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Everything posted by Starseeker

  1. Is it this mod that's responsible for Kerbalism compatibility, or is Kerbalism responsible for USII compatibility? I'm getting some weird interactions and I'm not sure which thread to report them on.
  2. Made myself a Vostok-style orbiter using one of the new parts
  3. Downloaded it a bit ago, can confirm the parts work in 1.8.1 @moguy16 However, a few minor bug reports: 1.5m cylindrical shroud is labelled as another 1.25m shroud Vostok-style shroud has the secondary-bay interactions available even when not in the radiators configuration (side note: how do those radiators work?) Soyuz-style shroud has secondary-bay options, despite not having secondary bays All together though, this is a really fantastic update! The two different 1.25m -> 1.5m shrouds are especially nice, as I can now play around with some 1.5m parts without needing to grab BDB or Tantares (which both seem like excellent part packs, don't get me wrong; I just prefer to make stuff unrelated to real history, and the parts in those seem a bit too specialized for me to work with ^^;), and the details on the new parts are all amazing!
  4. Is this release backwards-compatable with 1.8.x, or are there too many version-specific changes? I'd love to check this out on my 1.8.1 install.
  5. @taniwha Alrighty, I've gotten the stuff to display and I can select individual parts; however, I can't select things like colliders, which I'm wanting to remove; I'm basically trying to get the models all arranged as they are in the craft, without any of the colliders, unused bits like shrouds, etc.
  6. Alright, got it working in 2.8; however, it imports the craft as one object, and I can't figure out how to remove all the unwanted meshed & stuff (colliders, unused alternate models, unused shrouds, semi-deployed chute models, etc). Found this reply you'd made, but got stuck on "enable display and selection for the collection"; there doesn't seem to be an option to do so anywhere.
  7. @taniwha Well, on some of the 1.8.1 stock craft it kinda works, and is able to read which parts are attached to which... however, it only imports a bunch of empty objects, and none of the actual models. I guess I'll see if I can get Blender 2.8 working, and try it on that
  8. I'm a pretty big fan of SCANsat, yeah! Currently have it on my main install
  9. You sure you have the textures installed, and in the right place? That's what my first guess would be as to what's wrong, especially if it's complaining about invalid filenames
  10. Well, it's not quite the things I was thinking of here, but I'm definitely gonna be installing this mod! Thanks for pointing me to it! Unfortunately, those mods don't really have the same overarching focus as this; however, that first mod looks pretty interesting, and I'll look into it more. Thanks!
  11. (Firstly, let me add a disclaimer that I'm writing this late at night based on a rambling note I made on my phone at like 1am the night before, so bear with me if this starts to lose coherence.) Something I've found rather dissatisfying about the base-game science system (ignoring career, which I have other issues with) is that there's generally no point, mechanics-wise, to keeping a scientific mission in its final orbit after you fire off all your experiments. No reason to keep that first crewed orbiter in orbit for more than it takes to click "save crew report", no reason to go for an orbital probe rather than a landing or flyby, and definitely no reason to have more than one probe in the same place once you've gotten all the science parts unlocked and figure out how to cram them all in one craft. The idea I've had to solve this involves two major systems being added to the game: Having science parts that can continuously log data, returning science based on the amount of data logged Having events that occur that can be observed through a variety of means for science gain The first system gives a big reason to have something stay active in the same situation, by providing a direct reward based on how long it stays there. Rolling-recording imaging probes, microgravity-effects-on-Kerbals studies, and However, the gain needs to be asymptotic (increases towards by an ever-decreasing amount, never exceeding it) to some amount (such as 2x the science from the base experiment), to prevent someone from being able to unlock the tech tree with a Stayputnik, a solar panel, a 2HOT, and timewarp. How these data logs are returned can be an additional system, providing new choices to be made, with relative advantages and disadvantages of any method. (One example could be sending data in large batches vs sending it back continuously.) The second system would be a fair bit more complex. The core idea is that there are numerous events that can occur - eclipses/transits, magnetic field changes, solar flares, impacts, celestial events such as supernovas, etc. - that, if "seen" by an actively-logging science part, provide large science bonuses. On top of this core would be several layers of complexity. Firstly, the larger the variety in the parts used to observe the event, the greater the return (within reasonable bounds of what can be used for observations, of course) - observing a solar flare with a visible-light telescope wouldn't provide as much data as observing one with that plus a magnetometer logging the effect it has on Kerbin's magnetic field. Secondly, using multiple of the same part to observe the same event can also increase science gain, based on factors such as distance between them - observing a magnetic-field fluctuation with several satellites in various points around Kerbin would give more science than an observation with just one. And finally, there'd be two main types of events: ones that are brief (<5 seconds) and/or unpredictable, and ones that are long (several minutes at least) and/or predictable. The former would generally be things easily observable by automatic instruments, while the latter may often require manual observations. In either case, when an event is logged, the player would be given a notification in some manner, indicating what was observed by what instruments on which craft and allowing the science yield from the data to be gathered. I'd love to see this system in a mod, but sadly, I don't have the skills to make that happen, so I'm kinda just throwing this idea out there to see what people think ^^;
  12. Something I'd absolutely love to see is a redone tech tree that does two things: puts remote probes before crewed flight, and follows a slightly more realistic & sensible (not that the two things are necessarily related :P) progression (e.g. small solid-fuel sounding rockets to start, first liquid-fuel stuff is .625m rather than 1.25m, every functional part has at least a window in which it's useful, etc)
  13. Does the 2.79 branch include support for loading .craft files?
  14. Hmm... Well, I use PlanetShine, but that's about it! The reentry flames are stock, and so are the reflections (though I believe they need to be enabled in graphics settings) I've added in RealPlume, but after these shots were taken. However, I believe the engine there is from ReStock+, or at least touched by ReStock, and so that's probably why it looks like a RealPlume engine plume Could also be that I have the aerodynamic FX quality set quite low ^^; Oh woah, those are absolutely beautiful!
  15. Are there plans for a 1.875m cylindrical fairing and/or a 1.875m-1.25m conical fairing? The 1.875m-1.5m comical fairing is pretty neat, but unfortunately not particularly useful without mods that add 1.5m parts ^^; Now this, this is beautiful.
  16. Ahhhh, gotcha Well, it's good that it's being scaled on stock; I'm not sure what you mean with the rest, since I was asking if it worked, not asking why it didn't ^^; (Unless you mean you tested it with ReStock and found it didn't, in which case, thank you for taking the time to test that )
  17. Ohhh, I thought TS was like... auto-applied to parts (also the RK-7 is a Vanilla - well, Making History - part; ReStock just reskins it, as far as I know) Oooo, excited to see!
  18. Finally got around to uploading some of my better screenshots with AVP to Imgur so I can post them here: (using the Near Future Technologies suite, SSPEx, and ReStock/ReStock+, along with the Making History expansion)
  19. Is there an option to scale a part to 1.875m? I want to use the RK-7 engines (well, the ReStock version, but same thing) on my Soyuz-like launcher, but they're a bit weak, and I was wondering if I could step up their size so that the 1.25m-boattail mode is made into a 1.875m boattail.
  20. ...I swear I downloaded that. Lemme check something Ah yep: I saw "000_Toolbar" in my GameData folder and thought that was Toolbar Controller, but downloading it now and the folder in that is "001_ToolbarControl" ^^; Thanks for the help!
  21. Alrighty, here it is: Log file (Google Drive) (Turns out a >6MB file is a bit much for paste sites in general, heh)
  22. KSP.log, correct? Gimme a min, it's too big for Pastebin ^^; (Didn't add one at first bc I thought I'd missed something obvious like a dependency or a setting)
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