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Everything posted by DDE

  1. We're back to our usual programming. Motorcycle. Rockets. World War II. B.M. Barinov, V.M. Karin, and the mailbox of GABTU's Inventions (and helpful suggestions) Department. Apparently one one of the aircraft design bureaus was already testing something similar... with live rounds.
  2. Ahem https://www.netzerowatch.com/camera/ The more extreme accusation is that we're dealing with something akin to the infamous lemmings scene https://www.britannica.com/story/do-lemmings-really-commit-mass-suicide
  3. Ah, yes, you've traded a propellamt that's toxic in accidental spills to the one where the exgaust is pretty much vaporized glue. I find hypergolics and especially cold gas distastefully low-tech on larger spacecraft when kerolox RCS is an option.
  4. OK, so I was checking with one of the r/EnoughMuskSoam types on Twitter and... So, you remember Makeyev's Korona hydrolox SSTO? Well, apparently, they've been able to arrange for a university research program into both an alcohol-oxygen aerospike and the liquid hydrogen-comlatible composites. That's their engine testbed.
  5. Spontaneously exploding ground ...and Australians mumble something about dropbears?
  6. It's a rather thin wire. Nothing prevents retrofitting that feature in theory, but that's an unwelcome complication if you're capturing the drone anyway.
  7. The "Onwards to Tropical Hyperborea" meme. A combination of above-global average temperature rise and the intrusion of the Kara Sea further into the Eurasian interior as glaciers melt would result in a really nice climate... following centuries of upheaval due to permafrost melt.
  8. Well, since I imagine it will be subject to the same barrage of radpical updates as every other game these days (EA or no EA), methinks I'll spend New Year's Eve to rebuild a KSP1 modded install instead.
  9. Soyuz-Dragon crew exchange program participates selected, but list will be kept under the table for now because the dates aren't properly fixed. https://www.interfax.ru/world/801545
  10. It's to represent the effects of global warming on Russia. Remember those 'AGW enthusiasts' I mentioned?
  11. The miniature grid fins on the docking probe are so cute.
  12. The problem here is that the illogicity seems to scale with cognitive capacity. Animal behavior is pretty damned logical in its unsophistication.
  13. The Sarmat will remain in commission until the mid-century and already features provisions for SLV conversion, so, probably not.
  14. Sounds similar to stories about a "tree stump" next to the bomber base in Engels... or not Engels. https://www.spymuseum.org/exhibition-experiences/about-the-collection/collection-highlights/tree-stump-listening-device/
  15. An ignorant hypothesis: CNSA is responsible for running the industry and the space operations, PLA RF missileers provide launch site services similar to Russia's TsENKI (and, for years, the elements if the Soace Troops at Baikonur), and PLA SSF operates the military spacecraft.
  16. The big laser rangefinder and infrared spotlight look like a dead ringer for a T-55AM. The MG shield looks really odd, though, as if borrowed from a Wehrmacht vehicle. You can't mount a 12.7 mm behind it - no room for the ammo can.
  17. So here I was desperately trying to avoid this answer...
  18. Dumb question in need of a serious answer: who designed the SLS? It's my reading of the Wiki that technically NASA put the thing together themselves - even if under, ahem, watchful guidance. So was it Marshall SFC that actually designed the thing? Seems they played the same role for Saturn V.
  19. https://youtu.be/lihq94ugNuU?t=137 And it's not April yet.
  20. Interestingly, I've heard the completely opposite claims that the lockdowns had zero effects on air quality in cities. We must. I am staunch proponent of @MatterBeam's suggestions of capturing atmospheric carbon into ethanol.
  21. Hey, you gotta be able to run your fighter jets on diesel or vodka if the apocalypse comes. The bigger problem is that they begin to tack on pet initiatives that have little to nothing to do with climate. Many are so millenarian that they want to replace the entire economic basis as a first step to addressing emissions - indeed, some seem to assume no further action would be needed because the capitalist economy is artificially kept on fossil fuels. Obviously this sort of ideological baggage makes others deny them outright, and helps bolster the ranks of AGW deniers, business-as-usual proponents, and AGW enthusiasts. The typical celebrity environmentalist is their own worst enemy.
  22. So, you know Sprocket, that game about tank design? Someone let the Kerbals in. That's someone cheating with the rate of fire of a gun in order to abuse the physics.
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