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Everything posted by Starseeker

  1. B9PS works fine on 1.12.5, the mod metadata just hasn't been updated in a while. It should be possible to override the compatibility settings and install it anyway - that's what I remember doing, at least
  2. Oh, the fairing dissolve is an intentional feature of Deferred - transparency doesn't work properly with it, so instead of simply having expanding-but-still-opaque fairings, Deferred adds in a dissolve effect so that you can still see inside them.
  3. Well, the 8-1 is a Sepratron that's been chopped to a 1/8-length segment, so it has the same thrust and 1/8th the mass & fuel. It's absolutely got an insane TWR, but it only burns for a fraction of a second (and, unlike a liquid fuel engine, you can't add more fuel), so its use cases are actually pretty limited. IMO, with SRBs, the mass per unit impulse (similar to but not quite the same as an inverted specific impulse, since it also includes the dry mass) and (to a lesser extent) cost per unit impulse add some important information. (Also, think you have a units issue - the mass in configs & part windows is given in tons, so the dry mass is 1.6 kg, not 1.6 g )
  4. Ah, yeah, Spacedock was down for a bit recently (Also as a heads-up, Discord image links don't work outside of Discord itself anymore)
  5. Glad to be that source of inspiration! Best of luck on your modding ventures ^.=.^ The modelling program I use is just Blender with a couple of addons. There's a great guide to a Unity-free modding workflow here; it's what I used to make these
  6. v1.1.1 Update! Just a minor fix for those texture seams on the engine shrouds - turns out that taking the inside faces of the shrouds & separating them from the rest of the mesh solves it, for some unknown reason.
  7. Also, glad you got it working! Sorry I wasn't able to offer help myself - forums were down last time I went to check on the thread >.>
  8. That'd definitely be interesting! Not sure if there's a good way to do that though, at least not without writing my own plugin file
  9. Realplume disables its patches to an engine if that engine also has Waterfall effects on it, so having Realplume w/ Waterfall only affects those engines that Waterfall doesn't touch (mostly SRBs).
  10. v1.1.0 Update! Changes: Added STNE-12-9 "Andesite" and STNE-18-12 "Diorite" New model for STNE-12-6 "Basalt"; old model remains as hidden part for craft compatibility Model & texture improvements for STNE-12-3 "Gabbro" Engine shroud textures merged & standardized Engine stats rebalancing Overall, specific impulses increased to the 270-290 range, and mass, cost, & thrust have been lowered across the board Known issues: Some engine shrouds can render with a thin (sub-pixel width) black line along a UV seam Fixed in v1.1.1
  11. Appreciate the desire to help! However, I'm already planning on doing it ^^;
  12. A simple set of solid-fuel kick motors, for dirt-cheap dV boosts wherever you need them. Started as an introductory modding exercise, blossomed into a bit more (and lead to the creation of Periapsis Motors). Parts list: Download: Spacedock Screenshots: Changelog: Known Issues: Dependencies: Licensing:
  13. Ah yep, that's it - if you don't have the standalone one installed, it won't work properly I might add in an MM patch later that swaps it to the ReStock bundled version's namespace if ReStock is installed, and have the standalone only be a dependency if ReStock isn't present; I'll have to puzzle out the dependency chain in that case. Also, what does RSMP refer to? Not an acronym I recognize ^^;
  14. Appreciate the feedback! I'll respond point by point: That's definitely intentional, unless something's gone very wrong. I based the texturing off of the palette & style of ReStock, which has some shine on the Sepratron I's nozzle. It shouldn't be too excessive though; if it's like, chrome-plated-looking or something, then toss a screenshot over and I'll see if I can figure out what's going on. Bit confused as to what you mean here? The "white" variant on all the parts is the white aero shroud, and there's a "bare" version for the II and 8-1 that has no shroud (the I-B's "bare" version is just the stock part); which one are you saying should be labeled what? I'd love to use Waterfall for plume effects! Sadly, last I looked into it, the consensus was that it didn't really work well for SRB plumes, since they've got a lot of particulate material in them & end up being very opaque, which Waterfall doesn't support very well. I'd be happy to be wrong about that though! Glad you enjoy! ^.=.^
  15. Tired of separation motors sticking out like a sore thumb? Wanting something bigger, or perhaps smaller? Periapsis Rocket Supplies Co. is proud to present their newest product lineup! With an astonishing three parts to choose from, there's fun for the whole family! Put a modern twist on an old classic with the Sepratron I-B: the Sepratron you all know and love, clad in a stylish aero shroud! Go big with the jumbo-size Sepratron II, or punch above your weight with the fun-size Sepratron 8-1! This mod is a pack of separation motors in a ReStockalike style, with an array of different visual styles for each. A list of currently included parts is below: Download: Spacedock Changelog: Dependencies: Licensing:
  16. You shouldn't need to turn it on - if it's not showing up, double-check that it actually does have Waterfall (and not e.g. a set of plume templates put in the Waterfall folder) bundled.
  17. A very solid proposal - the stress-calc visualization would definitely be helpful! One thing that'd have to be kept in mind is how the simulation would know which engines should be considered as applying force, though that could probably be pretty easily done using a selector that tells it "calculate for stage X".
  18. iirc, all the C7 Aerospace parts aren't touched by Restock - you'll need Stock Waterfall Effects to add plumes to those engines.
  19. Well, considering he's on the KSP2 dev team now, I'd say probably yeah
  20. Probably better to ask over in the Stock Waterfall Effects thread, since that'll be the mod that adds effects to the Rapiers; this is just a framework mod, and doesn't change anything by itself If you're comfortable enough w/ ModuleManager to write your own patch, you could use the ingame editor to move the templates used and then copy those offset values to your patch; been a while since I was trying my hand at doing Waterfall stuff though, so can't give much more help than that ^^;
  21. If you're meaning the SRBs, those're left out intentionally, since their opaque, smoky plumes are much, much harder to make work with Waterfall. There *have* been a few attempts to make hybrid RealPlume + Waterfall effects for them - however, I don't recall how those turned out ^^;
  22. Works with any engine, if you have a mod that adds effects to them! Here's one that adds Waterfall effects to the stock engines, including the jet engines:
  23. Those models are looking excellent @Daishi!! Great attention to detail, as always. Hope it stays mild and that your recovery is swift @linuxgurugamer!
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