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Everything posted by Starseeker

  1. Does this mod still have custom loading screens? EDIT: nevermind, found the "loading screens" folder in the mod itself! Might want to edit the OP to include a move visible mention that it's bundled with the mod now; last time I downloaded this, it needed a separate mod, iirc Also, the link for Distant Object Enhancement should be updated; it's been revived, with a new thread here.
  2. So, this lists the ASET prop packs as dependencies, and those list RPM as a dependency. My guess is that they're dependencies for their models and not their actual functions, so RPM isn't a dependency of this mod, but perhaps you should make that a bit more clear? Regardless, this mod looks excellent, and I can't wait to see what people make with it! And if I had the knowledge (and a KSP install that didn't take 30min to load), I'd probably try my hand at making an IVA or two with this myself!
  3. Out of curiosity, anyone have any screenshots of how this looks with the patch above applied? Using AVP and wanting to use OPM, but I'm afraid that the new planets will look really out of place (disclaimer: haven't launched KSP with OPM & AVP yet), but I'm not sure how passible this will look at this time. (Also, I have both Scatterer and PlanetShine, so I'm not sure how that'll affect things)
  4. ah yeah, might have to do something like that Wanting to make an image in the style of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mir#/media/File:Mir_diagram.svg
  5. Is it possible to make an image of a multipart station in-flight with this? I've got one that I would love to show the structure of.
  6. Having played with TACLS + US2, I noticed that there's a bit of a gap in the resource recycling wedge selection: there's no CO2 -> O2 converter. It's rather unfortunate, since the US2 resource wedges look so much better than the TACLS parts. Is this a planned part? Also, it would be really interesting & maybe even useful to have solar panel and/or antenna wedges. They'd definitely look better than the stock options, judging by the models so far!
  7. Sorry, forgot to give an update on this. Turns out I somehow got a download that was *only* the AVP folder, and the skybox files are in a TextureReplacer folder bundled with the normal download.
  8. In-game I'm not seeing the custom skybox. Looking through the textures, I can't find the custom skybox anywhere in either the texture packs (both 2K and 4K) or the base AVE files.
  9. Went ahead and tried installing it anyway and it works fine so far! When I have access to my computer I might post the screenshot of my attempt at a 100% reusable rocket that, despite completely losing control on decent and hitting the ground sideways at speed, landed with zero damage.
  10. Is there a version compatible with 1.5.1? Looking at the Curse "earlier versions", it jumps from 1.3.x to 1.6.
  11. That looks beautiful! What experiments are in that part? I'm assuming that fold-out piece is an accelerometer
  12. Just found out about this release (I'd only known of the original Universal Storage), and ohhh, those parts are so beautiful... and there's so much new stuff... this is immediately on my must-have mod list.
  13. Sorry, just now signed in and saw your edit. I suppose it makes sense that the missile uses relative velocity; I was thinking that orbit might require additional computations, but I guess that's not true. On that note, does the AAM guidance mode on the MMG use relative velocity? I've tried "ballistic" for custom space missiles, but that doesn't work.
  14. You seem to have taken my replies much harsher than they were intended. The "again, I know that" was because you seemed to repeat yourself when I asked for further information, not because I believed I knew more than you (or however you took it).
  15. Again, I know that it uses RCS and has lateral thrust. What I am asking is how it determines which direction to point in order to intercept the target; simple point-at-target typically suffices for surface/atmo operations, but orbital dynamics complicate things.
  16. I know that it uses RCS. I was asking how it determines where to point, as it's definitely not "point directly at target", given that immediate lateral thrust.
  17. @TheKurgan Did some testing with the two vessels' orbits being the same, and the target 11km out prograde. First missile: direct hit. The issue might be that my earlier testing involved separating the target from the launcher, changing the inclination of the launcher's orbit, and then waiting for the distance between the two to increase to a good distance. Perhaps the way the missile handles targets with a different inclination is borked?
  18. @TheKurgan I've done more space testing, and with radar lock at 8.8 km the missiles keep missing. They're definitely steering towards the target, even looping back around for another pass, but they are still missing by 100-200m. Unfortunately, I can't record video, but here's shots of the launch craft & test target:
  19. @TheKurgan Well, the original reason I began investigating was because, my first time testing it out, the missile missed the target (a medium-sized 2.5m tank, which was the upper stage of the rocket used to loft it up) at a range below 2km by quite a wide margin - although it did detonate.
  20. After more testing in the latest release, I can confirm that the HE-KV-1 missile is not properly functional. Upon launch, it immediately begins translating to the left while pointing at the target, and consistently misses targets. The AIM-120, which uses the same guidance method (SARH/F&F), does not attempt to either translate or rotate laterally.
  21. Using the HE-KV-1 missile, I've noticed that it's missing by ~100m consistently while the AIM-120, using the same guidance method, reliably hits (in atmo, at least). However, this is using version 1.2.0 on KSP v1.4.2, so it may have been fixed since - I'm currently working on setting up a 1.4.5 install to test in the latest release. I'll give an update when I get those results. CORRECTION: seeing in the above replies that the latest version is for KSP v1.6.0, I'll be testing in that environment instead of 1.4.5.
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