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Everything posted by DDE

  1. Is somebody reproducing an April 1st article from the Russian Popular Mechanics? They claimed the Soviets made a Volga run on uranium hexafluoride. https://www.popmech.ru/vehicles/57056-prokatitsya-s-atomom/ I prefer the wheeled badgers. https://www.popmech.ru/science/11474-kto-izobrel-koleso-evolyutsiya/
  2. Yes, but note how all of those are really, really not-near-future powerplants; of the fission reactors discussed in this thread, I think only the dusty plasma one produces any charged particles at all. Which brings us to the bimodal fission fragment rocket I love so much.
  3. There's also the good old metaconspiracy that the CIA used its contacts in the press to overapply the label in the wake of the JFK assassination to lump anyone doubting the official narrative in with Bigfoot hunters.
  4. @MinimalMinmus, I think you can go wider. These properties are not specific to supernatural beliefs. Most of them are typical hardcore tools used to instill group cohesion. The Cultural Revolution and its occasional bonding over consumption of political opponents say "hi".
  5. I think the tokomaks would (also) end up trying to recapture those pesky 80% of the emissions from the red-hot neutron radiation shielding.
  6. Of course, the highest-performning nuclear powerplants would involve magnetohydrodynamic converters (which probably trump any other method by efficiency alone, never mind specific power) and core temperatures in the 50000 K region.
  7. Themocouples and thermionic converters are probably still the way to go. I’m not sure grapheme naosheets would last near a nuclear reactor for any significant amount of time.
  8. From the front. In the X band. Whereas its JTIDS/MIDS/Link 16 works in the L band. And http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-2009-06.html Oops.
  9. Gravity assists of that kind are found in a lot of Mars mission plans. Reconsidering strategy. Current disguise inadequate. Updated disguise required. Deploying neutron cannon.
  10. I’ve seen even worse deals. 9-month transfer, 1-month burns... 7 days on the surface. Hey, that reminds me... See that bottom variant? 20 Energiya launches, IMLEO = 1700 t; 2 quintiple modules in first stage, quad strap-ons in third stage, and a lone unit as the third stage. Did I just find YET ANOTHER part of that project that eventually resufaced in Western proposals? That ship was also to use a Dual Thrust Axis lander that currently exists in ACES-derived lunar lander proposals.
  11. The should not have involved Roscosmos, us Russians and Mars just don't seem to mix.
  12. Never, not even once except for Strela, a Topol conversion. The closest you get are the pretty big solid rockets used as Buran’s emergency separation motors. Relevant: A few well-placed mortar rounds or cluster bomblets can go a long way.
  13. via @nyrath CDF Study Report: Human Missions to Mars - Overall Architecture Assesment ”(It’s not a DRM, we swear)” Jumping off the 400 pages is the utter Kerbalness of the design. ESA rejected any non-off-the-shelf propulsion systems, and stuck with Vulcains and Russian and Ukranian hypergols. IN SIX STAGES Three quad hydrolox stages to escape Earth, two twin stages for Mars insertion, and a small stage for TEI.
  14. Effectively lost archeotech according to KhBMA themselves.
  15. @Helmetman Shorter tunnel, bigger lasers!
  16. They’re gonna get sued by SQUAD and LEGO.
  17. DDE

    Movie idea.

    “Pamir-1, the water was supposed to stay outside your habitat!”
  18. Red card! That’s a Galileo Gambit right there!
  19. Why? Doesn't the new version of Galactic have nothing to do with space now?
  20. Nothing good! That's why Soviet naval VLSes were, allegedly, slightly canted to send those things overboard.
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