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Everything posted by DDE

  1. I suspect it's AVP, since it has Minmus mists, "sandstorms" and geysers. I've managed to transplant the former two in my ongoing efforts at playing Frankenstein.
  2. You sound a lot like Glushko's memo arguing for the deployment of an RD-301 ammonia-fluorine upper stage for the Proton.
  3. @Galileo, let's approach this from another direction. This is AVP's configuration for Laythe. Do I understand correctly that the glow of the cloud formations on the dark side of the moon is driven by _MinLight = 0.1 and that setting it to 0.0 should kill it? Yes, it is. I'm a few edits away from victory.
  4. Yes, I know FASA has them... and that's basically it.
  5. I dug up 1.0.83, which was bundled with Scatterrer and EVE. They apparently failed to work with 1.3... so I proceeded to replace all the scripts with current ones. Necromancy, not even once, kids. @Galileo, do understand my gripe. Neither current SVE nor AVB fit too well into the OPM-DMagic "canon". SVE's Laythe is transformed into a cold alien world, all too much like Tekto (to the point where, until seeing the patch in Pood's thread, I considered "fixing" Tekto by reassigning Laythe's configs). Whereas AVB's Laythe has those extremely apparent biolumescent clouds, even though the discovery of life on Slate, in one particular biome, using one particular science tool, is played up as a big thing. That, and it seems appropriate for a more hydrated version of Mars to have more ice clouds, and for Eve's atmosphere to be undifferentiated.
  6. Hey guys, let me voice an unpopular opinion. I miss the SVE of 1.1.3, back when it was... plainer. Might try hacking together some improvised configs later this evening; wondering what would happen if I just tried strapping the old configs and textures onto new EVE and Scatterrer...
  7. Basically the issue knocks out certain texture files for good. I've managed to boot up with mods and without OpenGL, but Scatterrer's shadow bugs suggest forcing -dx11 anyway. Thus far bugs have not reappeared.
  8. Issue resolved, but now I'm running the risk of not launching with vismods...
  9. @Nertea, why did the xenon and argon clusters get canned? Also, a humble request: add captions to the FFT Imgur album, I lack the radiation shields rating to approach awesomeness of that magnitude.
  10. Have you tried actually using it before asking for an update?
  11. I've been having intermitted problems which are retained even after clearing out the mods folder. This is the mild case: Sometimes, Kerbin in the main menu, along with the Launch Pad and the terrain up close, are also blank or darkened out. This can be resolved by uninstalling and thoroughly cleaning up the files before reinstalling. I'm guessing this is caused by some sort of mod-induced damage, but I need an expert diagnosis. Steam, current version. Forcing OpenGL to get vismods running. Mods that have been added and then removed: Logs: https://1drv.ms/t/s!AmlSZuL0ax7C4BI7PBmTJ1VPX2mv
  12. "Fat" 4.1 m Zenit developed with Kazakhstan under Sunkar. Well, Angara still pretends it's alive, and another launch is promised within a year.
  13. Can mere expansion really "dump" that much heat without the nozzle being heated up and thus likely shaking the system loose?
  14. I fear it's for the same thing as the nuclear turbojet. This thing is (supposed to be) capable of atmospheric launch and descent under its own power - no reason to have a turbojet otherwise.
  15. *Innocently whistles the March of the Kosmonauts*
  16. Meh, it was more about aircraft carriers than guided weaponry. In fact, guided weaponry might kill (or already actually have killed) carriers and bring back surface combatants... which in turn might get battleship armour back if point defences outmatch missiles to a point railguns come into play as the main offensive weapon.
  17. Thing is, you don't probably need to hide the mothership, you need to just hide the launch from the defending side that is free to take potshots at the "low altitude recon flyby".
  18. Uhm... these don't exist. VASIMR is an electromagnetic and not an electrostatic; it's not an ion thruster but a plasma thruster. *applies angle grinder to face*
  19. @TheKurgan, hm... where in the Outer Planet Mods can I find some fitting terrain to screw over? It's just I'm thinking what I'll need to prune.
  20. The mod is completely non-functional due to KSP updates, and, dare I say, it's near-essential for an enjoyable aircraft-building experience because of how awkward the stock gear are: Any idea how to substitute it?
  21. @Benjamin Kerman, TBH it's too much of a mess. It's a good start, but it's really specific to a set of mods, including OPM. Might iron it out if a senpai notices me, but for now just sharing something I've wasted a week on slapping together, totally not fishing for compliments.
