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Everything posted by Bosun

  1. This sounds like it sets up for colonies, long-haul travel and other features that allow for remote management and persistent-world dynamics for ships and structures without having to 'pilot' them in active control. For instance, controlling and monitoring a long burn from an interstellar, from the mission control on Kerbal....or.... automated resupply missions....
  2. Ahres, are you in possession of information that we may have missed? I would love to be wrong, but going off of the information provided thus far, and the indications that the lack of even an estimated quarter for release are giving us, already almost 3 months in to the year, doesn't seem to back up any conclusion that I could be wrong. At the stages of development we have been privy to thus far, it would be a fast pace for them to deliver a 'finished' product by the November/December months, unless they're much further along than they've shown in the videos so far. If the developer were to commit, unambiguously to a quarter this year (not even a solid date), I think that would go a long way to reassure folks that the game will not be in perpetual development for the next few years as so many other titles fall victim too in their cycles. However, it is entirely common for games to take years from their public announcement, to any sort of viable release, and I cannot fathom that KSP2 would be any different, unless they're doing something radically different in the development process that no game company has ever done before. I wouldn't worry for it though, this just means the game is being tediously worked on, and will be finished and well put together. As stated above, if they release before 2025, they're well within the normal development time lines for similarly scaled games elsewhere, as 2022 was ambitious, even for being 2 years past their initial call. In fact, I've never seen a game in the last 20 years that's been developed in less than 2 years or so, and within the last 10, I'd be hard pressed to pull an example of a title that was publicly announced, and then released, within two years, that has a similar scale and depth of physical and graphical modeling that they're attempting here.
  3. Sadly it is not April Fools. The original launch date was even earlier than that. The initial trailer hit in 2017. That was, I believe, almost a year and a half, to two years into development already. The game has been 'in official development' of some sort, since 2015, really. I've said it other places, but most games take 6-10 years to fully develop from public announcement to public release, nowadays. Don't know why. Just is. Kerbal 2 will likely launch sometime *actual* year 2023/4. If they release it before 2025, they're above the curve for normal game development timelines in our modern age. Due to to the complex nature of computing and modeling, and higher customer expectations for graphics and representation by modelling, game development just take significantly longer. There isn's a single game I've waited on in the last decade and a half, that has been publicly announced, and then released, in less than 6 years. It has been worth the wait every time, and I highly doubt Private Division wants to rush things. I would estimate, when they say '2022' release, that they will release sometime in the actual year 2023, possibly fiscal year 2024. The fact that we've seen so little of the game in renders, there have been no firmer timelines set, and there have been very few development updates lately, would render that they are behind schedule, and have no further news to update at this time.
  4. One factor that makes it more difficult, is that due to the extremely long development times, that public expectation has more time to change and adapt to rapidly released new hardware and process tech. I track some mods that developers are making for the Freespace 2 engine, that started when the game came out, and due to so many advances in shading and lighting and texturing, they've still not released it because by the time they've got a prototype release, there's so many new things that can do what they made better, and so they get stuck in a rut of continually trying to keep up with current tech, so that when the game is released, it's interesting and playable on modern machines. I imagine a slighter version of this cycle gets played out in development tracks of 3-4 years or longer.
  5. Movies and games are now getting so complex, that getting them to a point where delivered product meets customer expectation is a waiting game on technology to catch up, and with it, people who are familiar and good enough with that new technology or process to oversee and implement it. I had imagined that in stating 2022, they would likely release before 2025, because I'm willing to sign against the value of my house that any stated deadline that lies more than a year from it's claim will be delayed. Even by 2025, they'd be right in line with projected timelines for games this big and complex. Most movies now take 5-6 years, from public announcement to launch, and games can take anywhere from 6-10 years from announcement to launch, so even with a slight delay, they're still well under the normal development time line.
  6. I will refrain my feeling, that if they develop and publish by 2025, they are ahead of the average curve for game development, and kudos. Not fiscal year 2025 either, but the actual year. I'm not certain why companies insist on telling customers the fiscal year they're releasing in, as most customers tend to measure wait times in the actual calendar year. I know it is industry standard, but we don't celebrate the New Year in a few weeks by saying "Happy 2023" and also? Why are there still pennies. They no longer make cents. Fortunately, it appears they'll have modeled clouds for me to shake my fist at over pennies when this comes out. Also, are they going to model the Yeet 3000 spinning launcher?
