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Everything posted by DDE

  1. An electrolaser creates that leader artificially and THEN deploys the zap, instead of a taser's wires. They have been attempted. Oh, an one of the manufacturers tried to knock out cars with it, so rubber boots may not save our test subject @kerbiloid.
  2. That might depend. After all, French and Russian helicopters have an opposite rotor direction.
  3. From what I understand, Abrams has had no hand in the final plot, which is why much of TFA's foreshadowing (e.g. re: Rey Skywalker) went into the gutter. Then you have that-thing-that-must-not-be-named. I wouldn't be surprised if by the end of Ep IX the usual perception of Force sensitivity as hereditary or requiring training is going to be gleefully demolished. Omnipresent magical hive minds, what could possibly go wrong?
  4. Winston Smith to the rescue. *cough* Revan *cough*
  5. Here we have only the old canon to work on. But one suspects that the first several generations worked on spiritual revelation and experiments. Again, in the old canon, Anakin is a Sith manipulation. His 'chosen' status comes from a prophecy, not the Force itself. Until TFA, the Force was not shown to have agency outside of Kenobi's pre-Expanded Universe quotes. It's an iteration of vitalism. Where life exists, the Force does. That would be inconsistent with everything seen prior. They're not fatalists, and they spend too much time on physical training if it's all about receptability to the Force and miracles. Plus, it would absolutely ruin the Sith. Their whole shtick is to bend the Force to their will. If you need to abandon agency, the Sith won't work. ...Unless we're looking at a new iteration of the Force. Sadly, this is entirely consistent with the 'avatar of the Force' interpretation. Those are some huge training wheels.
  6. Narrative laws and the limitations of the suspension of disbelief still apply to it, though. And that’s how we can tell apart excrement-quality writing from non-excrement-quality writing.
  7. I actually don’t. TFA was exactly what JJ would do after having usurped a franchise while still temaining benevolent. His departure and the new guidance under “‘The Force is female’? Where do I get this shirt?” Johnson really put the franchise into the gutter. [snip]
  8. http://russianspaceweb.com/sea-launch-2018.html S7 Space posts a (vague) Sea Launch manifest for 2019-2022
  9. Sadly it's internally consistent with that theory that she wouldn't need any training. To my mind, she's actually very little like Anakin. Heck, the old canon even wrote him off as a Sith machination gone wrong, and by your logic, he's a born Sith; Rey is a whole different surprise package, and if the Force is spontaneously acquiring agency through her, there is absolutely no limit how far she'll get Sued.
  10. Youtube's pay-by-view had it for a while. Snatched a physical disk earlier this week, though. They haven't done particularly well on the financial side.
  11. No, no, no. Dream Chaser launches atop an Orion. THAT ONE.
  12. I recall an early AC-130 almost making it home with loss of both port engines.
  13. Makeyev are an outsider to the "real" space industry; they're SLBM guys, not space guys. They'll never manage to even get close to the domain of Energiya and Khrunichev. Not to mention, Energomash appears to have its own grandiose plans involving kerolox pulse-detonation aerospikes. As to carbon fibre, sounds like Gravimol or Gravimol-B - old-school carbon-carbon.
  14. Actually gave a thought in that direction with the blended wing-body aircraft and their short fuselages. Ended up having to make them taxi and approach the terminal sideways.
  15. In terms of delivery of energy to target at a given total input, what's better: a simple zap with resultant mechanical damage, or a quick flash to create a conductive channel for an ordinary electric shock? Question inspired by a Fallout 4.
  16. The borderline absence of military helicopters with one engine - as opposed to two-three - seems to confirm it.
  17. Been waiting for this thread for a while. I've been trying to justify why a modern fighter jet would have to have two asymmetric fuselages. Came up with a semi-decent reason.
  18. Contrived as all heck. There are easier options. https://youtu.be/5IJF7UQhIx8?t=151 Plus that would throw half of TFA out the window.
  19. Actually, outside of her actions, Rey's starting-off point was half-decent. I mean, I still miss Bastilla Shan, but she's not a prerequisite. Other than being quite illogical for someone with flight experience to then be confined to a slave-like existence as a low-tech parts scavenger? Suspension of disbelief is not infinite. Do not abuse it. You mean other than the justifications offered in the movie? Bit of backstory here: the Resistance is Leia's private paramilitary after the massive downsize (90%) of the legal New Republic armed forces under Mon Mothma. Where the First Order gets its goodies, I have no idea. And no, don't point me to the robber baron planet, the black market doesn't traffic in Starkiller Bases. I doubt it. TLJ takes joy in utterly tearing apart every franchise convention, such as SW being a family drama. It fits with their other actions for Rey to actually be a nobody. Yes, in the process, they jettison every last bit of foreshadowing in TFA.
  20. If your best character is a robot, you might have a problem. Looking at you, Infinite Warfare.
  21. https://youtu.be/P3gf6qyAHOw?t=1260 Alright, I'm done for today.
  22. And that's the ultimate problem. Disney is extremely risk-averse and so are AT BEST going to just milk the established elements of the franchise. Is anyone else annoyed at the shortage of worldbuilding in TFA? Most of the stuff involved is a minor reskin? Where are my new toys? That's partly because they just don't want to experiment. At all. https://youtu.be/Kc2kFk5M9x4?t=49
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