  22. My aim was to provide for a coherent system of comms under SCANSAT, and to provide for a set of visually tolerable science parts while eliminating the ugly or impractical ones and the Probes+ historical bling. I've also boosted P+'s RTGs, axed quite a few redundant Ven parts, refitted the aerospike to its old modded appearance (which may require parts and models from an older version of Ven's overhaul), rewrote Ven's Radial Avionics Hub to be a probe core, and included an improvised fix to an old part issue. I hereby declare them public domain, and probably crap because of my bizarre tastes; do with them what you wish. ////COMMS //Omnis @PART[RTShortAntenna1]:FINAL { @description = A specialized launch antenna resistant to airflow; switched on by default, has fairly short range %TechRequired = flightControl %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] { %IsRTActive = true %Mode0OmniRange = 0 %Mode1OmniRange = 500000 %EnergyCost = 0.01 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.3 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {} } @PART[longAntenna]:FINAL { @description = A standard telescoping omnidirectional antenna and radio kit used for communications in Low Kerbin Orbit; it is likely to be ripped off by a strong airstream, such as during atmospheric ascent or landing !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {} @MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric] { %allowManualControl = false } %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] { %Mode0OmniRange = 0 %Mode1OmniRange = 2500000 %MaxQ = 6000 %EnergyCost = 0.1 %DeployFxModules = 0 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.3 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {} } @PART[antenna_tv]:FINAL { !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {} @MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric] { %allowManualControl = false } %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] { %Mode0OmniRange = 0 %Mode1OmniRange = 2500000 %MaxQ = 6000 %EnergyCost = 0.1 %DeployFxModules = 0 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.3 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {} } @PART[RTLongAntenna3]:FINAL { @description = Noticeably more robustly designed than standard Communotrons, this antenna combines enough power to operate in Kerbosynchronous orbits with improved transmission rates @MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric] { %allowManualControl = false } %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] { %Mode0OmniRange = 0 %Mode1OmniRange = 4300000 %MaxQ = 9000 %EnergyCost = 0.15 %DeployFxModules = 0 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.3 %PacketSize = 5 %PacketResourceCost = 20.0 } } %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {} } @PART[RTLongAntenna2]:FINAL { @description = What happens when you take a C-16, install a bigger antenna, and strap in an amplifier? You get an omnidirectional power hog with enough range to reach the Mun. @MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric] { %allowManualControl = false } %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] { %Mode0OmniRange = 0 %Mode1OmniRange = 12000000 %MaxQ = 6000 %EnergyCost = 0.5 %DeployFxModules = 0 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.3 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {} } //Dishes @PART[mediumDishAntenna]:FINAL { @description = The DTS series uses a retractable steerable transceiver to drastically extend its range of operation, capable of reaching across Jool's oversized moon system, so long as the target is in its 45° cone !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {} @MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric] { %allowManualControl = false } %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] { %Mode0DishRange = 0 %Mode1DishRange = 220000000 %EnergyCost = 0.2 %MaxQ = 6000 %DishAngle = 45.0 %DeployFxModules = 0 %ProgressFxModules = 1 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.3 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {} } @PART[LongDeployableAntenna]:FINAL { @title = Communotron DTS-M5 @description = The M5 variant is an uprating of the basic design to achieve short interplanetary range (Duna) at the cost of drastic increase of power costs and a much narrower cone !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {} @MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric] { %allowManualControl = false } %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] { %Mode0DishRange = 0 %Mode1DishRange = 35390000000 %EnergyCost = 1 %MaxQ = 6000 %DishAngle = 0.05 %DeployFxModules = 0 %ProgressFxModules = 1 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.5 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {} } @PART[HighGainAntenna]:FINAL { !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {} @MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric] { %allowManualControl = false } @description = The HG series introduces enhanced electronic subsystems which allow it to combine advantages from several antenna: it has both interplanetary range, a wide cone, and higher packet fideltiy %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] { %Mode0DishRange = 0 %Mode1DishRange = 60500000000 %EnergyCost = 1.0 %MaxQ = 6000 %DishAngle = 20 %DeployFxModules = 0 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.2 %PacketSize = 5 %PacketResourceCost = 25.0 } } %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {} } @PART[RelayAntenna5]:FINAL { @title = CommTech D-800 @description = An invention of one Ven Kerman, CommTech D-800 combines an enhanced datalink unit with a large focusing reflector dish covered in Shiny Stuff™ to maintain a reliable connection all the way out to Dres without excessive use of electric power. Canvas cover accidentally included; do not remove. !