  7. I can imagine a lot of time may have been dedicated to creating the assets in the new engine, to match the visuals rendered in the video teaser back in 2017. Those renders were created before the assets they represented existed, and they were built using the original KSP 1 engine, but the entire game, built as it may or may not have been, had to be abandoned, a new architecture had to be created from scratch. Honestly, I know several mods for games, indy games and even films that are over 20+ years in development. Who knows when they will ever be released? If they can show you a screenshot of any asset, at this stage, only 4 years in to development, I would say that is massive progress for the timeline of most modern developers, which take anywhere from 10-12 years on average, to flesh out a fully functional game from genesis to launch. They're way ahead of schedule. If the game gets released by 2025, they'll be within nominal margin of error on their original launch date of 2020. Game development is like shipyard. Whatever launch date the yard gives you, you ignore it, and add 2-3 weeks. That's just standard op. Game dev goes in years nowadays, so I would say a 2025 launch date is closer to what we'll actually see.
  8. The last time someone figured out an Aricebo-style countdown message, it was Jeff Goldblum. No one believed him, and a lot of folks died. Let's just hope Will Smith comes in time to let Nate get some sleep!
  9. I am always amused when people use this phrase to mean 'the thing we want to happen will not happen until we look away.' You watch the pot, specifically so that it doesn't boil. The pot NOT boiling IS the goal. "A watched pot never boils' is not a way to say focusing on something makes it take longer. It is a way to express that if you pay attention well enough, disaster will not happen (the pot will not boil over and cause a mess); you'll see signs of it pitching before it boils. In other words, if you pay attention properly, you avoid calamity. If you watch the pot, it won't boil over when you're not looking, and douse the flame, and make a mess. More apt to the phrase used, would be for the developers to watch the fanbase as closely as a pot, that the interest and hype they have built does not boil over on them, and ruin what may have been a nice cup of tea by releasing the steam (to steam (aha!)) too late. If you ever want to know where turns of phrase come from, I know quite a few of them. Sailing contributed a lot to our list of cliches. For example, "Cat's outta the bag" is not 'Hey, the secret's out." We use it that way, but it was actually an announcement. A warning. Ship's Bosun's used to keep the cat-o-nine tails whips in sacks they hung from their belts. If you were slated for punishment due to an infraction, a fellow sailor may pass to you that the 'cat's outta the bag for you'. The whip was in the Bosun's hand, and you were next on the list to be beaten. Another is "There'll be the devil to pay." Often we use this as a way to say that we will need to pay some penance for a misdeed or hard choice. The full phrase, however, was meant to imply something different: "There's only half a bottle of pitch, and the whole devil to pay." In the sailing world of the 1700s, the 'devil-board' was so called as it was the longest seam between boards on the ship, located just at the waterline. To 'pay in' caulk, or hot boiling pitch, you had to lay over the side while the ship was heeled opposite to have the seam out of the water, and you'd have to pay, or lay in, the whole seam at once. Any stops, and the pitch would cure with a hard end that would allow water to seep in. The saying, "There's only half a bottle of pitch, and the whole devil to pay,' meant that you faced a long, arduous task, and did not have the resources to afford any mistake, if you had enough to begin with at all. Whenever tough problems arose, 'There'll be the devil to pay' was a way to express just how much you weren't looking forward to such a difficult task, as everyone understood the reference of having to pay in such a seam. As it migrated to land, people simply associated the phrase with paying penance from a dogmatic religious expression. The phrase was never about having to atone later, but about facing the reality of a hard, long job ahead, which demanded focus and precision. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
  10. Anyone heard any news lately about whether DisplayPort 2 got canned? It was making news around April, then dropped off the face of the planet.
