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Posts posted by ssd21345

  1. 12 minutes ago, avalancha said:

    Weird, I don't have that with most current beta on 1.8.1

    what other graphics mods are you using? Maybe your eve or scatterer config are off? Planetshine also recently updated, do you have the newest version? You could uninstall one by one to find the culprit

    I tested it with ks3p installed only. and I have changing the settings does not have immediately effect sometimes as @NewRetroMan

  2. 18 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Meaning what?  There is AmpYear, and FuseBox for KSP, I don't know the state of AmpYear, but I'll be updating Fusebox for 1.8 in the next few days

    2nd screenshot, right side at the center. Notice that KSPIE uses MW/MJ as  electrical resource rather than ec, even they can convert to each other for usage

    and  the fusebox thread specifically says  KSPI-E is unsupported...

  3. 16 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Take a look at the config file to see if the part mass is zero.  That can cause odd issues.  Also, check the ModuleManager.ConfigCache file for the same part.  Always possible that an odd patch could do that

    uninstall worldstablilizer fixes it

    still has phantom force but small enough to recover spacecraft

  4. 2 hours ago, Belivern said:

    Hi all!

    Firstly - sorry for my bad english =)

    I have problem with KSP 1.8.1 (Steam version) too. :unsure:



    KSP: 1.8.1 Windows 64bit

    Problem: Game dont start. Loading abort in step - Checking extension: Breaking Ground SquadExpansion/Serenity

    Mods installed:


    Reproduction steps:

    I install MJ2.9.0 and start the game. The game does not load.
    I remove the MD and start the game. Everything is working.



    try remove firespitter

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