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Everything posted by Triop

  1. Designing a tanker ship: 20.000 LF, now I must build a boat around it to get it to my fleet.
  2. We all take our inspiration from others, just take the rep.
  3. 40 minutes into the mission and we already used half our fuel. We are going to slow to get there under 3 hours... I stopped the ships and I'm gonna send in a tanker to join the fleet.
  4. Taking 3 ships using burn together mod to the battlegrounds real time, a trip that takes 2 hours and 45 minutes.... #nolife
  5. How to shoot 300 bullits bullets in one go....
  6. @qzgy Respect for that second video, you actualy bombed my ship without the marker (F4). Nice. I'll be sinking your Trenton tomorrow, my first try was a bit of a not such a succes or something.... Catch you later.
  7. Lol, in his last video he thanks us and talks about how he doesn't understand how his KSP video got so popular (watch from 3:00) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlvY6QoPveU&t Let's respond to this video by saying we want more KSP videos
  8. HOLY KERBAL ! This ship is 78.618T and has a top speed of 19.3 m/s (70 kph) on 4 wheesleys Wow....
  9. Struts and Mun, can you spot them ?
  10. Goodluck going through 20 episodes. I'm sure it's there, they sometimes show the map with names.
  11. They also named a base "Azimech" didn't they ? Anyway, no 77Industries mod here, but I do love @DoctorDavinci his camo mod. Floating test (I don't want this one to sink), no mods, just struts, a lot of them...
  12. Are Tape and Penguin using your mod ? Nice, I like your work btw.
  13. I was hoping you would come up with some cleaver trick do do it stock.... I could always rig the cfg files...
  14. I hope that is not sarcasm ? Yes, I've tried it (I want my own titanic wreck), but even with a lot of oretanks it just won't sink... Edit, here is a section off theTitanic I tried to sink;
  15. Yeah, I did a 3x3 battle once starting from the tracking station, I lost 4 Kerbals that day...
  16. I guess Vesselmover and then "spawn vessel", but even then it indeed would take a lot of time. Edit, what the guy above me says...
  17. I guess a lot of gunfire everywhere I wish you made a video, I'd love to see that.
  18. That is awesome, I've never flown more then 7. I need to try this soon™ .
  19. @XB-70A When I scroll down realy,realy fast it looks like a video ! I missed your Schwarzenegger gif @qzgy Prepare...
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