  11. After copying these files in, I already had several of the mods installed from this pack, but over-wrote them, I get this in my start up log and it stops at "Loading Part Upgrades": LOG 23:11:59.001] Resource Konkrete added to database [WRN 23:11:59.001] PartResourceDefinition list already contains definition for 'ResearchKits' [LOG 23:11:59.001] Resource ResearchKits added to database [LOG 23:11:59.001] Resource Slag added to database [LOG 23:11:59.005] Resource MediumGrip added to database [LOG 23:11:59.005] Resource HighGrip added to database [LOG 23:11:59.006] Resource ExtremeGrip added to database [LOG 23:11:59.006] Resource LowGrip added to database [LOG 23:11:59.006] Resource Default added to database [LOG 23:11:59.006] CodeAssetLoader: Compiling all code assets [LOG 23:11:59.012] ExperienceSystemConfig: Added Effect 'DeployedSciencePowerSkill' to Trait '#autoLOC_500103' [LOG 23:11:59.012] ExperienceSystemConfig: Added Effect 'DeployedScienceExpSkill' to Trait '#autoLOC_500105' [EXC 23:11:59.019] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object GameDatabase.CleanupLoaders () (at <a1ca58b5ca7140639de29a81de5e3f32>:0) GameDatabase+<CreateDatabase>d__71.MoveNext () (at <a1ca58b5ca7140639de29a81de5e3f32>:0) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0) What does that mean? ::edit:: Removed FSHangerExtender and program started as normal. Something in Hangar Extender it didn't like?
  12. I have 43k Cloud packs, does anyone include or have a 43k ground texture for Kerbin? My LKO pixellation is killin' my vibes...
  13. Here are the configs I worked out for my set up. They're a combination of the original JNSQ's atmo file, and G'th's. I took the tint way down, narrowed the experimentalatmosphere to a 1 to 1 ratio again, and dropped the clouds from the 10k, down to 4k, where a bulk of earth's stratus and cumulus hang out. The result from low orbit is that the planet appears as massive as it is, with clouds far beneath you, and the horizon is a thin band that seems far away. I would love to make the fade from orange to yellow even more blended and subtle, but the best I could do was knock the tint way down. Finally - Does anyone know the line of code here that adjusts at which point, and how fast, the stars fade in to view as you leave atmo? Currently the configs I have, the stars are not visible on the ground during the night, and they just suddenly fade in sometime around 20k, and I'd like it to be sooner. I just don't know what any of these lines mean without annotation, and what I've managed has been trial and error of changing, loading, observing. ALSO - My low-kerbin orbit kerbin textures are a pixelated mine-craft mess. Anyone know where the text. files are and any 128k files to replace them with? { name = Kerbin JNSQTag = True experimentalAtmoScale = 1 cloudColorMultiplier = 3 cloudScatteringMultiplier = 1 cloudSkyIrradianceMultiplier = 1 volumetricsColorMultiplier = 1 Rg = 1600000 Rt = 1622641 RL = 1623019 atmosphereGlobalScale = 1 EVEIntegration_pres1erveCloudColors = False HR = 10 HM = 1.20000005 BETA_MSca = 0.00400000019,0.00400000019,0.00400000019 m_betaR = 0.00579999993,0.0135000004,0.0331000015 m_mieG = 0.2 rimBlend = 20 rimpower = 600 specR = 0 specG = 0 specB = 0 shininess = 30 assetPath = JNSQ/JNSQ_Configs/Scatterer/Planets/Kerbin/Atmo configPoints { Item { altitude = 200 skyExposure = 0.25 skyAlpha = 1 skyExtinctionTint = 1 scatteringExposure = 0.08 extinctionThickness = 1 postProcessAlpha = 1 postProcessDepth = 0.0799999982 extinctionTint = 0.2 openglThreshold = 10 viewdirOffset = 0.0120000001 } Item { altitude = 1000 skyExposure = 0.2 skyAlpha = 1 skyExtinctionTint = 1 scatteringExposure = 0.08 extinctionThickness = 1 postProcessAlpha = 1 postProcessDepth = 0.100000001 extinctionTint = 0.2 openglThreshold = 10 viewdirOffset = 0 } Item { altitude = 250000 skyExposure = 0.1 skyAlpha = 1 skyExtinctionTint = 1 scatteringExposure = 0.08 extinctionThickness = 1 postProcessAlpha = 1 postProcessDepth = 0.100000001 extinctionTint = 0.2 openglThreshold = 10 viewdirOffset = 0 } } } }
  14. The day it's released, I'll likely go down to the common room for my weekly bingo game with the ladies before my 4pm appointment with the nurses for a sponge bath at ye ole' retirement home. That evening, they'll bring me a cupcake for my 80th birthday. I'm 37.