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {} %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] { %Mode0DishRange = 0 %Mode1DishRange = 60500000000 %EnergyCost = 0.8 %DishAngle = 0.08 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.9 %PacketSize = 6 %PacketResourceCost = 45.0 } } %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {} } @PART[commDishVSR]:FINAL { @title = Communotron 88-88 @description = The 88-88 is the second edition of the classic Symphonic long-range collapsible radio communications dish. Just like old one, it can reach all the way to Jool and Sarnus, but this one suffers no loss in signal quality. Our QA department assures that any "screams of the damned" heard on the channel it are purely signal interference. !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {} @MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric] { %allowManualControl = false } %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] { %Mode0DishRange = 0 %Mode1DishRange = 146220000000 %EnergyCost = 0.95 %MaxQ = 4500 %DishAngle = 0.06 %DeployFxModules = 0 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.5 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 20.0 } } %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {} } @PART[RelayAntenna50]:FINAL { @title = CommTech D-850 @description = The D-850 builds upon the basic design through upscaling of all major components in order to perform effectively in missions to the gas giants; like the original, it sends data in large encrypted packages - stop calling our tech support !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {} %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] { %Mode0DishRange = 0 %Mode1DishRange = 428180000000 %EnergyCost = 1.2 %DishAngle = 0.03 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.9 %PacketSize = 6 %PacketResourceCost = 50.0 } } %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {} } @PART[RelayAntenna100]:FINAL { @title = CommTech D-X @description = CommTech D-X is reengineered from the ground up to retain effectiveness at extreme ranges, such as during missions to Plock; as a result, it is noticeably more efficient than all of its counterparts. Reports of packets being corrupted with the phrase "I'll be back" are greatly exaggerated. !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {} %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] { %Mode0DishRange = 0 %Mode1DishRange = 700360000000 %EnergyCost = 1.2 %DishAngle = 0.01 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.5 %PacketSize = 6 %PacketResourceCost = 50.0 } } %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {} } @PART[jx2LDA]:FINAL { @descripton = This enormous, high-powered relay antenna was commissioned by Blinkenlights LLC after someone asked "What happens if we go further out than the Kerbol system?" It most definitely is not in response to any vessels having accidentally already achieved an escape trajectory from the system. -MODULE[ModuleDeployableAntenna] {} MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = deployHexes allowManualControl = false isOneShot = false startEventGUIName = Extend endEventGUIName = Retract actionGUIName = Toggle Antenna } %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] { %Mode0DishRange = 0 %Mode1DishRange = 9460000000000000 %EnergyCost = 5 %MaxQ = 3000 %DishAngle = 0.001 %DeployFxModules = 0 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.5 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 20.0 } } %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {} } @PART[ju1MDA]:FINAL { @description = This rather good sized, high-powered antenna was originally a garden variety umbrella. Unlike its CommTech competitor, it's optimized for relay operations via beamforming to expand its signal cone -MODULE[ModuleDeployableAntenna] {} MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = deployHexes allowManualControl = false isOneShot = false startEventGUIName = Extend endEventGUIName = Retract actionGUIName = Toggle Antenna } // This is what makes it work with RemoteTech. %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] { %Mode0DishRange = 0 %Mode1DishRange = 700360000000 %EnergyCost = 3 %MaxQ = 6000 %DishAngle = 5 %DeployFxModules = 0 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.5 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 20.0 } } %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {} } @PART[jw1MDA]:FINAL { @description = Commissioned by Blinkenlights LLC, this part is primarily targeted for those probes and rovers destined to head a bit further out than the last lot… While using a significantly different design, it is comparable in capabilities to JU1. -MODULE[ModuleDeployableAntenna] {} MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = deployHexes allowManualControl = false isOneShot = false startEventGUIName = Extend endEventGUIName = Retract actionGUIName = Toggle Antenna } // This is what makes it work with RemoteTech. %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] { %Mode0DishRange = 0 %Mode1DishRange = 700360000000 %EnergyCost = 3 %MaxQ = 3000 %DishAngle = 5 %DeployFxModules = 0 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.5 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 20.0 } } %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {} } ////PRUNING !PART[commDish]:FINAL { } !PART[SurfAntenna]:FINAL { } !PART[HighGainAntenna5]:FINAL { } !PART[RTShortDish2]:FINAL { } !PART[RTLongDish2]:FINAL { } !PART[RTGigaDish1]:FINAL { } !PART[RTGigaDish2]:FINAL { } !PART[KerbCan]:FINAL { } !PART[LargeInflatableHAB]:FINAL { } !PART[VenLV909b]:FINAL { } !PART[PoodleM]:FINAL { } !PART[stationHubLarge]:FINAL { } !PART[MK2VApod]:FINAL { } !PART[SmallInflatableHAB]:FINAL { } !PART[MicroInflatableHAB]:FINAL { } !PART[InflatableHAB]:FINAL { } !PART[size2nuclearEngine]:FINAL { } //Radial Avionics Hub refit @PART[RadialavionicsHub]:FINAL { !MODULE[ModuleSAS] { } %MODULE[ModuleSPU] { } %MODULE[ModuleCommand] { %minimumCrew = 0 %RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.005 } } } //Aerospike edit @PART[toroidalAerospike]:FINAL { @author = Ven !mesh = DELETE @rescaleFactor = 1.2 MODEL { model = VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Propulsion/Aerospike } @node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.7941136, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 @MODULE[ModuleAnimateHeat] { @ThermalAnim = ToroidalAerospikeHeat } MODULE { name = ModuleJettison jettisonName = fairing bottomNodeName = bottom isFairing = True jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1 jettisonForce = 5 jettisonDirection = 0 0 1 } } //Glitchy part fix @PART[ParaDockingPort]:FINAL { !DRAG_CUBE {} } //RTGs @PART[ca_rtg2000]:FINAL { %MODULE[ModuleGenerator] { %OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricalCharge %rate = 0.75 } } } @PART[ca_rtg3900]:FINAL { %MODULE[ModuleGenerator] { %OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricalCharge %rate = 2.25 } } } //Pruning !PART[dmUSAccGrav]:FINAL {} !PART[dmUSAtmosSense]:FINAL {} !PART[dmUSPresTemp]:FINAL {} !PART[dmUSScope]:FINAL {} !PART[dmUSImagingPlatform]:FINAL {} !PART[dmUSMat]:FINAL {} !PART[dmUSGoo]:FINAL {} !PART[dmUSGoreSat]:FINAL {} !PART[dmUSAsert]:FINAL {} !PART[dmReconLarge]:FINAL {} !PART[dmSIGINT]:FINAL {} !PART[dmSIGINT.End]:FINAL {} !PART[dmSIGINT.Small]:FINAL {} !PART[dmReconSmall]:FINAL {} !PART[dmSeismicHammer]:FINAL {} !PART[dmSeismicPod]:FINAL {} !PART[dmBathymetry]:FINAL {} !PART[SCANsat_Scanner2]:FINAL {} !PART[SCANsat_Scanner32]:FINAL {} !PART[SCANsat_Scanner24]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_fom_lander]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_vor_tank]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_vor_sp2]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_vor_sp]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_vor_sep1]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_vor_sar]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_vor_mptank]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_vor_engine]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_vor_dish]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_vor_core]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_fom_sp]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_fom_parachute]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_fom_heatS]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_vor_comm]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_fom_drogue]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_ESM2]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_ESM]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_torekkaPM]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_torekka_truss]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_louver_s]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_louver_m]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_louver_s2]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_gravioli]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_accelerometer]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_thermometer]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_tank_mp_m]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_tank_lfo_m]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_trident]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_linkor]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_lahar]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_jib]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_tank_mp_s]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_battery_m]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_battery_l]:FINAL {} !PART[sp_odyssey_b]:FINAL {} !PART[sp_odyssey_a]:FINAL {} !PART[sp_maven]:FINAL {} !PART[sp_mariner_b]:FINAL {} !PART[sp_mariner_a]:FINAL {} !PART[sp_express_b]:FINAL {} !PART[sp_express_a]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_rtg8200]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_battery_s]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_rw_xsmall]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_rw_small]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_rw_medium]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_rw_large]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_rst]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_rs04]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_rs01]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_RM04]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_RM03]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_RM02]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_RM01]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_aacs]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_startrack]:FINAL {} !PART[tatsujin]:FINAL {} !PART[quetzal]:FINAL {} !PART[barquetta]:FINAL {} !PART[torekka]:FINAL {} !PART[antenna_quetzal]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_ant_gps]:FINAL {} !PART[antenna_cone_toggle]:FINAL {} !PART[antenna_cone]:FINAL {} !PART[dish_tatsujin]:FINAL {} !PART[dish_S]:FINAL {} !PART[dish_quetzal]:FINAL {} !PART[dish_L]:FINAL {} !PART[dish_deploy_S2]:FINAL {} !PART[dish_deploy_S]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_landv_srm]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_landv_vernier]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_landv_battery]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_landv_core]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_landv_hga]:FINAL {} !PART[ca_landv_omni]:FINAL {}
  23. Many sources claim that NERVA would have burnt out its fuel (yes, fuel) in one TMI, hence many 1960s designs that used multiple nuclear stages.
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