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Everything posted by DDE

  1. Just because there’s a Soyuz-style lattice doesn’t mean it’s a hot staging. Angara to the best of my ability to Google uses cold staging, no ullage rockets, and two first stage retromotors.
  2. Hauling it to Antarctica seems a bit excessive. Anyone remember BIOS? All you need is a cave and no Bannon.
  3. That's not a probe! It's basically impossible to get an RTG to both produce a relevant amount of heat, and last long enough to get to Jupiter.
  4. True, but it's got a representative bunch of industry experts among key posters, does it not?
  5. Ahem... they want it as part of a single-stack Angara.
  6. Adding a few zeros FOR THE MOTHERLAND. The Shkval lacks the insane speeds claimed, because it still touches water. Which is why I smell a rat: you'd need an insane level of gas production to maintain the bubble without having to push at the water ahead. You'd need to slice in an exert an insane force.
  7. Khrunichev wants to pitch this thing again. For the third time.
  8. Target: Ganymede Ground Activities (if any): crashing Propulsion: 100 x 1.50 kt pulse charges, 12 x 0.75 kt pulse start-up charges Goals: provide ejecta plume for remote spectroscopy via hypervelocity impact
  9. It's actually rather big for a mainstay launcher, and the industry is way too politicized for it to get gobbled up.
  10. "High flight-readiness". "Nuclear reactors for beyond Mars? We'll get back to you on that".
  11. The specialist section of NASASpaceflight is curiously very hostile to NTRs and champions electric motors above all else.
  12. http://hdl.handle.net/2060/19920001876 Low-Pressure Nuclear Rocket Concept, by J.H. Ramstaler Cliffnotes: Reduced core pressure to allow normally unsustainable exhaust temperatures, which reach into hydrogen dissociation range, resulting in mono-H exhaust; the active zone is spherical rather than cylindrical, with propellant injected right into it. Variable specific impulse capability, thanks to no need for a turbopump-powered injector. The reactor relies entirely on hydrogen as neutron moderator and has no other control system outside of a SCRAM rod; the reaction mass flow thermalizes the neutron flux, providing neutrons for uranium fission - no propellant, no thermal neutrons, the reactor goes subcritical. As almost always, I'm just reposting from @nyrath.
  13. It’s a testbed, there’s imagery of that aircraft with all sorts of engines on that pylon. And now for something not completely different.
  14. The transformation, it begins...
  15. Well, @ProtoJeb21, you begged not to be killed, and so we’ve found an even worse fate for you.
  16. And UR-500/Proton was built for a 175 Mt unitary warhead. Yep.
  17. Naaaaah, you needn't fret. http://www.russianspaceweb.com/n1_icbm.html
  18. I'd love for that rule to be enforced on Hollywood. That would be a very amusing sight indeed... Well, it's kinda easy. There were only two and a half Star Wars films. And yes, those are Ewok pelts on my wall.
  19. It's all a plot to sell popcorn for me, with more than a slight tinge of contemporary politics. Or perhaps I'm reading way, way too very much into everything - [snip]
  20. *gasp* You liked the prequels! That makes two of you.
  21. Severely fictionalized account of Soyuz-T-13. Also, you could try and compare.
  22. Did it have an ISRU refinery onboard? Dreamchaser, en garde!
  23. On the contrary, especially if the author changes in both senses of the word. A lot of fanfic Sues are a stand-up guyized version of an original character. Harry Potter? Nope. Harry had quite a few legs up, but was by no means perfect.
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