  15. I have to wonder at modern game developers. I'm glad time is being taken to get things right, but it seems like every. single. game. that is announced gets pushed back by at least 2-3 years nowadays. Guys - build the game well. Go for it. Please, however, stop saying you'll release it in year xxxx. Just build it. And when it's built, let us know. Stop giving us dates. We don't need dates, and they can only ever disappoint us. Game Developers - any game - stop giving release dates before you have a finished product. I can't believe anyone still thinks listing a release date before the product is done is a good idea. It's like every game developer out there thinks they're gonna be the one who can invade Russia in the winter. Trust me, your Taun-Taun will freeze before you hit your first deadline.
  16. I'm not too familiar with naming convention for updates, but I would have thought that the next update after 1.9, would be 2.0? Or will this officially be 1.1.0, and every update now will be 1.1.x?
  17. I've never had a game I enjoyed and was worth playing, be released along it's original time line. I've never participated in a shipyard that launched on schedule, when I worked on boats. I never had a program that left the dock on time. I never had a job bid that executed on the originally scheduled date. And I've never been disappointed these things were delayed for the result. This bodes well, actually. Stay safe!
  18. Petition to rename "Scatterer" as "Milkier" It's a more Kerbal name, honestly. Also - mine isn't working with a stock install of 1.9.1, which is a known issue, I'm sure, but I am sad. I need my milk.
  19. Polaris - I see you edited you 'am dumb'. Haha. I am dumb as well. So dumb, I cannot figure out why you might be? What'd you do and did you fix it?
  20. Having the same trouble as others, with clouds not displaying. I have JNSQ installed. I installed Ad Adstra into Game Data. I extracted 43k textures and settings. I tried putting 43k textures and settings in the Ad Astra folder. Then I tried putting them on their own. Then I tried incorporating their contents into the folders of the same name in Ad Astra. Then I tried doing both of those things while Ad Astra was located inside JSNQ folder. Then I downloaded textures.cfg from AVP, and installed it in EVE in Ad Astra. Then I tried re-installing JSNQ from scratch and then Ad Astra again. Still no clouds on anything. I see the textures. I have texture replacer. I have the latest Scatterer and EVE installed. I have gone to the EVE panel in game and hit 'apply.' All the Texture files in EVE control panel for clouds are colored red for some reason. What am I missing? **Edit** It appears that the EVE config file is trying to pull from file locations that do not exist anywhere in Ad-Astra or JSNQ. It's listing KerbinClouds bump map as being Ad_Astra/Textures/particle/particle_nm, for example. No'Particle' folder, nor any file named 'particle_nm' exists in any of the Ad_Astra downloads. Same for all the file names in red under KerbinClouds and Aurora. I'm assuming there are more for other planets I've not seen. Under the 8k/4k texture instructions, you mentioned copying the "Textures" file in the EVE folder from AVP and list the location to place it (in Ad-Astra main). That 'Textures' folder also does not exist in the AVP download, anywhere. G'th, did you forget to include some files in the last compilation?
  21. Would this be compatible to use with Proot's old ground textures?
  22. All the best games get delayed. We live in a different world of development than when I was a kid. Then, you had mega-studios with massive teams that would concept, design, code and release a game in 8 months. They'd release teasers 4-6 months in advance, sometimes. Other times you'd find out the game existed when it was released. From the time you were aware of it, to when it was in your hands, was a short period back then. Nowadays, however, without mega-studio backing or large amounts of cash and a deadline, studios need to release the teaser earlier, to generate revenue support and show backers there's a market. Create hype to drive the final sales. The game can be much earlier in the dev cycle of design when that teaser is released. The games today are larger, more complex pieces of work. They are usually compiled by smaller, independent studios of passion-driven individuals, so you'll get a better game, but you're gonna wait longer to get it. And you find out it exists much sooner in the timeline of dev and release, than we grew up accustomed too. So be patient. It's rude to ask the studio when they're going to launch the rocket.
  23. OOooooOOoooooOoo. Tha's cool. I can wait.
  24. Pingo- What mod do you have for those city lights? I've run several eve-style mods and haven't found a city-light config I like yet - but that looks amazing.
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