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Everything posted by DDE

  1. They pulled the last Ukrainian Zenit left at Baikonur out of storage and extended its warranty. There will be another machete in space soon.
  2. By being in a movie. People being made of rubber is a frequent trope.
  3. I’m wondering if it’s possible to somehow harvest the gigawatt-level power burst from a TRIGA to have both “hotel power” and reactor start-up covered by the same power package.
  4. It removes the issue of strctural stress from acceleration, but not air resistance. Plus, depending on how the magic engine works, the first one may have an easier time maneuvering through thrust vectoring.
  5. Perhaps, but there are further advantages for larger ships. For example, the square-cube law seems to make armor dramatically more efficient. Plus bugger lasers end up in the kinetic-penetrator-melting territory. I’m not entirely sold on the supremacy of small ships.
  6. Quite naively. The upper atmosphere may be rarified but it’s extremely hot, and the reentry plasma is hottest up high.
  7. @PB666 Fusion-electric has to me always seemed utterly asinine. It’s a case where chasing Isp is counterproductive.
  8. You’d be an idiot, though: never spread your forces thin like that, stick to ‘moon hopping’, swarm each target sequentially. The comparative effectiveness of a fighting force grows exponentially with size As to drone lasers and E-War, both suffer badly from being scaled down. You may have much better results at the same range with multimegawatt installations on the mothership.
  9. DDE

    Foodie poll

    *keeps munching on Butterbrotten*
  10. The press release in question goes for Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon.
  11. TBH, without any context... it’s just a laser-based directional countermeasure.
  12. Depends on type of IR, not sure whch frequencies ATFLIR can manage. The lack of context for the footage makes it all the more confusing. It could be any range of accidental 'aircraft' or deliberate E-war mindfrakkery. Also, speaking of crazy AoA, http://i.imgur.com/O2UNP7U.gifv
  13. @wumpus, what have we here? https://youtu.be/F86LW0udkVY?t=43 @Nightside, the clip is cut annoyingly short, but this seems to have A LOT of glare so the actual outline of the object is disguised quite thoroughly. It looks like the object is static relative to a jet flying by, and the 'rotation' has Apollo LM-like jerks that are uncharacteristic of a dense aircraft. Anyone willing to do the trig based on airspeed and angle change?
  14. Monopropellant emergency power units are a thing in aviation, as are monopropellant torpedoes. Drones aren't that much tougher. Missiles may achieve something like that during their active phase, but they very quickly lose energy once their short-lived motors burn out.
  15. IQ in post-teens is 75% inherited. I know, that’s a happy start, and I also know where the nearest Hugo Boss store is. I’ve seen mentions of electric brain stimulation, and the “wirehead” enthusiasts like the OP jump onto the hype train... even though none of the actual researchers have expressed a desire to use those things on themselves due to unexplored and potentially irreversible effects.
  16. Reminds me of a certain software bug in a certain rocket that now lies at the bottom of the Atlantic. It’s the Early Winter of Stupid Goof-Ups.
  17. Those fins are supposed to be radiators. They are conspicuously missing on some of the craft. The schematics I’ve seen all claim a Gas-Core Nuclear Thermal Rocket.
  18. @nyrath is not infallible - he brought me to them, but I don’t think he’s seen anything beyond their promotional material.
  19. They label themselves a hard sci-fi, non-open-world starfighter sim a la Star Citizen. Their dev team profiles have notable names on them. They namedrop big things. But am I the only one who fails to see a connection between rather ordinary starfighter sim gameplay that goes on on the screen, and the hard sci-fi fluff they push on the side? Visible lasers, extremely close-range dogfighting, some of the ships noticeably lack radiators, one of the ships has pronounced atmospheric features... hell, it seems there aren’t any SC-style gimballed weapon moints!
  20. Very. I don’t think so. It’s a testament to the excessive “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” attitude in attitude control and the program in general. The extra programmer wouldn’t have touched that code either.
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