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Posts posted by DDE

  1. 20 hours ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

    My son got Cities 2 on GamePass.  Trying to run the game at 1080p on his comp (AMD 6600 GPU) and following recommended settings... The game doesn't look great.  Certainly not like advertised nor like the CC hype before release. 

    Sorry for posting a VK screenshot of a Twitter screenshot of a Reddit post, but... ahem...



    as well as multiple clothing layers.



    [screenshot of model of naked female body omitted]


  2. 13 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

    First "Russian S-300 missiles used as tactical"

    To be honest I believe there was one case where S-400 was reported by Russian sources in the tactical role... but yeah, Bild gonna Bild. Just an example, they bit the bait on a Zinoviev letter: https://www.titanic-magazin.de/news/miomiogate-juri-kuehnert-bild-und-titanic-9482/

    18 minutes ago, Codraroll said:

    That desperate attempt to budge the front line hadn't been employed yet at that time

    First two videos near Svatovo dated late February 2023. *shrug*

    21 minutes ago, Codraroll said:

    He's more likely to have been inspired by the rocket that crashed his birthday party the year before

    Every report indicated it was a CAESAR 155 mm shell... granted, they were also utterly obsessed with the state of Rogozin's rectum.

  3. 3 hours ago, Lisias said:

    As a matter of fact, Konstantinov is not the only one to have that idea. Emilio Ghisoni also though of that, and created the Mateba MTR, and later the Model 6 - currently, the idea was being commercialised until recently as Mateba Model 6 Unica (one of the very few autorevolvers in existence).

    Both guns tried to lower the most the barrel to do exactly the same, reducing mizzle climb. Never used one of these, but I had heard that at least on this requirement, the thing succeeded.

    They have emulators in Tula, up to and including a certain AEK-906 (i.e. Konstantinov was involved) Nosorog (Rhino).



    The ever-so-memeable 12.7x55 mm revolver also uses it.




    ...in all two known specimens, of course.

  4. Aleksandr Konstantinov, one of the weapons designers who tried to unseat the Kalashnikov rifle during the 5,45 mm rifle trials, had apparently heard that lowering the recoil axis reduces mizzle climb... so he went all. Sources like Popenker claim this was actually built and submitted:


  5. 12 hours ago, darthgently said:

    With about 1/3 to 1/2 the US population (and who knows how many globally) convinced the planet has "too many people" opening off world industry and colonies is the only viable path to avoid some very messy centrally planned political solutions being crammed down our throats

    Getting society to agree to a mass euthanasia program for broad swathes of "unproductives" and "undesirables" is cheaper than shipping excess people off-world.

    But I concur

    12 hours ago, tater said:

    Population will peak soon according to pretty much everyone I have read.

    There's a theory that there will be a rebound afterwards, and that it may already be happening in France thanks to underappreciated natal policies, but it's mostly just a theory...

    And even Africa is gradually peaking.

  6. 4 hours ago, SunlitZelkova said:

    It’s Rogozin

    Ostensible recordings dated January 2023. Senator Rogozin was in no longer place to further such plans.

    4 hours ago, SunlitZelkova said:

    and cruise missiles and SRBMs are already being used anyways

    It seems like a way to get a massive blast without escalating to another option that was somewhat widely discussed ahead of the spring-slash-summer-slash-we-no-longer-disclose-the-date Ukrainian counteroffensive - tacnukes. Even then, a Soyuz offers few advantages over an extant ICBM.

    Frankly, I think he just saw one of those robotic MT-LB kamikazes and thought "cool".

  7. Anyway, I've violated the "how about no more tools of killing" mandate, I guess, so...

    In 1951 Nina Akulova, a woman on maternity leave taking a side job at archeological dig in downtown Novgorod, stumbled upon a filthy piece of bark that had writing scratched on it. It turned out to be a 1390s tax statement.


    By season's end, they had nine such finds. And then they kept coming, and coming, and coming... the discovery didn't actually get publicized until several years later because it was blowing the ideologically important thesis of near-total medieval illiteracy out of the water.

    Because, it turns out, medieval Novgorodians wrote a lot. Prayers, business disputes, post-it notes, invoices, curses, a Russo-Karelian dictionary, interrogation transcripts, crass limericks, love letters, a note to the missus asking to send someone over with a clean shirt, doodles under a spelling lesson...


    (see how many fingers they have? Take that, Stable Diffusion!)

  8. 9 hours ago, Geonovast said:

    You know, I think I'm basically done getting excited about AAA games.

    Here-here. Graphics peaked a while ago for me, and besides that, what can AAAs offer over indies? Carefully raffinated gameplay? Celebrity voice actors? They sure as heck don't offer more content anymore, except perhaps for dedicated open-worlders...

  9. 2 hours ago, magnemoe said:

    was these used on ships? seen something like it, and on a ship modular payload is more importan as you only have one or perhaps two helicopters unless you are an carrier. 

    Kamov usually worked with the Navy, yes, although the Navy never took advantage of that feature on the larger Ka-25 and 27. I recall about five mutually incompatible craft types (SAR, ASW, troop transport/gunship, ASh targeting, AWACS/AEW) when even the heavy cruisers had three hangar spots to spare.

    Craft may be modular, but crews aren't.

  10. On 10/18/2023 at 4:15 PM, Lisias said:

    What by the Kraken's name is this?? Kamov Ka-26


    A combination of the need for twin ICEs - antiquated by that time, but pretty cheap, I imagine - and Kamov's trademark customizable/modular aft area.


    3 hours ago, Lisias said:

    Absolutely atrocious! Ludicrous! Insane! I LOVED IT!!! - one of the best KSP projects I will ever do!! :)

    Whoo, he went there. I knew about that thing, but damn...

  11. 14 hours ago, Meecrob said:

    Yeah, I saw an interview with the guy who designed it, and he basically said that his earlier model worked, so he just scaled it up. It struck me as the same line of thinking as if you knew a Cessna 152 works, you can just scale it up to airliner size without any modifications. What could possibly go wrong?

    I'm more thinking about the people who keep promising water from open-air dehumidifiers.

    *angry Thundef00t noises*

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