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Posts posted by DDE

  1. On 2/1/2023 at 4:59 PM, kerbiloid said:


    The Russian State University for the Humanities suggests to restrict access to ChatGPT in educational organizations, after it had written a diploma work for the student fom Moscow.

    It has generated a 60 pages large complete work with prologue, epilogue, literature.

    The estimated "originality" of the work is estimated as 70%.

    It wouldn't be a problem if they actually read the work and assessed its content, though.

    MGuU isn't held in very high regard, I hear.

  2. 9 hours ago, magnemoe said:

    The chicken warmed nuke was stupid, just use some chemical generate heat and is activated with the timer. 

    Chemical wouldn't last long enough - you need a thermally controlled environment for a nuke at all times, hence why nuclear-armed missiles tend to have HVAC for the tip of the missile where possible. RTG would've probably been the way to go instead.

  3. I've started trying to wrangle with Stable Diffusion. Not terribly successful outside very niche trial runs. Might be a "me" problem, though; should try something different, maybe fish for a few prompts. Annoyingly, the ability to make AI art depends heavily on the ability to invoke IRL artists used to train it...

  4. 4 minutes ago, darthgently said:

    That is probably the previous vid I'm remembering.  I also remember reading or listening to something about training a neutral net to control the chamber mix and ignition timing, but not totally sure it was this type of engine or not now 

    Well, that video definitely predates the neural net hype.

  5. On 1/26/2023 at 10:02 AM, kerbiloid said:

    Compact cities → shorter lines.

    Shorter roads → less need in speed and mass of transport.

    Car sharing of short-range electric quad scooters with puny batteries and recharging pods everywhere → much less need in power.

    Thus, multistorey buildings.


    Multistorey buildings→ several tens of meters up instead of a mile horizontally.

    Multistorey buildings → one  external wall per family instead of four and a roof → much less wasted heat.
    (Because your alive neighbours warm you from the left, ight, top, bottom, and rear).

    Multistorey buildings and shorter roads → one large police station, medical station, fire station, kid reconditioning camp school station instead of ten small ones.
    Sharing their resources  more effectively and reaching the place faster.

    Cameras and sensors everywhere.
    Permanent personal tracking makes the biometry much easier and improves social and personal security.
    It's also easier in a multistorey area.


    Thus, the suburban low-storey areas

      Hide contents


    are the main enemy of the nature and humanity.

    They waste heat, they make the roads, the pipes, and the wires longer, they make you spend much more energy and materials than you actually need.

    Happily, there is a remedy: high prices and low medium class salaries. The humanity will use it soon.

    And thus...


  6. 22 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

    Of course, they didn't mention the Aelita project with MK-700 which had nothing to do with N1.


    Wouldn't the Aelita studies occur half a decade later than the likely date of creation of this chart?

    4 hours ago, K^2 said:

    But that also sounds about right for Korolev and his team. I guess, you need a bit of that optimism and arrogance to push something as ambitious as a space program in the 60s.

    Only in the 1960s?




  7. 696602_2000.jpg

    Second from the bottom is a "compound heavy interplanetary ship with nuclear-electric propulsion to Mars/Venus". Rightmost column opposite the line for Venus spacecraft says "surface stay 0.8 years, payload 10 t". This seems to be Korolev-era and starts with those very early probes; you might also recognize the TMK in the middle.

    dV = 38 km/s, IMLEO 960 tons, lander mass 410 tons.

  8. Interesting court case here. One in a spaghetti of cases concerning the head of Lavochkin and the former head of Energia was a case of abuse of power (which, may correspond to corruption when the actual bribe or grift cannot be evidenced) during their tenure in leading Energomash.

    The accusation is that in 2015, the defendants amended the agreement between Energomash and AmRoss LLC (the joint venture with P&W) under which it would be granted "the right to use patents and technical documentation of rocket engines manufactured in Russia for production, repair, testing, technical support and use in the United States" starting in 2022. Assessed damages for this unilateral concession are RUB 662 mln.


    The timing of 2022 is amusing... but the concession itself wasn't as grave as I thought, since apparently Amross was licensed to produce RD-180s in the US to begin with, or at least they acted like they were back in 2014.  That said, we may be seeing some of the behind-the-curtain dealings around the fate of Atlas V, and past efforts to ensure continuous engine supply before Vulcan was fully approved 

  9. 22 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

    As we can see, the Dragon-seat hype is entirely on the US side

    Indeed, it seems the US space commentariat has invented a plan it considers brilliant, and assumes that someone could only disagree with it out of pride or stupidity.

    More interestingly, where does the assumption that Dragon's extra seat mountings are at all compatible with Kazbek seats even come from?

  10. On 1/12/2023 at 5:39 PM, Terwin said:

    Producing highly energetic fuel/oxidizer for a flame thrower requires a lot of energy, and every time you use it, you are prone to destroy the local plant life(you know, those things that collect energy from the sun, which is then consumed by animals for energy)

    I think that the greater adaptation to natural fire breathing would be what is required to live in a scorched wasteland.  Lithovore perhaps?

    Either that or you need something that would harm individual animals but would not harm plants.

    Of course if you are talking about a 'flamethrower that does not hurt plants' then you are back to spitting venom. 

    Reminds me of the Impids from the recently release Rimworld: Biotech.

    They are supposed to have an inclination towards deserts...

  11. 3 hours ago, Nuke said:

    a simple blight

    The Blight is some weird alien organism that is destroying the Earth's atmosphere. As usual, 90% of the key context comes in tie-in contact so that "real fans" can be patronizing towards the critics.

    No, fighting the Blight is still far, far easier and wouldn't require NASA to turn into a secret conspiracy.

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