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Everything posted by Starseeker

  1. Does anyone know how to set something to steer towards its retrograde direction? I'm trying to make a simple de-orbiting program, for having useless stages de-orbit themselves.
  2. Yeaaaaah, no. I've heard horror stories about the x64 Windows install. Also, I run the Steam version, so I don't think I can even get the x64 install. So, guess this mod is a no-go for me. As such, are there any alternatives? My only requirements are: Compatible with x32 KSP 1.0.2 Adds clouds If not, I guess someone will have to go request one in the addon subforum.
  3. Tried installing; crashes on startup. Tried again; crashed again. Here's the output_log file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0hEOKW7Pio6akJkUThJNndDNHc/view?usp=sharing The error file: http://pastebin.com/9jhvEQTe
  4. Is that x64 system, or x64 KSP install? And what do you mean by ram to spare? How much?
  5. Is this compatible with KSp 1.0.2? If not, are there any other mods that add clouds that are?
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