though. By the way... that airbus... 11/10. That's the most Kerbal looking aircraft I have ever seen. Along with that one:
  10. (+) 76 It's nice to see you back in business Mr 98681!
  11. My eyeballing experience suggests that it should be possible with low tech stuff too - like a terrier. A well timed slingshot gets you to Duna from LKO by using like 1000 dV. I'm unusre about the way back though - I'm no math expert enough to even guesstimate how much Ike's gravity can help on the return.
  12. Whoa, nice stuff in just two posts. I'll be well supplied by the time I finish the Weir book. Yeah, figured that out by the time the edit appeared. Not that I mind 'classic' sci-fi (added it to my 'to read list' too), just not what I'm looking for right now.
  13. Yup, but I went to a different direction. Than I went multiple directions. Than I turned back. It went like bruteforce > asparagus (bruteforce done well) > eyeball efficiency > meticulous planning with low leniency > back to eyeballing Somewhere during this process I noticed the plethora of ways players play KSP, and I decided to give a try to many of those. And I had a fair share of fun with most. Spaceplanes, rovers, conventional planes, VTOLs... even a bit of boats and submarines. Though I have to agree - once one gets to a 'meticulous planning' phase, the stock Kerbol system becomes a relaxed place to explore, where the thoughest limiting factor is patience. RO and RSS are very cool ways to up the challenge, and I have a deep respect for those who didn't look back. Though I chose to keep the stock(~ish) game interesting by -not- being too careful and thorough during planing and designing. That somehow preserves the 'whacky' kerbal side of the game for me. That my go-to mentality these days when I aim for space. Of course, it might just be a phase for me, and I'll might prefer a totally different playstyile after the next longer KSP break.
  14. You know what I'm looking for. Science fiction with less fiction. Like The Martian. Or Space Odyssey. Or Planetes (ahh, wait, that's an anime. But it must have had a manga too, so it kinda' qualifies). Got some more of those 'realistic' space-related stories? EDIT: Forgot to mention that I'm looking for modern stuff. Not that classics aren't priceless, but I read them already. That includes Asimov, Lem, Strugackij, Clark, Bradbury, Heinlein, Verne, Wells, Huxley, Orwell, K. Dick, Vonnegut, Herbert, Atwood. I might have a serious book-problem.
  15. It helped me with inline stuff too - I could deorbit 3 mk1 crew cabins spun by a reaction wheel. This was the only trick I found to save those 6 tourists that got stuck on LKO - they burned up on any other way I could think of. This way they just had to use all available sickness bags - seriously, even I as a player got nauseous if I looked at the manuver for a few seconds.
  16. But how would you stack tanks on top of each other that way?
  17. Well, it makes sense to me, but I know that common sense have a tendency to be wrong in unusual circumstances (such as a high-speed reentry). But indeed, 1.0.5 got me to save on the heatshield costs by carefully placed reaction wheels.
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