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Posts posted by DDE

  1. 14 minutes ago, AstroWolfie said:

    Is that ok? sorry if this is feeling like r/aita

    You're more like to get a sane answer here, though ;)

    15 minutes ago, AstroWolfie said:

    I was casually talking to some classmates about space stuff and their all like "hurr durr im stupid and *insert idiot simp type quote here*", so I raised my voice at them to try and tell them to fluff off

    Sorry, but the answer to the question "AITA" here would be yes. Not everyone is obligated to be interested in stuff you are, and the onus was on you to not be a Sith, and change topics or beat a retreat if the other interlocutors aren't interested. Raising a voice is an escalation of aggressiveness over any amount of obnoxiousness they may have expressed.

    Besides, I find your claim of simping suspect because it involves a group of people and not a romantic interest... or have le zoomers learnt the pejorative "simpleton" and decided to shorten it?

  2. 18 hours ago, SunlitZelkova said:

    A Reddit comment of mine got removed due to violating community rules for the first time.

    I didn’t even remember what it might have been, so I click on the link they provided to the comment in question and… I can’t see it because it has been deleted.

    Don't worry, Reddit's moderation system has opaqueness down to a science. My first account didn't get banned, it just got irreversibly messed up somehow, and instead of any help I've been getting boilerplate messages from the Anti-Evil Operations Team.

    That I was... ejected on the noon of 2018 US elections probably wasn't a coincidence.

  3. 15 hours ago, SunlitZelkova said:

    Wow. I didn’t realize this.

    Even more depressing when I read in an article that the long lead times for such a truly artistic project were the reason for cancellation. It’s the age of instantaneous content and remakes.

    This is some dystopian stuff man…

    Even though these are clearly dying themselves...

  4. 9 hours ago, SunlitZelkova said:

    Unless we adopt levels of fear and urgency on par with the worst of the climate alarmists, I don’t see why a Mars colony or colony anywhere else can’t be a project with lead times lasting in centuries, if not millennia.

    Or a million years, as per Tsiolkovsky (granted, he was telling about the Solar System as a whole). We already outrun his plans for first man in space by 39 years.

  5. 13 hours ago, darthgently said:

    If there are people willing to do it, what moral standing do those unwilling to do so have to prevent the first from trying?

    Opportunity costs. Not all of the naysayers who have better ideas how the resources and time could be spent are necessarily wrong. Some of them would bear the costs directly.

    1 hour ago, darthgently said:

    Speculations like this in the West that delay pushing outward and learning could go on for centuries, or as long as it suits those whom it benefits

    Do not assume malice when a self-perpetuating, recalcitrant mode of thinking is explanation enough.

  6. 5 hours ago, mikegarrison said:

    They mention that many space colony advocates seem to envision some sort of communal society, despite that the current leading proponents are both capitalist billionaires.

    I see no contradiction. Many successful capitalists like Robert Owens committed to un-capitalist experiments in communal utopias. Granted, I know my ideological slant makes me seek those examples out, but it's immediately obvious to me that a modern corporate space colony would be run under at least a veneer of communal governance and all the other pink unicorns.

  7. 17 hours ago, AstroWolfie said:

    What are all of your guy's opinions on "popular" social medias like TikTok and Insta?

    I don't really like them. Every one of my classmates except me and a few others have these and all they do is sit on their phones and vertically scroll. It sucks! I don't feel like meaningful conversations with them actually happen because of this. All of these "hacks" like that one about bagels or whatever basically just entitle those who make these videos. The bathrooms in the library at the school i'm at were destroyed and a bunch of people posted themselves doing it!  Hopefully YouTube will remove that crappy #shorts page, and go back to long-form content creation only

    It's not the popularity per se, it's the format. Everybody lamented that Twitter's post lengthimit made it a network exclusively for sniping and hot takes, and the imagery-based networks are worse. Perhaps I wouldn't fare too bad with my three feline meme generators, but I just don't understand communicating that way. I need my ranting space!

  8. 16 hours ago, Exoscientist said:

    One of many proposed explanations about why the development cost is so much reduced by private financing is that government financed programs use a cost-plus process. This has been found to incentivize cost over-runs.

    I think this is a canard. Whether cost-plus is wasteful or not depends on what the "plus" is and what you're allowed to charge as "costs". A mildly off-topic discussion but one I've been privy to is the cost-plus pricing of the Russian defense industry... which usually drives manufacturers to sell at below costs. The legally mandated maximum "plus" of 20% (and in practice it's usually around 5%) is very quickly eaten away: for example, you're only allowed to include the region's average salary in your costs, and, well, good luck hiring good engineers, craftsmen and managers at average wage.

    As far as I hear, it's very similar for US DoD subcontractors lower on the food chain.

  9. 2 hours ago, SunlitZelkova said:

    I don’t understand why doing things privately is cheaper.


    1 hour ago, Superfluous J said:

    NASA has a budget that - if they don't spend every single penny, will be slashed the next time budget appropriations come around.

    Within a large enough corporation, budgets start working the same way. It's less about the private-public dichotomy (after all, the private sector worships the ground NASA project management experts walk on, or at least used to at some point) and more about recalcitrance or lack thereof.

    NASA don't have

    8 minutes ago, Kerbart said:


    in its classical, overt fashion of "I outsourced building the launchpads to companies I own, whoops" but they certainly have to obey a ver6tain established notion for distribution of pork among constituencies (i.e. companies), et cetera et cetera, sometimes hidden under the veneer of "using off-the-shelf tech" and sometimes utterly blatant. We see similar results in the failed cost-cutting in ESA and Roscosmos. New Space gets to establish this distribution, or, as in case of SpaceX, vertically integrate.


    Nevertheless, as to thread topic, I am very, very doubtful. It's a limited and unstable source of funding. Also, it will be completely shut down by the planetary protection people.

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