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Everything posted by Bosun

  1. The fact that it's a whole bunch of gaming enthusiasts playing together, getting along, chatting about the game together, civilly, getting along, without yelling or attacking each other, getting along...Well, you get the idea. Many games I've enjoyed I've stopped playing because they've become poor substitute outlets for people's passive aggression in life outside the game, where all their angst over things they cannot control gets vetted in an anonymous atmosphere under fabricated positions of power and knowledge. It makes the games more exhausting to play than just dealing with regular life, and games are about exploring and diverting away from the regular. So thanks, community here, for being wonderfully accepting and creative, open and encouraging, helpful and engaging. Good job.
  2. http://www.thenational.ae/uae/science/design-an-astronauts-watch Can you design apps to fit on a watch that alert schedules, crew statistics and other informational nuggetry important to our space-faring....nuggets? Kinda neat challenge, be cool to see what gets nuggetized.
  3. I've definitely tried RCS and with/without torque enabled. The Viper was just way too sensitive. I cannot, at all, get it to a velocity where it will have a positive prograde vector, without it flipping on end because of it's own drag characteristics. The Ranger is similar, though with slow enough speed and the 3rd engine underneath, you can manage. As Logan said, the COG on them may be off, but I also feel that there are drag issues with the fronts. It's simply impossible for me to maneuver the Viper - even the tiniest hair - without it just flipping around backwards, when it has enough speed to leave the runway. The endurance however, is awesome. Over all, this is a great mod, just some delicate balancing to do.
  4. Call it the "Cancel the Drop Test" mod. It would cancel out Gene Kerman's obsession with drop-testing every rocket before allowing it to take off.
  5. Random question - Managed to do some exploring in the ranger and the Endurance, however the Viper is completely unflyable. I simply cannot get it up to a speed where it will take off, without the drag from the forward part of the craft causing it to flat spin. I've tried adjusting it with added surfaces and wings and weight, but to no avail. Has anyone else managed to actually fly it?
  6. I'm taking bets - I bet it won't make it off the ground. But, ah, you never know. Cause, ah. Aero model.
  7. Ferram - Hm, ok. I'll try to re create this in stock. Havne't had luck yet. Have there been any community work arounds to it? (Altering cfg files or any such?) I'm going to do a forum search.
  8. I really enjoy the mod, Ferram! One problem - Ever since the previous release of FAR, and upgrading to Glaurt, I cannot use stacked batteries (the round ones.) They always explode, no matter where they're stacked, how the vehicle is constructed. I would like to use them, but i'm forced to use the smaller battery packs that can mount radially on parts. The 1k and z-200s in particular have a lot of trouble. They just always explode and disconnect whatever they're attached too. Any insight? For reference - this doesn't happen without FAR installed. In Stock aero, this problem doesn't present itself. I can use the same craft in stock and it will behave normally. In FAR, that craft, despite having a great flight profile and perfectly nominal design, just seems to explode batteries. Not sure why? I would say overheating, but I have no idea how that's possible.
  9. Hi All, I cannot use the Sub Assemblies feature. It was recommended that i build my probes as sub assemblies and then load them into the main construction of the space plane I'm using, however it only tells me that the part I have selected isn't attachable, despite it having attachment nodes. I tried to save the file for the probe and then merge it with the space plane file, however that resulted in me being unable to select the open nodes on the probe as a single unit. I had to SHIFT-select each individual part in order, essentially rebuilding it, piece by piece, inside the bay, which was painful. Is there any way in the game to build a probe separately and then load it as a single unit into a cargo bay? Currently, I can't figure out how. I suspect I'm just not using the right selection button combo once I merge files? Instead of Shift select, is there another combo that will allow me to activate the nodes on the space probe without deconstructing it first?
  10. Today I had KSP loaded and went to do other things, like cook dinner, watch a movie and have some beers, and came back to realize I had accidentally left my Duna probe with a single ION engine accelerating at maximum throttle the whole time. My apoapsis was 350.... billion miles from Kerbol. And I'm out of Xenon. D'oh.
  11. NathanKell - Ah, cool. I learn something new everyday.
  12. Slevin - Ah, got it. My CPU lists 8 cores, though it is a quad, I'm assuming, because of the 64 bits. It was my assumption that this would allow all my CPUs to process the game as well in 64. This mod does not affect CPU affinity, or the ability to run the processes in 64 bits through the CPU? It only affects RAM amount recognized? I wonder if it's possible for someone to write a mod that calculates all physics for connected parts as one unit. (Not knowing a lot about code, I assume this is against the very core coding of the game, or it'd have been done by now.)
  13. One day, yeah. Sure, frames take a bit of a hit near it, but I hold out that it'll get better with new releases/upgrades on my end/64 bit work arounds. Plus it's just fun. To me. you don't have to think so. So quit hatin'.
  14. USed my Viper Mk 2-G (Grabber) to remove the debris from the final assembly of the Kerbin Transfer Station.
  15. Admiral Ozzel came out of lightspeed too close to Kerbin's atmosphere. You are in command now, Admiral Quicksave. Do not fail me again.
  16. If I'm running 16 gigs of RAM on a quad core, would this work around improve frame rates with larger craft?
  17. The Kerbin Transfer Station. Your first destination for interplanetary travel! Full Service re-fueling! We have liquid, oxidizer and monoprop for all your travel needs. Visit the galley in the mezzaring and stock up on snacks! For those of you travelling in fuel efficient electric vehicles, we produce enough electricity to power all your accessories while still charging your vehicle at the fastest rate possible! Capacity of 216 Kerbals, ~18300 liquid fuel, 21000 oxidizer. The top ring was launched in one piece, and the launch vehicle topped 800 pieces with the ring. The over all station has, well, a lot of parts. There are Sr. ports at each cardinal point, and one that is all the way at the end of the stalk for large vehicles that need more clearance. There are 12 regular clamp o trons. This was fun to build, but very frustrating to launch. The ring took 3 days of trial and error to get into orbit. The 2nd module that came up was the power module, which is the mk 3 cargo bay consisting of mono tanks, reaction wheels and batteries. The 3rd was the Clamp o tron docking wings, followed by the final stalk assembly to allow Sr porting ships with large clearance. The final piece was the cupola on top with the science lab and antennae. I currently have a Viper Mk-2 Grabber docked there, the pilot is about to embark on cleaning up all the discarded stages that have come to rest near the station, as it was scary as heck to approach it on the last stage delivery.
  18. Hi All, I've created a Mk 3 Chassis that is balanced both empty and full. I've balanced the COM and lift, and made sure thrust is centered as well on the fore/aft axis. Here's the trouble - I can get it up to 20k meters, at 600m/s and accelerating. From there, all it wants to do is flip around. The same on Re-entry. I have RCS installed on it, and up until then it flies very stable. I've gotten it to orbit once (strapped to rockets, which defeats the purpose), and once in space it accelerates just fine as well. So why, at between 40k and 20k meters, at speeds exceeding around 500m/s, does it want to just flip around?
  19. Hm. I still need some help here. I still cannot get the lens flare or sun effects to work? I have installed Kittopia and then overwrote files. I have installed the files under the Real Solar System folder INCLUDED in KSPRC, however I have not installed RSS in full, (I don't desire too), and I had Distant Object, EVE and Texture Replacer installed and overwrote their files from the mod folder as well. Still no lens flare, still dull, matte, glazed over visors. Back to the drawing board on this.
  20. I was able to get rid of the fuzzy texture for the visor helmets by deleting any references to visor helmets in my Default folder under Texture replacer. One final thing I have noted is there is no camera lens flare when looking at the sun. The sun just appears as a white sphere with absolutely no effects for it. Is this intentional? If not, hmm..
  21. I've installed this mod and had the same trouble as Jeef. I've been able to rectify the freezing by deleting the DDSLoader folder altogether, and reinstalling Planetshine's latest version and Texture Replacer separately and then importing files. However, I still have two main glitches, 1) Kerbal's helmets are fogged/glazed over. You can kinda see through them, but it's obvious that it isn't supposed to look that way. They're orange, with a faint, fuzzy point of light reflected, and, well, glazed like a donut. 2) When going into orbit, around 50-60k, the sky goes from having an almost stock color arrangement, to a the high orbital 'atmo blue' haze that is actually quite strong, and makes all the land look blue as well, so that when de-orbiting, I really have to look hard to see that I'm landing on land, and not water. It's a very abrupt color shift. While the effect of more atmo is cool, I am not sure if this was the intended effect, or if something has gone wrong. I already had Engine Lighting, Mechjeb, EVE, Planetshine, and Astromoner's pack installed. I just overrode all the files, but I'm going to try it on a clean install this evening. I'll let you know if that clears it up.
  22. Ditto for me on batteries mounted inside service bays. Just can't stop them exploding for no reason. I even put radiators on them. No avail. This is curious, as it effectively makes service bays utterly useless if I can't store systems gear inside them.
  23. UPDATE - Dowloaded latest drivers from NVidia, no change. HOWEVER - Note the following behavior. I have several flights in progress, one of which was returning to Kerbin from Minmus, another that is an orbital station around Kerbin. Now the interesting part is, when I load the Minmus craft I get the glitches described. It was ALSO - important - the last craft from which I saved/exited the game. The orbital station craft, when I hit 'Fly', loads *just fine.* All controls, and UI elements present. So. There's that. I've tried loading the Minmus probe from the orbit map of the Orbital station and was able to get Kerbin to appear correctly (as a planet) but the controls are still locked up. When loading from the Space Center's Mission Tracker, all glitches are present, every time, for ONLY the minmus probe. Not the orbital station. Odd. Also - SQUAD - can I get some extra science points for this crew report? Thanks! Bosun
  24. I'm getting an invisible/graphically challenged Kerbin (I can see light sectors in sqaures of it, but not the whole planet and the square sectors of the planet that are randomly visible are white or over exposed. I show my staging icons and fuel amounts to be out of screen somewhat, only seeing the end of the fuel level bars, empty, and controls are locked up. Also - zooming to map view, I cannot see the details of the orbit path, IE - no icons for Pe or Ap, intercepts or Nodes. I can't play it right now, unfortunately, till I figure out what's going on. I had Planetshine and Enviro Effects and some of the interstellar mod running along side joint reinforcer and texture replacer. I did a clean install with the same issues. I'm Win 7, I7 intel core NVidia 680m GTX Currently downloading latest drivers.
  25. DITTO, same issues as OP. I cannot play right now. Win 7 Intel chipset, i7 core NVidia 680m... I'm checking the drivers as I type. New drivers on the 22nd this month, dl'ing now, will update.
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